目的地> 澳大利亚 >悉尼>悉尼美食>

The Carrington Arms



  • 悉尼全部美食中排第825名

/////Really nice and casual atmosphere with friendly service. Not a big range of tapas but some imaginative ones. The foie grois with fried potato was very nice. Some of the pintxos were delicious, especially the tuna. The bigger dish of beef cheeks was lovely and the just the right size. Overall a nice grazing and drinking experience and well worth

  • 地址:

    565 Bourke Street|Surrey Hills,Sydney,New South Wales,Australia(查看地图)

  • 营业时间:

    周天12:00 - 22:30
    周一~周五7:30 - 9:30
    周一~周六 12:00 - 23:00
    周六~周日8:00 -11:30

  • 电话:

    02 9360 4714

  • 网址:
添加/更新信息 信息更新时间:2023-04-12   
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