我喜欢KASANE,喜欢博茨瓦纳这个充满了水的北方小镇。去年的总统节,我曾在KASANE游玩了3天,蓝天,绿水,微波荡漾的CHOBE河,掩映于林荫中的小木屋,夜间伸手便可摘取的繁星……这个世界就像传说中的世外桃源,充满了恬静与纯洁。 于是我又来了,在一年后的同一天。坐在游船上,迎着微风,行进在CHOBE河上。这儿有大象,有鳄鱼,有狒狒,有鱼鹰,还有河马,水牛……似乎这本应当是个充满血腥味的野蛮世界,可我们看见的景象却是那样的祥和静谧:象群在快乐地玩水,水牛在享用肥美的水草,狒狒在树上树下嬉戏,鱼鹰栖息在枯枝上,而河马、鳄鱼则懒洋洋地晒着阳光。啜着啤酒,在斜阳下欣赏着这个纯净地让人窒息的美景,忽而忘记了工作,忘记了负担,忘记了曾经经历的酸甜苦辣,感觉自己是自由的,心也如河面上飞翔的鸟儿一样,嬉戏于蓝天白云下。我闭上眼睛,整个世界似乎停滞了,我感觉到从未有的轻松,我不再想去摄影留念,甚至不再想睁眼看这个唯美的自然景观,双手无力地垂下来,头倚靠在躺椅上,沉沉地睡去。入住的酒店还是去年那一家,坐落在CHOBE河边,非常精致的小木屋,一栋一栋地错落有致掩映在树林中。房间很简朴,没有奢华的陈设,其实我什么也不需要,我觉得在KASANE,每个游客最应当享受的就是沉睡。夜真的很安静,在繁星点点的世界里,你会感觉这个世界就是你的。只是我们很多人常常不习惯这份孤独吧。如果你累了,请来KASANE休息,如果你受伤了,也请来KASANE,这儿的空气,水和微风会抚平你的伤口。 A travel journal of KasaneI like Kasane, it is a small village full with water located on the northern part of Botswana. I have been there for 3days during president's day last year. I can’t forget the blue sky, pure water, soft ripples, cottage nestling in the woods and twinkling stars……. It is a bucolic refuge in the midst of a great bustling city.So I came here again at the same day this year.I walked onto the boat and moved along the Chobe River toward the soft wind. So many animals came into my view, elephants, crocodiles, baboons, fish hawk, and hippopotamus, buffalo and so on…….It was supposed to be a wild world full with bloody smell. But it was so peaceful what I saw! Elephants were dabbling the water, Buffalos were tasting the fresh grass, baboons were playing hide and seek, one fish hawk was perching on the branch of a dead tree, crocodiles and hippopotamus were sleeping in the sunshine lazily……Sunshine shed on my body warmly, I wandered in the pure space and sipped some beer. I forgot all pressure on my shoulders. My soul was flying up to the heaven, just same to the bird which was playing in the sky.I closed my eyes. Everything was in stagnation. I felt some easiness I never met. I would not do anything, even not enjoyed the nature. I fell deeply into my dream.The lodge I checked in was same to the one I stayed last year. It located by the Chobe River. Some fine cottages were hidden in trees. Its room is so simple that you could not find fashion inside. In fact I wanted nothing. I just needed a soft bed to sleep. In Kasane, All visitors would enjoy a good sleep only.It was so quiet! When you thinking in the sky full with stars, you will feel that the world belongs to you only.If you are tired, please come to Kasane, if you are hurt, please come to Kasane too, the pure air and the pure water and the soft wind will kiss away your pain. (长夜无所事事,自已翻译自己的文章,算是学习英语吧,见笑了,勿砸砖!)