2017年预测印度会很火,春节期间几部电影大片都和印度有关。在印度开挂的那些记忆实在是难以让人忘却。我本来主要去拜访朋友,去了9天印度,结果朋友没有见到,反倒是经历了各种奇葩事情。。。集中说两件的话,其一就是之前来穷游网上寻求攻略,说是印度普通列席火车也没事,开挂的情况不常有。我信以为真,买了斋普尔-阿格拉的最普通车票,结果真的就坐上了那种开挂的火车,你可以自行脑补一下,就是那种连车顶上都坐满了三哥的普通火车,更不用说里面了,咳咳,先不剧透。到目前为止,我都很少读到有中国人写过这样的经历。。。。其二是:在当地人眼里,恒河真的很神圣,某天下午,在恒河旁边,就真的看到举行了好几场烧尸仪式。。对,就在河边码头上烧。。人来人往。。本渣有写英语日记和投稿的习惯,之前写好了一部分英文印度游记,现在翻译出来和大家分享(有翻译腔莫怪我,本是先写的英文)。英语仅供交流之用。 毕竟,在印度旅游,若你不会说各种版本的印地语,就要用英语了。英语不好的童鞋可以参考下一些表达。如果不对,请指正,欢迎拍砖。作为国际化的中国五好青年,要经得起考验,最终成为伟大的共产主义战士。对了,所谓游记,我觉得更多的是记,攻略穷游网上不都有下载吗。来来来,我也是根据攻略玩的,告诉大家怎么顺一遍。当然,我也会慢慢补充攻略,欢迎大家提问。另外,我还要告诉大家,旅行过程一环套一环,往往那些关键点,在印度这些地方特别重要,错一步全部乱套,我会血泪相告。会在相应的地方红字粗体标出。我先从游记叙述开始。(嗯,我坐的开挂火车和这个差不多。6月在斋普尔坐的,只是车站比这个大些,所以开挂火车一排排,那个酸爽。)(1)为什么去印度 Why Go?有些人从印度回来,会开玩笑说:“所谓India,原来不过就是I'll Never Do It Again! ”每当看到这样的言论,我总会不由会心一笑,因为我知道他们的感受和体验。正如印度旅游局的口号:“Incredible India”一样,印度这个神奇的国度和世界上其它地方有着万般不同。旅游归来,有人恨透了印度,有人却从此爱上了印度。这取决你是哪一种旅途人,如果你要的是享受奢华,并有些许洁癖,那印度绝逼不是你的菜,但如果你渴望深度探索、接纳和并能欣赏截然不同的异域文化,那你会爱上这个国度。Some people who come back from India will joke, "India: I'll Never Do It Again!.” Every time I see that, I can't help but laugh because I know exactly how they feel. Just as the advertising slogan "Incredible India," by India National Administration of Tourism tries to say, this nation is incredibly unique, differing from many other countries in millions of ways. Some travelers hate India, some others love it. It depends on what type of traveler you are. If you particularly seek out luxury and hygiene, you may hate India. If you wish to explore and would appreciate a culture TOTALLY different from yours, you’re going to love it.说起印度,中国人马上会想到三个词:“开挂”、“贫民窟”和“强奸”。因为近年来,中国媒体乐此不疲地报道印度的灰暗面,对于媒体来说,不荒诞不成新闻。屡见报端的印度强奸案给中国人留下了深刻的印象。不论国籍,女孩们都能在光天化日之下在公交车上被轮奸,最后还能有理说得通,这让中国人惊诧不已。Upon any mention of India, the Chinese may instantly think of three words: "craziness," "slums" and "rape," because the Chinese media [这个词虽然是复数,但是后面动词是单数] has covered much of the India's dark underside over the past few years. After all, in journalism, if the stuff isn't exotic or appalling, it isn't qualified to be news at all. The constant reports about rape cases in India have left a strong impression on the Chinese. In India, both indigenous and foreign, some grils suffered gang rapes in broad daylight, say, on buses, and these atrocities have been rationalized, which is mind-boggling to many Chinese people.两年前,我的免费机票马上就要过期了,一时也不知道去哪里。正好这时,我一个好友被派去印度负责手机营销,于是我在世界地图上印度那儿画了一个圈,作为此行目的地。在查询印度旅游攻略时,我瞬间被印度文化迷住了。我决定先去首都新德里,接着去拉贾斯特邦的首府斋普尔,然后再去恒河旁的印度教圣城瓦拉纳西,最后在孟买,也就是我朋友工作的地方,结束我的印度之旅。Two years ago, my free plane tickets were going to expire and I had no idea where to go, at which point one of my best friends was assigned to Mumbai to take charge of a smartphone sales campaign. Thereafter, I staked out India on the world map. Upon looking up India, I became mesmerized by its culture. I decided to arrive at the national capital of New Delhi first, then go to Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan. Afterwards I would go on to Varanasi, a Hindu holy city on the bank of the Ganges, and finish my tour in Mumbai, where my friend was working.