Have heard many spectacular concerts here and saw circus performances. The acoustic is pleasant and the architecture is Spanish Baroque I believe. Santa Fe Pro Musica and Orchestras play here. A very memorable Bruckner 4th and Beethoven 9th last year. Concerts also at the nearby St. Francis auditorium. Heard all 6 Brandenburgs last winter and will attend the upcoming Royal Fireworks Pro Musica concert. The hall also featured the Romero family guitar group. What a delight.
一早起来还是先看了一眼天气,结果依然不理想,预报显示下午2点以后有雨加雪,美国电视的天气预报更邪乎,说将会出现暴风雪天气。圣塔菲的海拔超过了7000英尺(约合2133米),是美国海拔最高的首府。她坐落于基督圣血山脉(Sangre de Cristo range)的山脚,是滑雪爱好者的天堂。城市被高山环抱,郊区的陶斯村庄和幽灵农场肯定去不成了,只能在城内参观了。不过这也好,本来时间就不够需要取舍,这下老天爷帮我们做了决定。