Visas are not required for United States, United Kingdom, members of the European Uni... 展开更多
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Visas are not required for United States, United Kingdom, members of the European Uni... 展开更多
Visas are not required for United States, United Kingdom, members of the European Union, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, and Pacific Islands Forum countries including Australia and New Zealand citizens. Citizens of all other countries will need to obtain an entry visa before traveling to the Marshall Islands. All other visitors must also currently pay $25 for a 3 month tourist visa and $50.00 for a business visa. All visitors must hold a valid passport. For stays up to 30 days (extendible for up to 90 days from date of entry), all visitors must possess sufficient funds for stay and possess an onward air or sea ticket or sufficient funds for such ticket. A departure fee of $20 U.S. (those over age 60 exempt) is required. Vaccines Cholera immunizations are required for those arriving from infected areas. HIV testing is required for temporary visitors staying more than 30 days and applicants for residence and work permits. Foreign test results are accepted under certain conditions. Depending on your itinerary, your personal risk factors, and the length of your visit, your health care provider may offer you vaccination against hepatitis A, typhoid, or hepatitis B. Routine immunizations, such as those that prevent tetanus/diphtheria or "childhood" diseases, should be reviewed and updated as needed. Malaria does not present risk.
To obtain an entry visa prior to your visit, you must contact the Office of the Attorney General, PO Box 890, Majuro, Marshall Islands 96960.
Tel: (692) 625-3244/8245 Fax: (692) 625-5218 Email:
(i)申请人的来信 - 说明访问的目的和期限
(ii)警方记录 - 必须在最近3个月内
(iii)健康检查 - 必须证明人没有艾滋病毒/艾滋病和结核病; 最近3个月内
(iv)收据 - 显示申请费的支付