Basilica Santa Maria Assunta
Torcello Island (www.jssgallery.org)Torcello岛鸟瞰,位于威尼斯主岛东北部,离彩色岛Burano,5分钟的船行距离。去彩色岛的朋友,不防顺便去一下Torcello岛。岛上有威尼斯最古老的大教堂basilica,始建于7世纪。连着一个小教堂。有3家餐馆,少量建筑。大片的地都是农田,草坪,很生态。大教堂门口的小摊,有几十种明信片卖,0.2欧一张,是我在威尼斯遇到的最便宜的了。
Torcello (route 9 from Burano, about 1.5 hour from San Mark)
Torcello was one of the first lagoon islands which was successively populated by those mainlanders escaping invading barbarians around the 5th century---nearly 500 years before Venice itself became a republic. It was the most important settlement in the lagoon area before Venice's risen. Now there're only 20 inhabitants, but it's said around the 14th century it reached a population of 20,000 people. Today here stands the lagoon's oldest cathedral dating from 639, the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta. Seeinwikipedia
Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta, Cathedral of Torcello威尼斯最古老的巴西利卡大教堂,比威尼斯共和国成立还早500多年。门票5欧。
This basilica dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta, was founded as the episcopal seat in 639 under Emperpr Heraclius by order of Isaac, exarch of Ravenna, then later substantially modified in the 9th and 11th centuries. Due to the isolation of the locaton, the structure enjoys a remarkable state of preservation with its' Veneto-Byzantine flavor.
Front view 正立面
Torcello Cathedral (based on A. Niero, The basilica of Torcello and Santa Fosca, Venice, n.d., p. II)
Typical basilica plan, late Roman style, with 3 aisles, punctuated by marble columns now.
The original plan was a simple trple-naved rectangular space withe a single apse at the east end, which supports basilicas of this type already existed in the upper Adriatic region.
The ruins precede the front of the basilica is the narthex to which was once annexed the 7th century baptistry
Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta and Church of Santa Fosca
The massive brick exterior is decorated only by concentric layers of brickwork around the windows and blind arches.
The most important artistical element of the cathedral is a series of mosaics of Byzantine-Ravennate school on the front wall.
Last Judgement (www.allmercifulsavior.com)
Torcello Cathedral, interior (from Deborah Howard, The Architectural History of Venice)
Inside the cathedral the fine marble columns, the delicately carved capitals and the exquisite mosaics, contrasting sharply with rugged exterior, are reminiscent of the Ravennate antecedents.
In 1008, Bishop Orso Orseolo (later doge) launched a rebuild formed the most of the present aspect of this building. The floor was raised and a new mosaic pavement begun, with clerestory windows added on the south side. Today one part of the former floor with a different pavement style can still be seen inside the building.
The bishop's throne and the mosaic figure, Mary Mother of God.
大教堂边上用柱廊相连的是小教堂Church of Santa Fosca
This Church was built to house the body of the early Christian martyr of the same time, before 1011 and as a martyrium adjacent to the basilica. The church was essentially a place for pilgrimage and meditation, served a very different function from the basilica.
front view
Santa Fosca, Torcello, plan (from L. Cicognara, A.Diedo and G. Selva, Le fabbriche e i monumenti cospicue di Venezia, I, Venice, 1838)
Also the centralized structure was inherited from the Romans, the form of a Greek cross inscribed within an octagon reflects the influence from Byzantine architecture of the 11th century.
The portico surrounds most sides of the church is probably a twelfth-century addition.
Small cornice over the column in the interior of Sta. Fosca.
Base and capital from this church. (from www.quondam.com)
back view
The only external decoration of the church is the outside apse which is decorated with elaborate patterns in the brickwork. This dog-tooth pattern was a common ornament on early Veneto-Byzantine churches. The combination of the rich red color of the brickwork and the crisp white marble detailing have provided an element of warmth for the early Venetians in their bleak, inhospitable environment. This combination of red and white was also long to be a favorite color theme in Venetian architecture.