--------------------中文差勿喷------------去过阿卡迪亚的人很多,去过冬天阿卡迪亚的人很少。你是不是我们寻找的阿卡迪亚勇士?推荐大家阅读Teaho的 阿卡迪亚,山与海的完美结合 游记。他是在冬季出游,有很多温馨小提示值得参考借鉴http://bbs.qyer.com/thread-1096058-1.html先给大家打鸡血 Top Experiences1. Must-Visit Attractions1). Thunder Hole Rocking in Acadia N.P.大致方位如下图:从住的地方Bar Harbor出发,只需三分钟即可抵达公园入口,天气好的话再开车10分钟就到了Thunder Hole听海夏季-秋季-初冬版Thunder Hole is booming so hard the ground is shaking.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMDbCTPTIcQ 深冬版During good weather part of the park loop road remains open, allowing access to the ocean vistas of Sand beach, Thunder Hole and Otter cliffs, free of charge. 冬季天气好的时候,部分沿海公路(下图蓝色路段)是对外开放的,其中包括了主要景点Thunder Hole。Winter Storm Hitting Thunder Hole当然不是每天24小时都能看到如此Q: High tide times at Thunder Hole?A: When you get to the site, the best bet is to choose the tide chart for Bar Harbor. What happens at Thunder Hole won't be more than a few minutes removed from that.http://me.usharbors.com/monthly-tides/Maine-Downeast/Bar%20Harbor 2. 夜探星空 Capturing the Night Sky in Acadia N.P.每年9月底公园都吸引一群观星爱好者,远离大城市的喧嚣和光污染,目睹星河灿烂http://acadianightskyfestival.com/ACADIA NIGHT SKY FESTIVALSeptember 21-24, 2017最佳观星位置:http://opalunpacked.com/pictures-acadia-national-park-night-sky/ http://acadiaonmymind.com/2015/11/good-place-for-stargazing-in-acadia-ask-acadia-on-my-mind/有的要攀登Cadillac summit(冬季晚上 下山比较危险),有的只需开车到海边Sand Beach即可,根据团队能力自行选择@Sand Beach3. 碰运气看极光 Aurora Borealis over Acadia N.P.https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g1438849-i16223-k8570582-Aurora_Borealis-DownEast_and_Acadia_Maine_Maine.htmlAurora Borealis over Jordan Pond in Acadia N.P.View from Cadillac Mt in Acadia N.P.4.登上美东最早看到日出和日落 Winter HikingAcadia's trails become icy and/or snowpacked in winter. Be prepared for unfavorable conditions and early darkness.5. Take a Scenic Winter Drive总的来说,这个国家公园很小,开车绕岛一周大概也就只需要一个多小时, 但冬季封路限制多,我们只要注意安全,应该会玩得很舒适,不用像其他大型国家公园那样赶时间赶景点。Though much of the Park Loop Road and the road to Cadillac are closed to cars, a couple of sections of the loop road are open: Ocean Drive accessible off Schooner Head Road, to Otter Cliff, and off Jordan Pond Road in Seal Harbor, to Jordan Pond House. Other picturesque routes: Sargeant Drive along Somes Sound with a view to Acadia Mountain, and ME 102A to Bass Harbor Head Light, where the grounds are open to visitors year-round.Designated DrivesThe views of mountains and sea that made Mount Desert famous don't disappear with the tourists. The same spectacular scenery that attracts millions to Mount Desert every summer is still there in the quieter months — and is often prettier for it. Plus, you can enjoy it all with the heater running, if you're so inclined.Ocean DriveThe most popular stretch of Acadia's Loop Road is open from Schooner Head to Otter Cliff. Taking in marquee sites like the Schooner Head Overlook, Sand Beach, Thunder Hole, and the famous cliffs, it's all plowed and ready. Check out the Beehive draped in snow, the beach deserted, and Thunder Hole when it's really booming. "Almost any winter storm can pick up some big surf," says Charlie Jacobi, Acadia's visitor use specialist. Traffic is one lane only — the other lane is for snowmobilers — and drivers should keep an eye out for pedestrians.Jordan Pond RoadThe Stanley Brook Entrance to Jordan Pond is gated, but drivers can access this mountain-ringed lake — one of Maine's most photographed — through the neat neighborhoods of Seal Harbor.Sargent DriveThis back way into Northeast Harbor hugs Somes Sound, two lanes winding just feet from the briny, and it's a treat any time of year. There are turnouts from which to admire the fjard (an inlet that’s shorter and shallower than a true fjord), and the huge rock walls beside the road are draped with extraordinary ice formations, sparkling white and vivid blue.Northeast, Southwest, and Bass HarborsContrary to popular belief, the communities of Mount Desert do not shut down in winter — which means you can still visit Bass Harbor with its lighthouse, Southwest Harbor with its natural rocky seawall, Somesville with its much photographed arched wooden footbridge, Pretty Marsh with its, um, pretty marsh, and all of the other postcard-perfect sites tourists flock to in summer.6. Lobster Shacks in Maine 俗稱的波士頓龍蝦法式清蒸原只龙虾,路边龙虾roll,龙虾肉雪糕(-_-好奇葩的搭配),反正好多新鲜龙虾等着你A lobster shack open in winter:https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/regionals/north/2013/01/27/bob-lobster-keeps-shack-alive-winter/kSnCbQRBvmvn0lyuT4PdDM/story.html five-seafood-shacks-open-off-seasonhttp://www.travelandleisure.com/articles/best-lobster-shacks-in-maine http://wtnh.com/2016/11/29/a-rainy-start-to-lobster-season/https://weathervaneseafoods.com/lobster-best-time-to-buy-all-year-long-at-weathervane/# http://www.movoto.com/blog/opinions/maine-restaurants/ https://foursquare.com/top-places/portland-maine/best-places-chowder http://www.coastalliving.com/travel/top-10/best-seafood-restaurants-maine/view-all 7.你还走着下山吗?,反正我是准备滑下去了@Cadillac Mountain What's better than sliding down a mountian?http://adventurefilled.com/whats-better-than-sliding-down-a-mountain/7. Blue Hill Overlook @Cadillac MountainTo get this view from Cadillac in winter, you can't drive up the 3.5 mile summit road, but you can hike it. Be sure to be properly equipped for snow, ice and cold.8.Park Loop Road9.Beehive Trail10.Carriage RoadsJordan Pond2) Winter Activities:Cross-country skiingA cross-country skier moves along a snow-covered carriage road.11. 雪地摩托 Snowmobilingsnowshoeing12. 冰钓 Ice FishingDog Sledding and Skijoring13. 看勇士爬冰@Otter Cliffshttp://www.acadiamagic.com/OtterCliff.html Winter Camping --- 实用手机必备网址:*美国常用的APP和google maps之类的就不再赘述1.每隔几个小时查路况 Check on Road Updateshttp://newengland511.org/ 寒冬暴风雪中保命必备2.查天气 Check on Current Weather历史上平均温度(华氏度)Acadia National Park Weatherhttps://weather.com/weather/hourbyhour/l/MENPAC:13:USPortland, ME Weatherhttps://weather.com/weather/hourbyhour/l/USME0328:1:US 3.https://roadtrippers.com 4. 一堆地图Check on Facility Updates.5.手机信号,网路信号(发朋友圈,导航什么的)http://www.t-mobile.com/coverage-map.html 6.待续建议寒冬个人装备:1.手机充电宝s Power Banks 我准备带两个,冬季电池不耐用http://www.guokr.com/question/621492/ 别打开这个链接,你会吐槽我的2. Winter Boots (鞋底防水+鞋身加厚保暖)----- 这也许是这次旅程中最重要的装备,但如果你不是常年生活在北部或者喜欢去爬雪山,可以用普通登山鞋取代,记得多带几双厚袜子更换,经济划算又比较有效3.多带几双厚袜子更换4.保温瓶5. 待续下图仅供参考(图片来自网络)建议寒冬公用装备1.电饭煲 --寅迪2.米 --寅迪3.GoPro --Sheldon4.Hand Warmers 暖包 --Coral5.国家公园门票 --Sheldon的年票还可以用,一车子人都不用付钱6.Snowbroom + 干毛巾每天一早动起来除雪7.Snow Chains 万一路途中遇上路面大幅度积雪,一般可在便利店买8. 待续大致行程 by Coral原创 & Sheldon整理25号晚在波士顿downtown 碰个面吃个饭或者喝杯咖啡?????????这里有请寅迪,你住在这,最懂了。我下午会去MIT逛逛,考不进也想去感受一下大神们的圣地26号早上出发,去程我们走高速I-95(不沿海的高速),快,晚上抵达Bar Harbor入住再去超市备货,回去煮大餐!好好休息,后几天体力消耗会很大。车程最起码4h35m, 遇到下雪下雨还要减慢车速,中途吃个午饭,上个洗手间,加点油,开车的喝杯咖啡,遇到美景停下来走走拍拍照,预计需要6h30m。如果9点大家在集合点出发,时间是很充裕的,也许可以去路过的免税州买买买(留点钱吃法就可以了-_-)。27号-28号主:阿卡迪亚公园,园内游玩2天整;次:Portland以及沿路小镇。好的地方:目的地分两个(一主一次)可以减少司机疲劳,也可以不走回头路;不好的地方:游玩园区时间2天,不算深度游,但考虑到阿卡迪亚面积不大,而且冬天一些线路实施起来也有困难可能要舍弃,所以2天应该适合冬天游玩29号离开然后去Portland沿途可以看情况游玩;晚住Portland30号早上返程回波士顿。路边美食 & 超市+自制黑暗料理 Dining Guide12月底缅因州还是捕捞海鲜的旺季!!!!!新鲜又便宜的龙虾和蛤蜊所以吃货们不用担心天天啃汉堡薯条晚餐我们可以去超市买海鲜自己露两手新英格兰路边小吃New England Clam ChowderNew England clam bakeLobster Roll'SHACKS’ OPEN IN THE OFF-SEASON啤酒 Craft Beer in Mainehttps://visitmaine.com/things-to-do/dining-and-nightlife/maines-public-house-tradition/超市地址Bar Harbor:Hannaford Supermarket 6am-9pmPortland:Airbnb家里的厨具假如大家都有意在屋里住大餐,我们得去确认屋里有何厨具和调味料,方便我们去超市采购或者我们可以自带资料来源:Acadia Winter Festival Offers Unique Winter Funhttp://downeast.com/acadia-winter/https://visitmaine.com/winter-in-maine/