Split介绍Split是克羅地亞海岸線中部的一個重要港口,有航班往來克羅地亞海岸線上的其他港口,也有航線往來意大利東面的港口。Split 亦是前往克羅地亞沿海離島的基地,我便是從這裡乘渡輪前往熱門的離島Hvar Island。Split 本身也是一個歷史悠久的古城,舊皇宮和教堂已成為Split 的地標,亦令Split 在 1998 年成為聯合國世界文化遺產。此外,考古學家亦在她郊外的Solin 發掘出古羅馬年代的Salona 遺跡。雖然 Split 名氣不及 Dubrovnik,但我覺得Split 同樣是克羅地亞一處不容錯過的地方,感覺上亦較Dubrovnik 稍為沒那麼商業化。
交通ØSplit机场去市内: bus No. 37 or 38, 30kunaØSplit à Zadar :
Ø舊皇宮Dioklecijanova palača (Diocletian's Palace): 今天 Split的舊城區建基於羅馬皇帝Diocletian 在公元 293 年左右築起的舊皇宮。舊皇宮保存得甚好,不像很多羅馬古蹟般破落。雖然舊皇宮除了建築之外沒太多遺物可看,但也值得參觀。舊皇宮另一優點是不太商業化,除了南大門入口通往中央的小廣場一段兩旁有小販外,參觀時不見其他商店,亦不會受到滋擾Ø教堂Sveti Duje (St. Domnius Cathedral): Split 最顯眼的地標建築物無異是那高 57 米、建於十三世紀的鐘樓 (BellTower)。鐘樓是 St.Domnius 教堂的一部分,遊客可購票登上鐘樓,上面可俯瞰整個 Split 和港口的景色Ø舊城其他地方: 舊城內有很多古式古香的老建築,雖然因大多是民居不能入內參觀,但單看外表也值得花些時間,穿梭於舊城區狹窄的小巷之間。除了最主要的幾條大街和遊客中心附近外,其他街巷的遊人都不算太多,較特別的反而是舊城內處處是貓蹤。
ØProkurative [Trg Republike]: TrgRepublike (Republic Square) is a large, open square surrounded on three sides bya collection of elaborate neo-Renaissance buildings known as the Prokurative.On the southern side, the square opens up to a lovely view of the harbour.Construction of the Prokurative started during the latter half of the 19thcentury under the supervision of General Marmont, with the buildings inspiredlargely by the architecture of the same period in Venice. While relatively unoccupied in thecooler months, the square comes alive in the summer with concerts and culturalevents, the most popular being the Entertainment Musical Festival of Split
ØNarodni trg广场:戴克里先宫西侧的宫门对着Narodnitrg广场,一旁矗立着15世纪威尼斯人建造的哥特式老市政厅。位于Narodnitrg广场和海港之间的Trg BraceRadica广场上至今仍有15世纪威尼斯人遗留下来的城堡的北塔楼。地址:Narodnitrg, Pula
ØGrgur Ninski: In 926,the representatives of Croatian churches were called together by Pope Ivan X inorder to conduct a reform of the then current church system. The Great Assemblytook place in Splitand, in accordance with the wishes of Pope Ivan X, Slavic languages wereoutlawed in the Church, with the only accepted language for Mass and officialChurch business being Latin. Naturally, this started a firestorm of debate,with churches splitting into two factions. In the middle of this debate andfighting fervently on the side of Old Slavic language was Grgur Ninski, alsoknown as Gregory of Nin. In the midst of a tumultous series of political andChurch intrigues, he became the champion of the cause and today is recognisedas a Croatian national hero and one of the fathers of Croatian language. Youcan see the completely impressive Grgur Ninski statue, created by anotherCroatian hero, Ivan Meštrović, outside the north gate of the palace (and youcan rub his shiny big toe for good luck).
ØRiva: is a broadstreet right on the waterfront that runs the length of the old town and hugsthe palace on its south side. It's the de facto gathering spot, day and night,for the people of Split to engage in some of theactivities that have been honed to a fine art in Croatia: chatting over a cup ofcoffee and people-watching
ØVeli Varoš: Situatedwest of the old town, Veli Varoš is a neighbourhood full of winding streets andold apartments that is characteristic of Dalmatia.It's well worth taking a stroll around this part of the city, if only to catcha glimpse of what daily life is like around Split
ØSplit 港口:Split 是一個港口城市,沿海濱都可見大大小小的碼頭設施,停泊著從私人遊艇到遠洋郵輪。要欣賞 Split 的港口景色,不妨乘船出海暢遊,或像我一樣乘船前往熱門的離島 Hvar Island,順道在船上的甲板享受海風。
ØMarjan Hill: Split 市中心西面的半島上,有一座高 178 米的小山丘 Marjan Hill。山丘上是一個公園,矗立著克羅地亞的國旗。公園可眺望山下的 Split,亦可遠眺 Solin 和亞得里亞海的景色。若嫌走上 178 米太疲累?那走上半路的觀景台就可以了,景觀上也相差不太遠。
ØHvar Island: 山上的城堡、港口的遊艇、清澈見底的海水、海邊的露天餐廳、惹人垂涎的冰淇淋和讓人眼花撩亂的紀念品,無一不是遊客最愛。雖然來回船程中船的質素不同,但船費相同,都是 32 Kn,去程乘大船約需 80 分鐘,回程的渡輪卻花了約 1:45。Split 的售票亭設在舊城東南角落對開、近海邊的地方
OldSquare Hostel,PoljanaGrgura Ninskog 1, Split, 21000(市中心Poljana kraljice jelene正北面, Diocletian'sPalace边上)try 2 reach the old city from the SILVER GATE, head west towards the high tower that u can see in front of u, walk only 4ca. 50 steps, take the small street on ur right hand (it's a street that starts with 9 stairs, & it'sthe 2nd street on ur right, u will B passing by) this street will take u 2 the Poljana Grgura Ninskog Square & the church of st. Philip Neri, assoon as u reach the square take ur left & walk for 10 steps u will reach a couple of stairs, which will take u 2 our mainbuilding-door Poljana Grgura Ninskog 1, we r on the 3rd floor
Boutique Hostel Forum,Široka ulica 20, Zadar, 23000 (市中心岛上)