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40648人去过这里, 51208条目的地点评


  • 皇家墨尔本农业展    royal melbourne show

    9.2 5人点评 活动综合排名 第2位

    起源于1848年的皇家墨尔本秀每年九月底十月初的时候(时间不固定)在墨尔本showgrand举办,历时10天。内容也从最初的农产品交易会(赶集)发展到现在的丰富多样的内容。除了常规的嘉年华游艺活动,还有猫狗show, 竞技比赛,农场动物,各种各样的。官网上有各个场馆的活动内容和时间,可以按自己的喜好排个时刻表。除了看的还有各种吃的,品酒的,奶酪,生鲜,烤肉等等。晚上还有大型的表演和烟火show,当然也少不了买买买,手工艺集市,还有专门卖福袋的,货真价实的大福袋。网上购票便宜一点,还有夜票。玩游乐项目的话也可以提前买网上的 pack,优惠很多。人家的叫农场,我们的叫农村,人类圈养的动物都看到了,最开心的还是小朋友们,能抱只鸡都舍不得放,别提还能挤牛奶,剃羊毛了。还有各种各样近距离的活动,至少这边的爹妈不会说脏不能碰。澳洲人民真心爱狗,Breeder的狗,比赛的狗,展示的狗,工作的狗都被人们爱着。

  • 希腊艺术文化美食音乐节    antipodes festival

    7.3 3人点评 休闲娱乐综合排名 第13位

    The 2014 Lonsdale Street will take place across the weekend of February 8 & 9 and stall applications will be opening soon. The Lonsdale Street Festival is one huge street party, bringing together local and international performers, children’s activities and an abundance of great food, for a weekend of fun and feasting.

  • 墨尔本时装周    melbourne fashion festival

    8.0 2人点评 活动综合排名 第6位

    The Festival will take place from 14 - 22 March 2015, with a Cultural Program running in the lead up from 15 February 2015.

  • big day out音乐节    big day out festival

    10.0 1人点评 休闲娱乐综合排名 第18位

    The Big Day Out was an annual music festival that was held in five Australian cities: Sydney, Melbourne, Gold Coast, Adelaide and Perth, as well as Auckland.

  • st kilda艺术文化节    st kilda festival

    8.0 2人点评 活动综合排名 第7位

    st kilda art festival is an annual festival on the famous st kilda beach that is celebrated by thousands of hundreds of people.

  • 墨尔本国际喜剧节    international comedy festival

    8.0 1人点评 活动综合排名 第8位

    The Melbourne International Comedy Festival will celebrate its 29th year in 2015 and is one of the three largest comedy festivals in the world, alongside Edinburgh Festival Fringe and Montreal's Just for Laughs Festival.

  • 墨尔本新一代艺术节    next wave festival

    8.0 1人点评 活动综合排名 第9位

    A world of extraordinary opportunity, massive dreams realised, cultural norms disrupted and new dialogues in contemporary arts practice and emergent culture.

  • 墨尔本作家节    melbourne writers' festival

    10.0 1人点评 活动综合排名 第10位

    Melbourne Writers Festival (MWF) is Melbourne’s annual, two-week celebration for writers, readers and thinkers. Each year in August, the Festival celebrates the talent and ideas of hundreds of writers from Australia and around the world, through a vibrant program of storytelling, conversation and discussion, intellectual debate, educational programs, live performance, music and art events. The Festival includes events for people of all ages and more than a quarter of the program is free. Our highly regarded Schools’ Program is Australia’s biggest literary festival for students.

  • 墨尔本艺术节    melbourne fringe festival

    8.0 2人点评 活动综合排名 第11位

    掐着时间从图书馆出门,到雅拉河晃一圈,傍晚5点,赶到联邦广场(Federation Square)看墨尔本艺术节开幕式。(这是官网,活动信息也都可以在网上查到,

  • 墨尔本国际艺术节    melbourne international arts festival

    8.0 1人点评 活动综合排名 第12位

    Melbourne Festival is one of Australia's flagship international arts festivals and one of the major multi-arts festivals of the world, in terms of quality of work, innovation of vision, and scale and breadth of program.

  • 墨尔本美食节    melbourne food&wine festival

    6.0 4人点评 休闲娱乐综合排名 第26位

    good food there but tix prices are a bit dear



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