趁着万圣节去了一趟Legazpi 和 Sorsorgon, 出了Quezon省就是一片椰林风光,开车的朋友们有福了。 这是比较著名的教堂遗迹, Cagsawa Ruins以下摘自WIKI:The Cagsawa Ruins (also spelled as Kagsawa or Cagsaua) are the remnants of an 18th century Franciscan church, the Cagsawa church, built in 1724 and destroyed by the 1814 eruption of the Mayon Volcano. They are located inBarangay Busay, Cagsawa, in the municipality of Daraga, Albay, Philippines.The ruins, currently protected in a park overseen by the municipal government of Daraga and the National Museum of the Philippines, are one of the most popular tourist destinations in the area.[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cagsawa_Ruins#cite_note-mb-1][1][/url][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cagsawa_Ruins#cite_note-inq-2][2][/url] They are considered symbolic of the dangers of living in close proximity with the Mayon Volcano. 远处可以见到马荣火山
从遗迹出来之后立刻就赶赴Daraga Church 以下摘自WIKI:Daraga is a first class municipality in the province of Albay,Philippines. According to the 2010 census, it has a population of 115,804 people.[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daraga,_Albay#cite_note-NSO10-3][3][/url] It is home to the landmark Cagsawa Ruins.
时间非常赶,所以直接奔赴Subic Daku, 这是坐船时看到的彩虹 没找到网上跟Subic Daku有关的信息,俺是跟当地人一起去的……到了之后就天黑了,悲催,不过今天不是最悲催的,夕阳倒是很美:
搭了帐篷之后,看看星星什么的,喝喝小酒就睡了。然后是第二天早上,右边是俺的帐篷(这周去的话这种帐篷就要出人命了): 看看日出什么的,晃荡晃荡: 楼主忧伤的背影,坐了一天的车要累死了: 不知道啥花: 然后就去跳岛(Island Hopping)了: 目的地是后面右边这个洞穴,楼主要游进去,里面别有洞天: