Established in 1878, this large and attractive green space, overlooking the sea, stretches for about 8km and is said to be the largest of its kind in Europe. It’s full of promenading families and old ladies knitting lace in summer, and there’s always something going on. In addition to greenery and views, the park is home to the city\'s aquarium, zoo park and planetarium.
瓦尔纳自然历史博物馆展示了黑海地区的动植物群,分为代表该地区的地质、植物学、脊椎动物和无脊椎动物的部分。孩子们会喜欢收集令人毛骨悚然的爬行动物,比如蜘蛛和蝎子。博物馆位于普里莫尔斯克公园(Primorski Park)北部,位于文化和体育宫的对面。
The museum presents the flora and fauna of the Black Sea region, divided into sections representing the area\'s geology, botany, vertebrates and invertebrates. Kids will enjoy the collection of creepy crawlies, such as spiders and scorpions. The museum is located in the northern part of Primorski Park, opposite the Palace of Culture and Sport.
圣米迦勒大天使教堂(St Michael the Archangel Church)
St Michael the Archangel Church was founded in 1865 and is historically significant as the first place where religious services were given in Bulgarian. The building also contained Varna’s first school. The church is small and badly lit, but there are some fine wooden icons.