

  • 利物浦全部休闲娱乐中排第4名

The Empress is located in the Toxteth area of Liverpool, approximately two miles from the City Centre. The pub is surrounded by housing and enjoys a good local trade. There is some history with this site as the pub appeared on the sleeve of Ringo Starr’s first solo album 'Sentimental Journey' so it is a popular venue with the Beatles fans and is on the route of the Beatles tour of Liverpool. The area has been identified for local development over the coming years. Toxteth is a small town located south of the city of Liverpool, approximately two miles from the city centre and has a population of approximately 30,000. The pub benefited from an investment that included internal decoration as well as external decoration and signage.

  • 地址:

    93 High Park St, Liverpool L8 3UF英国(查看地图)

  • 到达方式:

    从liverpool lime street station 乘坐82到moses street下车可到

  • 开放时间:


  • 门票:


  • 电话:

    0151 726 0159

添加/更新信息 信息更新时间:2023-04-12    由 卡卡罗特大蘑菇 创建 , 卡卡罗特大蘑菇 等1位穷游er参与了编辑
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