(照片太多,有兴趣的看这里: http://user.qzone.qq.com/471426061/4 )
Common bus from Mendoza to Puerto Iguazú 34.8 hours, 9:30 PM Mendoza-8:15 AM Puerto Iguazú
35.6 hours Puerto Iguazú to Mendoza ,9:00 PM Puerto Iguazú -8:38 AM Mendoza
from Mendoza to Santiago 6 hours, 7:30 AM Mendoza-1:30 PM Estacion de Autobuses de Santiago
There was a bus to Rosario or to Cordoda, two cities further south that would connect us to Mendoza by traveling west towards the Chilean border.Our favorite bus company (or the only one we rode) was Crucero del Norte. Unfortunately, they had no buses to Cordoba and so we went with Singer which we were told were comparable. How wrong could we have been!! We get to Cordoba and only have time to grab a meal before heading to Mendoza.
Some distances from Rosario are:
Buenos Aires 300 km
Cordoba 400 km
Santa Fe 170 km
Corrientes 720 km
Iguazu 1300 km
there are several sites that you can check out for buses but every company serve some cities and not every part of Argentina so you will have to do a little search among them. Here some of sites:
Tigre Iguzu : 往iguazu(需在resistancia 和posadas换车)
Semi cama ARS 945 / Cama ARS 1000,发车 16:00 抵达16:00 共24小时
Flècha : 只卖往posadas的票
Cama only : ARS920,发车:15:15 抵达09:30,也可选择在Resistencia下车,但到达时间是04:30!
从posadas 往iguazu 每小时有一班车(10:00/11:00...)ARS200 / 4小时
Puerto Iguazu -> Salta
Flecha bus: (转一次车)
Iguazu 09:45 - 15:00 Posadas 16:15 - 09:50(+1) Salta
$889peso cama, 去对面一家问也是同样bus但付现只要$865peso
El Norte Bis: (转两次车)
Iguazu 05:50 - 10:30 Posadas 10:30 - 16:30 Corrientes 18:00 - 07:45(+1) Salta
$787peso SC/$822peso cama,去对面一家问也是同样bus但付现只要 $715peso Semi-Cama/$750peso
CamaAndesmar: (转一次车)
1.Iguazu 09:45 - 15:00 Posadas 16:15 - 10:30(+1) Salta $889peso Cama
2.Iguazu 21:00 - 18:30(+1) Tucuman $630peso Semi-Cama/$725peso
CamaTucuman 19:30(+1) - 00:30(+2) Salta $177peso Semi-Cama/$202peso
Cama用platform10网站查询Puerto Iguazu - Salta是找不到任何bus的,
必须分段查询: Puerto Iguazu - Posadas - Corrientes - Salta.
Iguazu→ Salta, 24H:Iguazu 09:45出发→posadas 15:00,本段提早半小时抵达;posadas 16:15出发→corrientes 约八点半抵达;corrientes 20:55出发—Sslta 十点左右抵达
Actually Flecha Bus offers the service from Salta to Posadas every day at 15:15. not to Iguazu directly. So you have to change the bus from Posadas. Flecha Bus的网页:http://www.flechabus.com.ar/
Santa Fe is about 475km away from Buenos Aires and 170km from Rosario.
Parana - a prosperous market town which was the Argentine capital from 1853 to 1862: of interest, the Urquiza Park, cathedral and governor's palace.
Santa Fe is about an hour by bus from Parana. It costs 3 pesos for a single ticket and buses leave frequently throughout the day. We travelled with the Fluviales bus company, who, I think, have the most connections on this route but there are other companies too. The journey goes under the River Parana through a huge tunnel connecting the cities.
From Puerto Iguazu to Cordoba(Mar 22, 2009)
Three bus companies ply that route: Crucero del Norte, Plus Ultra, and Singer. Singer has the better buses, offering a "total cama" on its 13:15 departure from Iguazu; plan on about $60-65US and 21 hours for the trip.About 3 hours or so out of Iguazu, the buses stop at San Ignacio, site of the old Jesuit Mission ruins set in the midst of thick jungle.