前言:一万个人心中有一万个日本它最让人欲罢不能,欲说还休它最让人充满想象,又最无法想象它有最丰富的传统文化它有最执着的极致追求它有最传奇的民族色彩它有最多元的城市文化这样一个丰富程度惊人的国家太需要触摸,聆听,深感才能传递至心,为之触动如果等不及我龟速更需要攻略和购物清单的朋友可以留下邮箱~我可以先发一版100多页PDF给你哟~当然最新整理版还是会更新在这个帖子里面,大家可以先收藏哟~如果觉得有点用/喜欢请点个赞呀~支持鼓励一下我这个拖延症懒癌晚期患者嘛~我刚学会搭建楼梯,穷游就更新版了,楼梯目录戳右边。住宿推荐:AIRBNB我现在旅游基本都用AIRBNB预定,新用户可以有优惠哟。www.airbnb.com/c/syu338 WIFI推荐:戳http://biz.telecomsquare.co.jp/en/yb/亲测好用,强推,无论是在繁华的东京还是北海道偏远地区,信号一直都很好很强,24小时沟通无烦恼。我滴微博:@鸭转非非转鸭微信订阅号:yazhuanfei91其实从日本回来一个月了,但是后面又去了法国,照片都一直没有导出。但是发现我参加的这个活动准备截至了,所以还是打算赶紧把游记攻略写起来,造福大众。首先,我这次去日本完全是因为参加了由Hoshino Resorts星野集团组织举办的100 TRIP STOREIS活动。先简单介绍一下这家星野度假村。星野是日本一个度假酒店品牌,在日本各地经营2、30家酒店,分成几个子品牌,有非常高端的哦。为了庆祝一百周年活动,星野决定面向全球招募一百位20多岁的居住在非日本的年轻人来日本旅游。活动链接如下:http://hoshinoresort.com/100stories/about/index.html活动是面向非日本20多岁的年轻人开放申请的。刚上官网看第二轮申请截至时间是3月15日。所以有意向的朋友要抓紧时间申请啦。旅行时间是今年5、6月份哦。Travel is the magic that brings the world together as friends.Travel opens doors to discover foreign treasures and cultures. Through travel, we connect with people around the world, bonds are formed and friendships are made. Travel is the magic that brings people together as friends. It is this very concept that forms the foundation of this initiative.We’re looking for 100 enthusiastic 20-somethings from around the world who are interested in traveling to Japan.Conditions of entry include that the participant be in their 20s (Entrants are required to be between the ages of 20 and 30 on the first day of travel.) and hold a nationality other than Japanese*. Participants should also have an interest in Japan, a thirst for knowledge about Japan, and a desire to see the country. We are looking forward to receiving lots of entries from people who are eager to meet and connect with the Japanese locals.*Please note that Japanese nationals or people currently living in Japan are not eligible to enter this project.Participants will be asked to write a report about their thoughts and experiences on the trip.After the selection process is completed, participants will start their adventures in Japan one by one. They will be asked to mingle with the locals, drink in as much Japanese culture as they can, and travel around freely. They will also be asked to write a report on their impressions of Japan, including both positive and negative aspects that they encountered during their travels.Their reports is here.Hoshino Resorts hotels and ryokans will act as base camps for participants while in Japan.As part of this initiative, participants will stay at a designated Hoshino Resorts hotel or ryokan during their stay in Japan. This initiative is being planned and executed by Hoshino Resorts, which is one of the largest operators of resorts and ryokans in Japan. To commemorate the brand’s 100th anniversary in 2014, Hoshino Resorts decided to invite 100 people from around the world to participate in the 100 TRIP STORIES initiative.申请时要求是拍摄一个简短滴视频用英文介绍自己,非常简单,用手机拍摄,面对镜头说几句话就好。其次是要用英文回答一些申请这个活动滴问题,例如对日本的印象,为什么要参加这次活动,等等。好啦,大家可能注意到了,『英文』,对,这个活动需要你会讲英文会看英文会写英文,因为楼主是英语专业的,所以毫无压力。当然我也认识一同参加这个活动滴中国朋友,英语也没有很好,不过对日本文化相当痴情。活动结束后需要你产出的就是一份英文的日本之行游记报告。大致就是回答几个这次旅行的问题。字数要求每个问题在100到150字之间。所以你无须长篇大论,也无需自己想文章框架结构。这篇是我写的,大家可以先看看我的日本之行英文游记。http://hoshinoresort.com/100stories/reports/029/ 注意:这个活动是免费提供日本境内的机票,以及星野三晚的住宿,以及从车站或机场去酒店的车票,当然还包括一些其它根据所选目的地的特色活动和各种便利。我刚看第二轮部分地区是可以选择公共交通或者租车服务呢。