首先这是一个绝对的反面教材,我做了一个轻率的决定,感谢QYER帮忙看帖,希望能给我一点意见T T,可不可以申请洗白之类的。。。我8月份从上一个工作单位离职,现在正在找工作兼旅游。。想在明年二月去澳大利亚看演唱会顺便玩一圈- -,演唱会的票已经买了,所以我急着在没有工作的情况下递签。然后找朋友开了一个在职证明,,结果昨天下午收到上海的电调电话内容大概是这样:VO:请问是XX吗,我是澳大利亚领事馆我:是的VO:你现在在上班吗,在哪里我:我没在上班,在去台湾的路上,请假了VO:你工作的单位叫什么?我:XXXXXXXXXXXXVO:前台的电话呢我:12345678VO:这个电话是不是你们前台电话,87654321我:这个我不知道,我说的那个是公司区域的电话VO:那我打前台,说没有你这个人我:我不知道,公司有很多分部,区域不一样吧。然后又在这个问题上纠缠了两句,,VO不耐烦了说那就先这样吧,挂了电话。我觉得VO全程问我的语气就有点着急,耐心值不足,还被我这样玩了一遍,肯定是生气了。。于是我3个钟头后就收到了拒签邮件。内容有这些Notification of the refusal of a VISITOR (Class FA) VISITOR (Subclass 600 ) visa.This letter refers to your application for a VISITOR (Class FA) VISITOR (Subclass 600) visa, which was lodged at Shanghai on 14 September 2016.I wish to advise that the application for this visa has been refused for the following applicant(s):After careful consideration of all the information you have provided, I was not satisfied that you met the relevant criteria for the grant of this visa as set out in Australian migration law.The attached Decision Record provides more detailed information about this decision and the applicant(s) it applies to.Review RightsThere is no right of merits review for this decision.Visa Application ChargeThe visa application charge which has already been paid was for the processing of the application and it must be paid regardless of the application outcome. There are only limited circumstances in which refunds can be given.Questions About this DecisionNo further assessment of this visa application can be taken at this office. However, if you have questions about this decision, or the process or information that was taken into account, you can contact this office.Information ConsideredI am a delegated decision maker under Section 65 of the Migration Act 1958 (the Act). In reaching my decision, I have considered the following:· relevant legislation contained in the Act and Migration Regulations 1994 (the Regulations) collectively “migration law”;· information contained in the department's Procedures Advice Manual 3;· documents and information provided by the applicant(s); and· other relevant information held on departmental files.Reasons for DecisionUnder migration law, an application is made for a class of visa and your application must be considered against the criteria for all subclasses within that visa class.Your application has been considered against the criteria for the following subclasses within VISITOR visa class.600 - VISITOR You did not satisfy Subclause 600.211 of the Migration Regulations 1994, which reads that: The applicant genuinely intends to stay temporarily in Australia for the purpose for which the visa is granted, having regard to:(a) whether the applicant has complied substantially with the conditions to which the last substantive visa, or any subsequent bridging visa, held by the applicant was subject; and(b) whether the applicant intends to comply with the conditions to which the Subclass 600 visa would be subject; and(c) any other relevant matter.In assessing these criteria I have taken into account the information provided in your visa application form, as well as supporting documents relating to your personal and financial circumstances in China. 下面这应该是VO手打的:You stated in your application that you intend to visit Australia for tourism. I find that you have not demonstrated you have sufficiently strong financial, family, employment or other commitments in China that would be an incentive for you to return to China. I also find that you have not provided sufficient detail about your travel purpose in Australia that is sufficient to satisfy me that you are intending to stay temporarily in Australia for the purpose for which the visa is granted.I have assessed the information you have provided with the visa application, and have undertaken to verify the existence of businesses and business relationship claims using third party/internet checks.While you claim to be employed in China, the Visa Office has attempted to verify your employment claims using publicly available sources and has been unable to independently confirm any of the information you have provided in support of your claims.In light of the above considerations, I am not satisfied that you genuinely intend to stay temporarily in Australia for the purpose you have stated, and therefore find that you do not satisfy Subclause 600.211 of the Migration Regulations 1994.DecisionAs you do not meet one or more clauses in Schedule 2 of the Regulations, I find that you do not meet the criteria for the grant of a VISITOR (Class FA) VISITOR (Subclass 600) visa. Therefore, I refuse your application for a VISITOR (Class FA) VISITOR (Subclass 600) visa lodged at Shanghai.提交的东西有这些:白本护照年收入9W的工资流水,余额2W5信用卡流水户口本整本本人名下房产朋友帮忙开的假工作证明说明信保险单墨尔本演唱会门票的确认单行程单家人和朋友的照片所有材料都准备得像模像样,,,9月12号周一北京自己递签,19号周一收到电调并拒签,这个结果可以申诉吗?可以的话怎么申诉?打电话 还是邮件。如果不能申诉我就准备工作了在二签了。。