嗨咯!我是Yeye, 我在南美。一个Mac,一个背包,时而青旅时而沙发客,一路晃荡。这玉米可能啃不完了南美穷游十大秘方 (上)经常被很多朋友问,你怎么那么有钱,竟然可以在南美玩那么长时间?而后听到这大半年来,yeye每个月的花销最低的时候不到300美金,自然是一脸的不相信。很多同胞眼里,南美是一个梦想中的旅行地,却往往因高预算长路途而止步。因为语言不通等原因需要找旅行社,价格却都在上万甚至十几万人民币。所以,在这里吐血整理Yeye这6个多月一个人在南美,省钱又不失舒适的10个旅行秘方。南美秘方,全球适用。个人长途旅行经验,保证出行安全的前提下,酌情参考。惜命惜命呀!01沙发客省钱+练口语不二选择!这个是一个旅行app,名称‘couchsurfing”。你可以找到当地的沙发主免费留宿。Yeye大多数的时候运气很好,沙发主都会提供一个大沙发床甚至是独立房间。遇到的房主也都不错,往期也写了几个沙发主的故事。app图标本标couchsurfing实名制认证,Verified会员实名验证,这类会员更靠谱,Yeye没能狠心花50这美金。沙发主/沙发客/个人评论版面。在这个软件上留下黑料,那可以告别这一个圈子了,安全性还是可以你可以选择post自己的行程等沙发主看到你的信息主动给你提供住宿,也可以自己在…界面找到自己比较中意的沙发主。在南美的第一个沙发主,有机农场主Juan这款在全球很受欢迎的旅行软件,还有其他两个功能:"Meet up/会面":一个人旅行找不到伴?这个功能可以使你可以在一个城市找到附近的旅行者,一起玩。"Event/活动": 一些个人/组织会举办一些活动,或者在上面放一些个人行程,刚好合拍,那就一起嗨起来啦。亲爱的Yasmin, 在厄瓜多尔的couchsurfing上post了一个去湖边的event认识。一起疯了了俩星期,下期一千零一页女主角。照片:厄瓜多尔海滩小镇: Motanita.02青旅仍然是省钱+练口语不二选择哈哈哈!很多人想象中的青旅可能都是又破又脏的小旅馆。小可爱们,这个想法,那个......青旅可以很舒服。Public area/社交场地(大家在一起唠嗑打牌的公共休闲区),阳台,厨房,多人间套间应有尽有,大多数有洗衣服务。装修也很当地风情。青旅休闲区吧台变成与一个小花园融合在一起,每周五下午免费瑜伽课程。20k比索/¥45/6人间。咖啡小镇Salento, 哥伦比亚。特色:当然就是这个山景花园!最豪的青旅,承包了整片海滩哈哈哈。去太平洋看鲸鱼住的一家青旅,在一个岛上,私人海滩上晒太阳不能更爽。秋千乱荡日出日落任你看。小岛资源有限稍贵,45k比索/¥100/8人间/。Juanchaco, Buenaventura, 哥伦比亚。特色:好好吃的鱼。很喜欢的一家青旅,呆了十天。有狗子,太阳,涂鸦,和朋友。40玻利维亚币/¥40/6人间。Sucre/苏克雷, 玻利维亚。特色:房间有独立卫生间最重要的一点是,好!玩!呀!能遇到全球旅行者(逗比),一起唠天嗑地,了解不同国家的文化。其实就是大家一起玩桌游/纸牌哈哈哈。赶上了一个party hostel(派对青旅)一言不和就蹦迪。还可以相互交流(最经济的)旅行信息。一家住满了嬉皮士的青旅,认识了很多阿根廷和智利嬉皮士小伙伴。3人间,¥20/床位(你没看错价格)。特色:价格价格还是价格一路青旅一路纸牌。图一哥伦比亚Salento同一青旅.好的国际青旅安保系统做的很好,多人间都有柜子可以锁住自己的贵重物品。青旅的多人间床位。Ica, 秘鲁。房间里锁东西的小柜子。16索尔/¥35/10人间。沙漠里的青旅,Ica, 秘鲁。特色:Wi-Fi超快网上办公超爽啊啊啊。还有个青旅认识的姑娘给我说了个故事,旅行这么多年,头一回在一家青旅看到了迪拜人。迪拜大哥提着行李箱站在房间门口,给小姑娘就一个印象:钱的化身。姑娘问他干嘛不住酒店,他一脸笑意:”小姑娘,我在多高级的酒店住着,没人和我聊天,没有机会认识当地和其旅行者,我会憋死的。在青旅住单间,既有私人空间,又可以与人交流。多好“。南美旅行,青旅,民宿或者是高级酒店视个人钱包情况和喜好来选,切记莫露富就好。03夜巴士:和中国比较发达的铁路交通相比,南美的铁路系统就一个状况:几乎没有。所以,大巴成为了除了飞机之外的主要交通方式。(南美国内航段可以抢到巨便宜的机票,但有些机票必须提前购买+价格贵+碳排量较大对环境的伤害很大,每次坐飞机愧疚值一路飙升☆_☆)大多数大巴有两层,躺椅 ,二层的叫semi-cama,可以往下放140度。如果你和我一样,是个不到一米六的小个子,带上眼罩一觉到天亮不是梦一层的躺椅/cama更舒服,可以往下放180度,空间更大价格也稍高。过夜巴士大多有厕所和Wi-Fi多数城际大巴一般8-12个小时不等,选择晚上出发上午到,也可以省了一晚的房费;随到随买票。如果你也是一个随性而走的人,不喜欢提前固定行程,当天提前一两个小时到车站,车站遍地巴士公司。不愁没票。如果已经确定了行程,可以提前2-3天在巴士公司官网上买票,偶尔会有20-40%的折扣。南美大多数城市之间都有大巴,也是各个国家陆路过边境的主要交通方式。过境的巴士条件反倒要好些。04MercadoMercado, 西班牙语‘市场’,类似于国内的菜市场。但是!Mercado要比菜市场神奇些。Yeye几乎不去超市,贵,水果蔬菜等也不够新鲜。Mercado/市场是南美大多数地方都有的好去处。什么都有呀啊啊啊!蔬菜水果纪念品小吃摊,连“神油”都有卖......神油不是只有印度有。哦其实这是“神粉”。La Paz,玻利维亚巫女市场神奇的东西当然不只一个:Mercado常见的小羊驼骨。自然死亡的羊驼,被当地人收集起来给巫师用来做法未完全成骨的小羊驼遗体美好的花花肯定也是有的。街外市场。La Paz, 玻利维亚。特别喜欢市场里的卖吃的地方,体验当地味道的最好去处!当然你也得保证自己有一个坚强的胃,Yeye比较幸运,在印度吃过路边摊也没事。请勿随意模仿。每个Mercado会有一层楼遍地当地小食店,¥10套餐管饱在一家市场竟然吃到和文昌鸡味道很像的鸡汤!6索尔/¥12。圣佩德罗市场,库斯科市场里的现炸果汁,超超超级新鲜巨便宜。3索尔/¥6,4人份, 没听错,以榨汁机分成4人4杯最喜欢的市场是秘鲁库斯科的圣佩德罗市场/Mercado San Pedro。这个市场的东西简直!又多!又便宜!一个法国朋友在马丘比丘买的一条南美特色嬉皮风条纹裤70索尔(约等于150人名币),他已经觉得捡到便宜宝了。结果在圣佩德罗市场一问,价都没讲,20索尔一条…款式颜色任你挑…。市场也是买小纪念品的不二之选与朋友一起,市场门口被小羊驼搭讪。和之Yeye穿的到市场里买的20索尔的裤子(也被当成了睡裤哈哈哈)。Mercado San Pedro.圣佩德罗市场,库斯科,秘鲁05砍价!一身正气的炎黄子孙,怎能丢掉还价这个绝技!没有最低,只有更低!市场纪念品,衣服,裤子,腰包,甚至是青旅和夜巴士的票,来一句“Mas barato por favor/再便宜点吧老板”。一些1-3日小团,旅行社看到你是游客或者外国人,都会把价格稍微往上提些,大胆往下压30%甚至50%。另外,一般不在青旅报团,价格固定而且比市场价都要贵15%-30%左右。当然,有一种情况不还价:街上一些讨生活的印第安当地人卖的小饰品。价格不离谱,一般对方说多少就直接付多少。听过一个观点:“名牌衣服在高利润剥削你的钱包,你想都不想就直接付了钱,却在这为了两块钱与讨生活的人争辩”。谋生不易,没有被坑的很夸张,多给些也无妨。好啦,以上为十大秘方第一部分。再三强调,安全为先。勇敢不等于无脑的横冲乱闯。再提青旅,很多人会觉得酒店肯定比青旅安全,不一定。在酒店一个人住被半夜敲门或者入室行窃的例子不在少数,青旅的安保并不比酒店差,有安全柜的多人间反倒很安全,人多更不好下手哈哈。夜巴士上,小包也要随身带着不要放在行李架上。我也从来不会让别人看到我的Mac。无论是哪种旅行方式,大家的旅程一定都会很欢快哒!以上,下期野行指南见啦~10 secrets to get your low budget trip in South America (1-5)During my long trip in South America, I have seen a lot of people can spend as less as they can but also enjoy the same trip/tour compare with other travlers, some of them only spend 200$ per month on thier trips, or even less. I've learnt some skills from them, can't help myself to share them here.01CouchsurfingGuess it's the best way to get free accommodations. Also a good chance to know more about the locals, practice the local language(mostly Spanish, especially for practicing Spanish.The app"Verified Member" has more chances to be trustworthyleave/get your referenceCan be #1 app to help you saving money at your trip. You can post your trip there, some hosts would check your profile and invite you to be their guest.As a single female traveler in South America, I don't recommend to post your trip as a 'single travleer' on public thought. Some guys are tending to use Couch surfing as Tinder lol.What I normally did was looking for host on my own. At least you should check the profile of the host carefully before you accept the invitation.My first host in bogota, he runs a organic farm in the town near by bogota, a really nice guy and have 4 lovely dogs.The another 2 functions of Couchsurfing are ‘hangout’ and ‘event’.‘Hangout’ allows you to get in touch withother travelers around you. You can catchup the event you keen to join in 'Event'.Yasmin, an Assie girl. Met her on 'event' and we traveled together for 2 weeks in Ecuador.02HostelWait, I know what you want tosay. ‘Of coz! Most of the traveler stay at hostels’. But maybe you don’t know how to find a 'super cheap and super nice hostel'. There are many out of ‘Hostelworld’. Most of the hostels you found in Hostelword will be like 10-20$ per night. But most of the hostels in South America can be less than $10 (Mostly $5-$8).You can find a lot of cheap hostels with nice facilities and hangout area. 20k pesos/$8。Salento, ColombiaA really nice hostel at a island in pacific coast.They also has a private beach. 45kpesos/$14。Juanchaco, Buenaventura, Colombia.Once I traveled with an Argentina friend in Huaraz, Peru, he says 20 Peruvian soles for a dorm bed is very expensive, I was shocked. That was the least I paid at my trip before I met him! Then he showed me a hostel for only 10soles. With all the facilities, 24 hours hot shower, reasonable Wifi, kitchen, laundry area(you can also wash and dry the clothes by your own.He told me, walk around, ask, negotiate, you can always get the good price. He spend 4-5$ for a bed in general.The best you can have in a hostel: this cutie. He's afriad of thunder. Sucre, Bolivia. $6.Hostel is also a good place to know more travelers and get more information for your trip. 'Cheap Information', same trip you can get the best idea of the price from other travelers.Hippie life. only 10soles/$3 per night with all the facilities you need. Somehow they always can find the cheapest hostel at the town. Huaraz, Peru.Can't stop playing cards. Best to kill the time.In general I would say it's quite safe, you can also lock your stuff at the lockers provide by the hostel.Beds in the dorm.Lockers. Super nice. 16soles/5$(include a decent breakfast). Ica, Peru.By the way, booking.com is also a place you can easier to find a cheaper place than in Hostelworld.03Night busEven domestic flights are quite cheap in South America, night bus still could be a good option.There many night buses connect between cities in south America, also the night bus crosses the border. You can save accommodation for one night at a night bus.'Semi-cama', good enough to have a sleep at a shaking bus.Cama, more room for your leg.I am quite tiny, it's realy easy for me to fit in the ‘semi-cama’ and I felt asleep once the bus start.But if you are a big guy or avery tall girl hard to sleep at the bus, 'cama' can be a good option.Also, some bus companies have good deals if you book the bus ticket online in their website few days in advance.04MercadoMercado=Market. Local makert in South America, they are everywhere in the city, each district has at least one Mercado.You know what they are. But don't try to bring them out back home. Witches market, La paz, Bolivia.The bone of alpaca. You can see all kind of 'weird stuff' in the market.Local people use the alpaca bones to make some ceremony.FloresI don't go to the supermarket very often. The fruits and vegetables are way more fresher and cheaper in Mercado. Mercado is also the best place to find typical local flavous.Food sectionchicken soup for 6soles/$2Fresh juice for 3 soles. 4 of us share it.But you think that was all the Mercado have? No. One of my favorite market in South America: Mercado San Pedro/San PedroMarket at Cusco: they have everything!souvenirs. Mercado San Pedro, Cusco, Peru.Baby alpaca are waiting for you to take a pic. Of coz, with tips.05BargainEverything has a lower price.You can even bargain for your bus tickets. I met 2 argentina boys, they always go to the bus station at morning of the day they leave, ask for a lower price for the night bus.Hostel, the trip, shopping, are all about bargaining. Usually you can get a really good deal in the Mercado/local market.I don't bargain for only one thing, some old people sell the littilesouvenirs,such as key chains. A person have asked me a question: we bought the lunxury from those brands and allowed them to get huge margin from us, why we would give a bit more for those people who are selling the suvenirs for living? Damn.All right. That was all for part 1. Part 2 will be out in 2 weeks.I am also writing stories of the people I met, keep following up!