总结回来了,先写总结,再写游记。下面这些是记录在攻略上的参考帖子,感谢!http://bbs.qyer.com/thread-908846-9.htmlhttp://bbs.qyer.com/thread-1117761-1.html#post-11280686-1--page2http://bbs.qyer.com/thread-864275-1.htmlhttp://bbs.qyer.com/thread-2645665-1.htmlhttp://bbs.qyer.com/thread-160759-1.html先写几点印象最深的,然后按每天行程写游记。1。关于天气,去之前看的经验都是说下雨,比较冷。我准备了全套雨具:雨裤雨衣雨鞋套雨伞,带了厚外套和小羽绒服。结果我们运气很好,只有一天真正用到了雨衣,其他都只是阴天或小雨。厚外套在苏格兰用上了,小羽绒服没用上。伦敦的几天温度挺高的,室内特别闷热,太阳也挺晒的。领导感觉薄衣服带少了。另外6月正是花开的季节,我们都花粉过敏,这个没有预料到。2.关于自驾,靠左驾驶和环岛因为有新西兰开车的经验,一下子就适应了。主要难点是好多单车道,对面来车时需要互相让,大家都挺nice,基本没有问题,有几次需要退一下,让对方车先过,但是会比较慢。另外总体高速比较少,所以开车时间会比较长,即使路程并不那么远。3.关于住宿,基本上是booking上订的B&B,早餐都是FullEnglisBreakfast,量大。住城堡强烈推荐,天空岛上的B&B在airbnb上找的(因为booking上没有),地点偏僻,景色很好,条件也好,推荐。4.关于吃,基本没有特意去找吃的,比我想象的要好很多,特别是苏格兰的海鲜,在applecross小镇上吃的最好。在小地方基本上是那种带酒吧的餐馆,自己进去找座位,需要去吧台点菜,然后服务生送过来。大一点的城市的餐馆和美国这边差不多。5.关于景色,天空岛和苏格兰海岸最美。朋友问跟瑞士比如何,我觉得不相上下,但是因为我是手机照相,感觉照出来还是瑞士漂亮一些。经验教训:都是自驾惹的祸1.昨天收到租车公司的Invoice,被收取Congestion Charge 65GBP 和 Handling Fee 36GBP. 原因是我们提车的那天开进了london市区的congestion zone,没有及时去网上交费。其实我们那天是走错路才进去一小下,然后就觉得可能会跟美国一样,来一个比正常价格贵一点的账单,没有引起足够的重视。英国是开过之后24小时不去网上或电话交费,就会罚款65GBP,租车公司又收取36GBP手续费,比较坑爹。2.趴车的时候要看仔细,看全面,不是像一般人想的停车时间越长,单位时间停车费就越便宜。我们在剑桥停车,4个小时9.5GBP,5个小时19.5GBP。每个地方都不太一样,感觉对不熟悉的人来讲像个陷阱。第一天:伦敦经过大概十个小时的飞行,伦敦时间早上9:30准时到达Gatwick机场。去海关的路上看到女王的头像,到达英国的真实感迎面而来。女王的头像是用许多照片拼起来的。海关人很多,大排长龙,大概一个小时,我们才进了海关。然后换钱买进伦敦市区的火车票。事先做攻略的时候知道,火车票不用买express,可以便宜5磅,只慢10分钟左右,买票的lady非常nice,用同样的价钱买的火车票,还带一天london市区地铁票。虽然已经接近中午,火车上人还是很多,有一些人没有座位。半个小时后,到达london市区victoria station。Victoria station应该算london市区的一个交通枢纽,有火车站,几条地铁线站,还有长途汽车站national coach。从victoria station走路到白金汉宫只要5-10分钟,所以非常方便。出了车站,走路大概0.5英里,顺利找到在london住宿的旅馆,房间非常小,不过干净整洁,设施不错。放下行李,休息一下,已经中午12点半了。开始第一天的游玩,仍然走回victoria station去坐地铁。地铁站上面是一个shopping mall,里面有很多餐馆,儿子选了Leon,是吃Burger的快餐店,但装修和环境都不错。然后坐地铁去第一站,大英博物馆。不说展品,大英博物馆的大中庭也是非常震撼人的。设计师Norman Foster是国际上最杰出的建筑大师之一,是一位在高科技建筑界领先的著名建筑师。最近刚知道新的苹果总部也是他设计的,果然大手笔。按照导览图把整个博物馆匆匆走过一遍,该看的重点导览图上也都用红色重点注明了,所以参观还是比较容易的。在大中庭休息喝咖啡吃点心非常爽心悦目,也可以逛逛旁边的gift shop。儿子写的镇馆之宝的介绍:Welcome to the British Museum, commendable center of art, culture, and history, and... the home of the Rosetta Stone. The Rosetta Stone is regarded as one of the most treasured artifacts of mankind. Even now, we use the term "Rosetta Stone" to signify an essential clue. The reason for this reverence is that because of the Rosetta Stone, we were able to decipher Egyptian Hieroglyphics.On the Rosetta Stone is inscribed a decree in three languages: Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, Demotic script, and Greek script.从大英博物馆出来,我们决定走路去National Gallery。路过伦敦的百老汇。有特色的HarryPotter剧院。过了Leicester Square就到了National Gallery好多著名的作品,比如Botticelli's "Venus and Mars" and Van Gogh's "Sunflowers."后者没看到,因为有几个馆在维护中。租了讲解器,仔细浏览。儿子的游记:“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” -Thomas MertonDa Vinci. Botticelli. Caravaggio. Van Dyke. Michelangelo. Van Gogh. Rembrandt. All of these noted and respected artists’ paintings can be found in one location… The National Gallery. Situated in London, the National Gallery, in contrast to other art galleries, was not created through taking an collection previously privately owned. It was instead created when the British government bought 38 works of art from the kin of John Julius Angerstein. Consisting of mostly Italian pieces, these were the first in the museum. The next artworks came as a gift from Sir George Beaumont, who was both a collector and a landscape painter, who had promised them the pieces on the condition there would be adequate space to display them. The art pieces at first were collected at the whim and tastes of the Trustees. However, they were criticized for this – art pieces from the Primitives (older Italian pieces) were not collected. Thus, a reform was made. The new Director, Sir Charles Eastlake, traversed Europe, buying pieces, thus expanding the Italian collection. The Dutch and Flemish artworks also flourished, gaining 77 in their numbers through a purchase of the late Prime Minister’s collection. With all these new paintings, there was no space to display new artworks. Robert Vernon’s donation of paintings could not be exhibited in the building. They were displayed at his house, then at the Marlborough house instead. Then, even more paintings were donated. Over 1000 – yes, you read that right! – Over 1000 paintings and watercolors were donated. These were displayed at South Kensington along with Vernon’s collection, which was moved from Marlborough. However, soon, the paintings went to the National Gallery, which was enlarged.More and more paintings were collected, and Henry Tate offered his collection for the museum. Because there was no space for the paintings, he afterward offered to fund a new gallery. This gallery soon broke off from the original Gallery, becoming the Tate Gallery.Today, at the National Gallery, you can see many famous works of art, such as Botticelli’s Venus and Mars, which symbolizes how love conquers all. You can also see Sunflowers by Van Gogh, a set of four paintings which represent the circle of life and was dedicated to his role model Paul Gauguin. The National Gallery is a must-see attraction in London. A hub for art, you can browse all these great arts. You can even see the exhibitions online in a virtual tour, and the website has tons of helpful information for visitors. Be sure to see these amazing artworks!从National Gallery出来就是著名的Trafalgar Square在广场小坐片刻,接着坐地铁去King's Cross Station。天花板和大英博物馆中庭的神似,有木有?排队拍Harry Potter照片坐地铁回到旅馆,已经8点了,儿子派我出去买fish and chips当晚饭,第一天结束。以下是行前的攻略:9:30am,到达伦敦Gatwick机场,坐火车到victoria station, 买Oyster卡。到hotel,放下行李,吃点东西,坐bus去大英博物馆。Ground floor The Rosetta Stone Assyrian Lion Hunt reliefs Parthenon sculpturesUpper floor Lewis Chessmen Oxus Treasure Royal Game of Ur Mummy of Katebet Samurai armour Lower floor King of IfeNational Gallery Daily 10am–6pm Among its 2,300 in-house pieces, visitors will find famed paintings such as Botticelli's "Venus and Mars" and Van Gogh's "Sunflowers."逛Trafalgar Square,piccadilly circus,在china town吃晚饭