目的地> 美国 >德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥>德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥景点观光>





  • 德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥全部景点观光中排第3名


  • 地址:

    6701 San Jose Dr, San Antonio, TX 78214, USA(查看地图)

  • 到达方式:

    Bus 公交车:
    The public transportation system in San Antonio is VIA.
    Bus 42 from downtown will bring you to Mission Concepción and San José. (42号巴士:市中心downtown上车,到mission concepcion and San Jose下车)
    Bus 36 from downtown will take you to Mission San Juan. (36号巴士:市中心上车到 Mission San Juan下车)

    There is no bus service to Mission Espada. (没有公交车能到达 Mission Espada)

    Taxi 出租车
    Taxis are available for trips to all four missions. From downtown to the farthest mission, Espada, is approximately 11 miles. (可以乘搭出租车到公园四个missions。从市中心到最远的mission,Espada大概11英里)。

    信息取自公园官网: https://www.nps.gov/saan/planyourvisit/public-transportation.htm

  • 开放时间:

    Mon-Sun 9:00-17:00
    The park is closed Thanksgiving Day, December 25, and January 1.

  • 门票:


  • 电话:


  • 网址:


· For preservation of park resources, please do not climb, sit, or lean on the stone structures. 为保护公园资源,请不要攀爬,坐在或者依靠园内石像。

· Each of the four churches are active parishes, and therefore may be temporarily closed for Mass, weddings, or funerals. Please be respectful and refrain from entering the churches during these periods. 四个教堂依然在使用中,因此偶尔会因弥撒、婚礼、葬礼而暂时关闭。请对此类活动示以尊重,不要在活动期间进入教会。

· The Churches DO permit indoor flash photography. 教堂内可以使用闪光灯。

· Always carry water – dehydration occurs quickly in South Texas. 记得带水,南得克萨斯很容易脱水。

· Mosquitoes and fire ants are common year round in all visitor areas. Ticks and poison ivy are common in the natural areas of the park. 全年都会有蚊子和蚂蚁。poison ivy 在园内很常见。不要触碰,以免引起过敏性反应。

· Climate: Spring, summer, and fall are all hot and humid. Winters are moderate. Layers of clothing are recommended for winter. Rainfall is fairly hit and miss, and rarely falls for more than an hour at a time. Do not drive through moving water. 春夏秋非常炎热潮湿。冬天略有好转。推荐冬天要多穿一些。降雨较少,很少有一小时以上的雨。不要在移动水源处开车。

· While sturdy footwear is not needed for the park's trails, closed-toe shoes are advised for protection against fire ant bites. 不需要穿很专业爬山类的鞋子,但是推荐穿能盖住脚趾头的鞋子以防止蚊虫叮咬。

添加/更新信息 信息更新时间:2024-04-26    夕筘 , 平底怪 等2位穷游er参与了编辑
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