坛子里各种俄罗斯攻略已经很多很详尽,再重复也没什么意义,我就从一个绘画白丁美术外行的角度来说说特列季亚科夫画廊的画吧。毕竟去博物馆看画的人,不可能人人都是能看懂门道的内行,像我这样看热闹的也不少。如果这个帖子能对大家有所帮助,也算我对论坛的回报了。我觉得看画是一件很私人的事,各人经历不同,对画的喜爱也各不相同,这里的100幅画,确切地说是95幅油画加5尊雕像,绝大部分是我喜欢的,但也有一些名气大,而我本人没什么感觉的。特列季亚科夫画廊是莫斯科一个非常著名的美术馆,甚至有人说没去过那里就不算到过莫斯科。它是俄罗斯历史上第一个向公众开放的美术馆,现在它和圣彼得堡的俄罗斯博物馆并立,保存着俄国绝大部分的美术精华。这个举世闻名的博物馆当初却是由特列季亚科夫兄弟凭一己之力创办的。当年两兄弟随父亲从农村小镇来到莫斯科,先为父亲的小本生意跑腿打杂。父亲去世后,兄弟俩分别经商、开工厂、搞房地产,渐渐成了富翁,弟弟还当过几年莫斯科市长。虽然有钱有地位了,但他们没有挥霍,而是把钱用来买画、雕塑等艺术品。弟弟喜欢欧洲绘画,哥哥则钟情于本土艺术,热心资助尚未成名的青年画家,其中不少人后来成为俄罗斯绘画史中举足轻重的大师。哥哥在1874年将自己的私人藏画向公众免费开放。弟弟不幸早逝,临终前托哥哥把自己的收藏捐给莫斯科。1892年,哥哥将兄弟俩的全部藏品2500多件连同展览场地一起无偿捐给了莫斯科市。十月革命后,画廊收归国有,政府将其他一些小画廊中的展品合并过来,不断扩大。二战期间,为了躲避战火,全部藏品都运到了新西伯利亚妥善保管。战争还没有结束,政府已着手画廊的重建恢复。经过几代人坚持不懈的努力,现在馆内藏品从11世纪到20世纪,达13万件之多。这就是特列季亚科夫画廊旧馆,里面珍藏着画廊的主要精华,前面立着的雕像是创始人帕·米·特列季亚科夫。1、Repin - Portrait of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov这是列宾完成于1883年的《特列季亚科夫肖像》。目录:本楼:1、Repin - Portrait of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov2楼:2、Rublev - Holy Trinity (Troitsa)3、Gillet - Portrait of Peter I4、Antropov - Portrait of Peter III5、Antropov - Portrait of Catherine the Great6、Rokotov - Portrait of Catherine II7、Levitsky - Portrait of Catherine II the Legislator in the Temple Devoted to the Goddess of Justice8、Borovikovskiy - Portrait of M.I.Lopukhina9、Neff - Dreaming10、Tropinin - Lace maker3楼:11、Kiprensky - Portrait of A.S.Pushkin12、Bryullov - A Rider13、Shchedrin - A veranda overgrown with grape vines14、Neff - A Neapolitan Shepherd Boy on the Shore Lit by the Rising Sun15、Venetsianov - In the ploughed field. Spring16、Fedotov - Matchmaking of the Major17、Sorokin - A Spanish Beggar Girl18、Ivanov - The Apparition of Christ to the People (The Apparition of the Messiah)19、Pukirev - The Unequal Marriage20、Flavitsky - Princess Tarakanova5楼:21、Ayvazovskiy - The Rainbow22、Ayvazovskiy - The Black Sea. (A storm begins to whip up in the Black Sea)23、Ayvazovskiy - A Moonlit Night on the Bosphorus24、Ge - Peter the Great Interrogating the Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich in Peterhof25、Ge - “What is truth?” Christ and Pilate26、Kamenev - Winter Road27、Kamenev - A pond28、kramskoy - Christ in the Wilderness29、kramskoy - Moonlit Night30、kramskoy - An Unknown Lady31、kramskoy - Inconsolable Grief9楼:32、Kuindzhi - Moonlit Night on the Dniepr33、Kuindzhi - After the Rain34、Kuindzhi - Birch Grove35、Kuindzhi - Forest Glade36、Levitan - By the Whirlpool37、Levitan - Evening Bells38、Levitan - Over Eternal Quiet39、Levitan - Golden Autumn40、Levitan - March10楼:41、Perov - Troika. Apprentice Workmen Carrying Water42、Perov - The Last Tavern at the City Gates43、Perov - Hunters Stop to Rest44、Perov - Apple Trees in Flower45、Polenov - Overgrown Pond46、Polenov - On the Sea of Tiberias47、Brodzky - Cupid Asleep in a Shell48、Nikolai - Girl and Boy with a Bird49、Matvei - Peasant in Trouble50、Antokolsky - Tsar Ivan the Terrible15楼:51、Repin - Self-portrait52、Repin - Barge-haulers Wading through Water53、Repin - Back to the Homeland. Hero of a Past War54、Repin - Princess Sofia Alexeyevna a Year after Her Incarceration in the Novodevichy Convent during the Execution of the Streltsys and the Torturing of All Her Servants in 169855、Repin - Krestny Khod (Religious Procession) in Kursk Gubernia56、Repin - "Dragonfly". Painter's daughter portrait57、Repin - Ivan the Terrible and his Son Ivan on November 16, 158158、Repin - Portrait of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy59、Repin - Ploughman. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy in a Ploughed Field60、Repin - Unexpected Return61、Repin - Zaporozhian Cossacks Write a Letter to the Turkish Sultan(附双方通信内容)16楼:62、Kramskoy - Portrait of Ivan Shishkin63、Shishkin - Path through the Rye64、Shishkin - Felling Trees65、Shishkin - Pine Wood. Ship's Timber in Vyatka Province66、Shishkin - Rye67、Shishkin - Thickets68、Shishkin - Morning in a Pine Wood69、Shishkin - In the Park70、Shishkin - 不详20楼:71、Repin - Portrait of Vasily Ivanovich Surikov72、Surikov - Morning of the Execution of the Streltsy73、Surikov - Menshikov in Berezovo74、Surikov - Boyarina Morozova75、Surikov - The Princess Visiting a Convent76、Vasnetsov - After the Battle of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians77、Vasnetsov - Knight at the Crossroads78、Vasnetsov - Alyonushka79、Vasnetsov - Prince Ivan on the Grey Wolf80、Vasnetsov - Heroes (Bogatyri)21楼:81、Makovsky - Children Running from the Storm82、Savrasov - Rooks have Returned83、Savrasov - Spring is round the Corner84、Savrasov - After the Storm85、Yaroshenko - Stoker86、Yaroshenko - Life Goes on Everywhere87、Myasoedov - The Zemstvo Dines88、Vasilyev - The Thaw89、Vasilyev - Wet Meadow90、Vereshchagin - The Apotheosis of War91、Vereshchagin - The Vanquished. Requiem25楼:92、Serov - Girl with peaches. Portrait of V.S.Mamontova93、Serov - Sunlit girl. Portrait of M.Ya.Simonovich94、Serov - Peter I95、Maksimov - All in the Past96、Ostroukhov - Golden Autumn97、Vrubel - Demon (sitting)98、Vrubel - Swan Czarevna99、Malyavin - Whirlwind100、Reshetnikov - Low Marks Again