想去意大利是半年前的事,那时候说起和中国的妹妹一起去欧洲旅游, 她去过巴黎和瑞士,说意大利不错,说她有朋友在意大利,可以建议意大利城市的行程;那时候我在美国的妹妹也想暑期带孩子一起去,种种原因最后她们都没有下决心去。而我因为看到网上别人贴的意大利北部的照片被种草,不想把去意大利旅游变成“以后”,就有了这次和儿子的意大利暑期两人行。7,8月,这是意大利山区气候最好的时候,雨量少,气候不冷,当然可能景色就不一定比其他月份好,因为是旺季,机票和旅馆价格都比较贵。几年前是八月份在法国和瑞士度假的,发现8月可能是最差的旅游季节,法国很多有名的餐馆或者面包店都关门度假,旅游点成群的大陆旅游团,或者带孩子的团体游,景点到处是人,人声鼎沸,在大陆人多的地方旅游,旅游的心情会大打折扣。几年前在瑞士一个风景秀丽的小镇,游人,我们走进靠湖边的一家当地餐馆吃饭,服务员一看我们中国人面孔,就扔过来一张中文菜单,满脸是鄙夷的神色,我们跟她要英文菜单,菜单的内容比中文菜单多出不少,点了菜,吃了饭,付账的时候服务员的脸色缓和许多。Six months ago I had an idea of visiting Italy. I talked about traveling to Europe with my Chinese sister. She went to Paris and Switzerland and said that Italy sounds good. She said that she has a friend in Italy and can suggest trips to Italian cities. At that time, My other sister in the US also wants to travel with her kid during the summer. For various reasons, they did not make up their minds in the end. And because I saw some photos of northern Italy posted on the Internet, I was interested, and I didn't want to turn the trip to Italy into “after”, so I planned this summer trip with my son.July and August, those are the best monthes for the Italian mountain climate. The rainfall is limited and the weather is not cold. Of course, the scenery may not be the best compare with some other months, and because it is the peak travelling season, the ticket and hotel prices are relatively expensive.A few years ago, I was on vacation in France and Switzerland in August, felt that August may be the worst month in Europe. Many famous restaurants or bakeries in France are closed for vacation, flocks of tourist from mainland China, people with children crowded every corner of Europe. The relaxation of vacation trip can be affected by the shouting, by the crowds or the waiting.Then July can be the best time to visit Northern Italy.1. 准备行程。Preparation.去意大利我是不需要签证的,略过。 最重要的是决定什么时间去,去多少天,去哪里?然后买机票,订旅馆,订租车,买火车票,换国际驾照(一年有效期,185个国家和地区,包括台湾和香港,唯独不包括中国大陆)还要买徒步登山的鞋子和杆子。因为知道想去的一个山顶旅馆最难订,所以在2月份就先订下来了,当时网上查找的时候旅馆房间整个7月就一天有一个房间有空,而且是四人的房间,其他时间还有大通铺,私人房间虽然贵一点考虑有孩子还是毫不犹豫定了。基本无悬念,其他的旅程就为了将就这一天而定。气候:意大利北部城市7月夏天28-32度左右,不是太热;山区里早晚稍凉一点,下雨的时候气温低,白天在25-28度左右,是全年气温最高的时候,还是蛮舒服的。一直犹豫要不要租车,因为很多中国人(包括在美国的中国人)的游记里提到意大利山区车很难开,道窄,弯道多,意大利人车开的快。。。后来还是决定租,因为山区只靠公车不方便,虽然没有在美国以外的国家开过车,但是别人能开我应该可以!没有把握的路开慢一点应该没问题。I don't need a visa to go to Italy. The most important things for me are to decide when to go, how many days to go, where to go? Then buy airline tickets, book hotels, book rental cars, buy train tickets, change international driver's licenses (Permit is for a year, 185 countries and regions, including Taiwan and Hong Kong, but not including mainland China) and buy hiking shoes and poles. Because I knew that I wanted to go to a mountaintop hotel, it has to be booked far advance, so I booked it in February. When I searched online on Febulary, there is only one private room available in month July, and it is for 4 people. After I booked it, then later the whole itinerary is based on that day.Google maps are the most important thing if you travel around except in China. Buy a sim card before your trip if possible. I used Giffgaff from England which I highly recommended, I used Giffgaff in England earlier this year, and liked it a lot.Climate: The northern Italian city is around 28-32 degrees in the summer of July. It is not too hot. The mountain area is slightly cooler in the morning and evening. When it rains, the temperature is low. During the daytime, it is around 25-28 degrees. It is the highest temperature in the whole year. comfortable.I have been hesitant to rent a car, because many Chinese (including Chinese in the United States) have mentioned that the Italian mountain is difficult to drive, the road is narrow, many sharp turns, and the Italian cars are driving fast. . . Later, I decided to rent, because it is not convenient to rely on the bus in the mountainous area. Although I have not driven in a country outside the United States, if other can do it, so can I, sometimes just be more careful.2. 行程。这次从米兰入关,到离开米兰一共19天,不算最后离开的一天18天。具体行程是:7月14日中午到米兰,晚上住米兰,15日科莫湖游览一天,住米兰;16日早上火车去布雷西亚Brescia,玩大半天,然后下午火车去威尼斯,住威尼斯,17日玩威尼斯半天,下午火车去维罗纳 Verona,住维罗纳,18日去加尔达湖的西米歐尼Sirmione小镇,玩一天,住维罗纳;19日上午玩一下维罗纳,然后去维罗纳机场取预定的车,开车去多洛米蒂山区的奥蒂塞伊Ortisei小镇,住两晚;21日开车去科爾蒂納丹佩佐Cortina d'ampezzo 的山顶小屋旅馆, 住一晚;22日去科爾蒂納丹佩佐Cortina d'ampezzo镇,住镇中心的旅馆两晚;24日开车去山里的布雷萨诺内Bressanone 小镇住一日,次日下山去加尔达湖的马尔切西内 Malcesine; 26日到维罗纳机场还车;从维罗纳乘火车去博洛尼亚Bologna;27日从博洛尼亚去佛罗伦萨,在那里住三天,其中一天租车去托斯卡纳;最后从佛罗伦萨火车到米兰住这次旅行的最后两天,然后从米兰回美国。This time, I entered the customs from Milan and left Milan for a total of 19 days, not counting the last day is 18 days.The itinerary is this:14th of July, arrive at Milan by noon, go somewhere easy, stay in Milan;15th, Visit Lake Como for one day and back in Milan;16th, Take train to Brescia in the morning, visit the city for a half day, then to Venice in the afternoon, stay for one night;17th, Venice for half a day, in the afternoon train to Verona;18th, gWill go to a small town named Sirmione in Lake Garda area, back to Verona at night;19th, Spend a half day in Verona, and then Go to Verona Airport to pick up a rental car, drive to Ortisei, a small beautiful town in the Dolomites, and stay for two nights; during the days, take cable car to the mountains.21st, Drive to Cortina d'ampezzo mountain top lodge in Cortina d'ampezzo, Stay for one night;22nd, Will go to Cortina d'ampezzo, Val Gardena, stay for two nights;24th, Will drive to Bressanone and stay for one day, then go down the mountain to Lake Garda the next day;25th, Stay at Malcesine hotel by the lake one night.26th, Will return the rental car at Verona Airport, take the train from Verona to Bologna;27th, go from Bologna to Florence, stay at Florence for three nights, rent a car for one day to Tuscany ;30th, Finally, train to Milan for the last two days of this trip,1st of Aug, Back to the United States from Milan.2. 游记:Day 1 到达米兰。Milan.7月14 中午左右,飞机到达米兰国际机场。下飞机,进关。出了关以后,换上手机sim卡试图找去市区的交通工具,不知为什么,手机说没有信号,我想糟了,手机卡不工作,白花钱是小事,怎么找到旅馆呢?在机场找到卖去市区火车站大巴的地方,10欧元/一个人买了两张票,找到公车上车心才安定不少。到了市区下车, 手机有信号了,谷歌地铁上找到旅馆的位置,走大约10分钟就到了。At noon on July 14, the plane arrived at the Milan International Airport. After the clearance, I replaced the mobile phone sim card and tried to find the transportation in the city. I don't know why, the mobile phone said that there is no signal, I don't know what to think, the mobile phone card does not work, wasting money is a small matter, how to get to the hotel? I found a place selling the bus tickets to the city, 10 euros / one person, I bought two tickets, and found the bus, getting on it. When I got off the bus, the mobile phone got signal. The location of the hotel was about 10 minutes from station.米兰中心火车站 Milan CentralHotel in Milan旅馆登记后在房间休息了一会,就出发了。先去找吃的,在离旅馆不远的拐角看到两家意大利餐厅,一家餐厅人比较多(后来在这家吃过一次,果然人多是有道理的.),担心等的时间长,儿子叫唤肚子饿,就在人少的一家坐下来点菜,两个人各点了一种意大利面条,味道一般,面条煮的比较生,比较硬,量很少,加了cheese,付账的时候发现要的水收了我们5欧元(美国这里餐馆水都是免费的,除非你要求瓶装水),座位费也是5欧元,意面各10欧元,一共30欧元。后来发现米兰餐馆都有座位费,但是这家是最贵的;在以后的旅程中,我们餐馆点菜都没有要水或者饮料,除了一次要了啤酒,一次要了柠檬水以外,其他时候问要不要饮料都说No;我发现在意大利餐馆要水还不如要饮料,要饮料还不如要酒,所以绝大部分在餐馆吃饭的男女都喝酒,意大利人很会享受生活啊。First Meal (Lunch) in Italy near Hotel在不同国家和不同城市旅游的时候,最爱逛的是超市,“买买买”最多的是食品。意大利超市的柠檬水特别好喝,还有瓶装茶,不是太甜,也不错。去无论什么地方旅游,大部分时间肯定在餐馆吃饭,无论好坏有一个共同的问题,就是蔬菜量太少,即便每餐点蔬菜沙拉,蔬菜水果量还是不够。所以到超市买点水,水果和蔬菜是必须的。意大利超市里的长长的小番茄是我吃过最好吃的番茄。记得在瑞士旅游的时候,瑞士物价比较高,瑞士超市里的牛奶和酸奶很好喝,牛奶的价格和水差不多,超市里放鸡蛋的地方有生熟两种,不同颜色标识,熟鸡蛋煮的十分恰当,非常好吃。14号是星期天,Palazzo Lombardia 大楼39层只在星期天对公众开放,免费,可以登高看米兰城全景。6点关门,所以看不到夜景,除非冬天来。Palazzo Lombardia ground39th Floor only open to puclic on Sunday and it's free.大楼楼下。从右边中间的门上楼,有工作人员维持次序,人不多。The View from 39th Floor上面照片的右边可以看到叫垂直森林的建筑,右边尖顶的是裕信银行大楼,目前是意大利最高的楼。On the right side of the photo above you can see the building called Vertical Forest, and on the right is the Unicredit Tower, which is currently the tallest building in Italy.Other Side of the BuildingVertical Forest裕信银行大楼Unicredit TowerUnicredit Tower Center然后我们慢慢走到米兰大教堂。Then we walked to Milan Cathedral.Famous Land Mark: Milan DuomoGalleria Vittorio Emanuele II儿子在飞机上都在看电影,没有睡觉,现在觉得哪里都不愿去,困的不得了,坚持回旅馆补觉,到附近地铁站买了票乘地铁回旅馆。晚上到附近外卖了一个Pizza, 拿回旅馆吃,Pizza非常好吃,Yammy!My son watched movies the whole time on the plane. He didn't get any sleep. Now he feels that he is not willing to go anywhere, so sleepy. He insists on returning to the hotel to make up his sleep. We went to the nearby subway station and took the subway back to the hotel.
In the evening, I bought a pizza in the neighborhood and took it back to the hotel. Pizza is very delicious, Yammy!Delicious Pizza for dinnerDay 2 米兰--科莫湖--米兰 Milan-Como-Milan一大早,到米兰中心火车站准备乘火车去科莫湖,天气不太好,下小雨;火车延迟,一等就等了2个多小时,把一天的计划全部打乱,本来打算先到科莫镇,再去目的地Bellagio,结果因为天气不好,时间耽误了,没有去成Bellagio, 就在科莫和Lenno镇转了转,吃了午饭就打回转了。City of ComoDay 3 米兰--布雷西亚--威尼斯 Milan - Bresdia - Venice早上乘火车从米兰到Brescia,车站找行李寄存处,寄存后,轻轻松松玩城市。城市不大,都在走路范围内,这个城市名气不大,游客很少,很安静;不说城市漂不漂亮,走在城市的街道上绝对是一种享受!为什么要旅游,为什么要自由行?旅游不光是看风景去的,这种时光会让自己以后回味无尽的。Brescia 是小提琴的故乡。也是意大利西北地区第四大城市。这个城市也和意大利很多城市一样,有着厚重的历史韵味。Brescia Pallata Tower城市的地标之一,建于1248年,是中世纪最重要的建筑之一。安静的街道。Becautiful dressed Pretty Lady 大街上穿着漂亮的美女。穿行在Brescia的大街小巷。新老教堂 New and Old ChurchPalazzo del Broletto最早1187-1230年造的,之后又改造多次;原是政府的办公大楼。The Palace of the LoggiaPalazzo della Loggia is a beautiful palace built in Renaissance style in Brescia, located in the square of the same name, today the seat of the city’s Municipal Council. SHORT HISTORY. In 1484, the municipal authorities of Brescia decided to build a grandiose palace as an expression of good governance, replacing the original loggia and increasing the monumentality of the Piazza della Loggia, which was rising at the time.1484年造的这个取代之前旧的建筑。在1974被恐怖分子放置炸弹炸死8人,伤100多人。钟楼 Bell TowerFantastic Roman ruins in Brescia, once a hub of the Empire2000年前的旧罗马遗址,寺庙和罗马剧院。Once a theater之后去了城市博物馆,记载着这个城市2000年的历史。值得一看。在美国trip advisor 的网站上是排名第一的景点。Santa Giulia Museum, Historical Museum博物馆地方很大,展品丰富,因为时间不够,只能匆匆看过。旁边有一个摄影展,也大略看了一下;很多内容我认为是少儿不宜,但是当时却有一个小学生团体在参观。Photography Exhibitions还有更那个的·,这里就不贴了。印象最深的是下面一张:三年前在伊朗,三个骑摩托车的人向正在行走的她泼了酸,因为她的着装不像穆斯林妇女一样把全身包裹起来。虽然经过很多哭泣的黑暗日子,她还是让自己坚强起来,勇敢面对以后的生活。网上查好有一家评论很好的餐馆,可惜走到那儿不开门,就在景点附近找了一家Pizza店。很地道的意大利Pizza,味道不错。Brescia 还有一个有名的城堡因为稍远,就没有时间去了。依依不舍离开Brescia,去赶下午3点的火车,非常喜欢这个美丽宁静的城市。火车按时抵达威尼斯。Train got to Venice on time.威尼斯大家比较熟悉,交通主要是水上公交;下了火车站附近就有水上公交站台,在售票处买了票就乘上船去旅馆所在地。Venice is well known by all. Meanly people travel by water bus, under the railway station near the water bus platform, we bought tickets at the ticket office on board the boat to the hotel location.威尼斯是旅游热点,人多。Venice is a tourist attraction, crowded.From Venice Train Station火车站门口。旅馆靠河边,位置不错。Hotel is by the river, a good location.叹息桥上拍照的人。Flock of people were taking photos on the bridge.Bridge of Sighs打卡景点。Punching attractions.Basilica di San MarcoSt. Mark's SquareWindow shopping.Art of GlassDay 4 威尼斯--维罗纳 Venice--Verona第二天早上7点多出门,街上人很少。If you want to get good photos or avoid crowd, best way is to get up early, very early.Doge's PalaceCanal GrandeThe Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute (Basilica of St. Mary of Health), commonly known simply as La Salute, is one of the largest churches of Venice and has the status of a minor basilica. It stands in a prominent position at the junction between the Grand Canal and the Bacino di San Marco on the lagoon.回旅馆吃了早饭后,打包寄存行李。今天主要是去教堂里面和总督府。After going back to the hotel for breakfast, pack and store your luggage. Today is mainly to go inside the church and the Doge's house. The Doge's Palace is a palace built in Venetian Gothic style, and one of the main landmarks of the city of Venice in northern Italy.总督府参观的时候可以看到叹息桥,然后到威尼斯旧监狱。The Sigh Bridge can be seen during a visit to the Doge's Palace, and then to the old prison in Venice。威尼斯拥有无数的运河、风景如画的桥梁、狭窄的鹅卵石街道和柔和的彩色建筑,是一座令人惊叹的城市。With its countless canals, picturesque bridges, narrow cobbled streets and pastel-colored buildings, Venice is a stunning city。吃面的小店非常拥挤, 机器在不停的吐出各种形状的意大利面。Pasta & pasta venezia: the little noodle shop is very crowded, and the machine is spitting out all shapes of pasta. Owner is a Chinese woman.Charlie Sheen's picture was on the wall.Delicious chicken and mushroom pasta for my son.下午,火车离开威尼斯去维罗纳。Afternoon, we were leaving and to Verona.维罗纳在米兰和威尼斯中间,地理位置相当好,因为处在多条贸易道路的交界,成为欧洲一座重要的城市。2000年入选联合国教科文组织的世界遗产。“维罗纳城”是极少数以一座独立而完整的城市列入世界文化遗产的。Verona is a good location between Milan and Venice, as it is an important city in Europe at the junction of several trade routes. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000. The city of Verona is one of the few cities to be included in the World Heritage Site as an independent and complete city.Verona streetJuliet's house 朱丽叶之家。Piazzale Castel San Pietro 维罗纳圣彼得城堡 登高看维罗纳的全景。View of the city from Castel San PietroSunset在Verona,我们大部分是走路的,但是也乘过几次公车,如果要从圆形剧场走回住处要半小时,坐车可以省力气和时间。市内一张车票是1.3欧元,90分钟内可以随意换乘,但是要在卖酒的杂货店才有卖,上车买是2欧元;意大利很多城市都是这样。在科莫湖,从como到Lenno因为没有找到卖汽车票的地方,上车后买的要贵不少。 At Verona, we mostly walked, but also took a few time bus rides, which save effort and time if we're half an hour's walk back to hotel. A bus ticket in the city is 1.3 euros and can be exchanged within 90 minutes, but it's only available at the grocery store where the wine is sold, and it's 2 euros if be bought on the bus; In Lake Como, from como to Lenno, we spent more money bought tickets on the bus, because we can't find a local place selling the bus ticket.Day 5 维罗纳 Verona--西尔苗内Sirmione--Verona我的天,城市的中文翻译好拗口。今天一天是去Lake Garda 南面的一个小镇 Sirmione,Lake Garda 是意大利最大的湖,沿岸有许多小镇,我们以后还要去北边的镇。斯卡利杰尔城堡 Castello scaligero小镇很漂亮,旅游者众多。有很多餐馆和特色小店,很多小店卖Gelato。几乎在意大利每个城市都要尝一尝Gelato,特别喜欢的是柠檬味。The town is very beautiful and there are many tourists. There are many restaurants and specialty shops, many of which sell Gelato. We tried Gelato in almost every city in Italy, especially like lemon flavor.然后去了Jamaica Beach,说来是Beach 海滩,应该是湖滩。不少人玩水,晒太阳。Then I went to Jamaica Beach, which is supposed to be Lake Beach. Many people play with water and bask in the sun.Beach 边上有个酒吧,也卖饮料。买了一杯无酒精饮料.There's a bar next to Beach that sells drinks. I bought a non -alcoholic drink.从Beach往回往上走,有一个公元一世纪造的罗马乡村庭院的遗址Grotte di Catullo,门票好像是8欧元。这个遗址挺大,足足转了一个多小时。Back up from Beach, there's Grotte di Catullo, the site of a 1st-century Roman country courtyard, and tickets was 8 euros. The site was so large that it take me more than an hourto finish.Grotte di Catullo在景点有一家餐馆,儿子看到了就一定要在这里吃饭,等不及到镇子里了。There was a restaurant in the attraction, the son saw it and want to eat here, can't wait to get to town.价格不便宜,味道不怎么样。Expensive and not so good.Beautiful town! Castle, beach, and 1st-century Roman country courtyard, what more can we expected? We had a great day.回去的时候乘公车因为谷歌地图转车搞错了,早下站了,折腾了一个多小时才搞懂换车回Verona的长途车,到Verona已经是饥肠辘辘,找到一个麦当劳就进去吃饭了,买了汉堡,土豆条,还有鸡翅;吐槽一下意大利麦当劳的鸡翅,2.5左右欧元买了三个鸡翅中段,从来没有见过那么小的鸡翅,和拇指差不多短和瘦小,这是唯一 一次在意大利吃的麦当劳,好处是有免费厕所。还吃过一次中餐,那次中餐是在意大利18天里吃的最差劲的一餐,还不如麦当劳。有时候,儿子饿了,就一定要找一家餐馆吃饭,不愿意等,饿不起。旅游看风景没有吃重要。Back on the bus, because Google Maps is so confusing we end up got off bus too early, took us another hour and half figured out the bus line, finally we got on Verona's long-distance bus to go back, when we got to City, it;s already dark and hungry, found a McDonald's to eat, bought hamburgers, potato chips, and chicken wings.Chicken wings is so so tiny, like my pinkie thumb, that was the only time we ate in McDonald's while we were in Italy, the advantage was a free toilet available. We also had a Chinese meal once while in italy, which was the worst meal in Italy in 18 days, worse than McDonald's. Lot of times, when my son was crying hungry, he had to find a place to eat right away, no patient or unwilling to wait. And to him, food is more important than anything else.Medieval City Wall of Verona at nightDay 6 Verona--Verona 机场--Dolomite19th, Early in the morning, my son was still asleep, and I went out alone. Walk through the ancient city in the face of the rising sun. Experience the beauty of the city by walking through the almost deserted streets and listening to the roaring waters of the river.一大早,儿子还在睡梦里,我一个人出门了。迎着初升的太阳,漫步古城。穿过几乎无人的街道,听着河里哗哗的流水声,体验这个城市的美丽。城堡博物馆,门票6欧元,8点就开门了,因为早,人极少,值得一看。Castle Museum, ticket sold for 6 euros, open at 8 o'clock, because early, very few people, worth a look.Castelvecchio Museum is a museum in Verona, northern Italy, located in the eponymous medieval castle. Restoration by the architect Carlo Scarpa between 1959 and 1973 has enhanced the appearance of the building and exhibits.博物馆出来后,去往维罗纳圆形广场。爱之城Arena di Verona走回旅馆的路上,在一家卖面包的小店里买了个有肉有奶酪的三明治带给儿子,自己买了个可松;顺便在其他一家小店买了汽车票。儿子说这是他吃过的最好吃的三明治。On the way back to the hotel, at a corner small bakery, I bought a sandwich with meat and cheese for my son , and a croissant for myself; My son said it was the best sandwich ever.吃完早饭,乘车去圆形广场。人已经很多了,排队买票花了半个多小时,10欧元一人,18岁以下有优惠。因为这个景点名气大,就为了看一看里面,我感觉这个门票和排队的时间是最不值的,远不如城堡博物馆。After breakfast, we went to the famous Arena. There are already a lot of people waiting in line to buy tickets, after more than half an hour, we bought tickets, cost 10 euros per person, under 18 years old had a discount. Because its fame, everyone wants to see inside, and I felt it didn't live up to its name, not worth the time waiting and the money. The museum I went in the morning had way more interesting things to explore ( Actually, I didn't have time to finish it all at Museum).Verona bus ticketIn Italy, if you buy ticket on the bus is more expensive than you buy at local convenience store. After stamped the first time, you can used again and again within 90 minutes.再看一眼Verona的River Adige河和桥,古老,美丽的爱之城。中午就急匆匆乘到机场的Bus去维罗纳机场,租车的地方就在机场大厅边上。欧洲租车手排挡比较多也便宜,虽然会开但是还是喜欢自动档,因为不多需要提前预订。我订的比最小车型高一档,经济型,拿车的时候发现给的钥匙是奔驰车,然后让去停车的地方自己找。好不容易找到车,车和车间距很小,把车开出来还比较容易,一周后还车的时候费了半天时间还没办法停到车位里,谁让我是美国乡下来的呢?最后是让一位帅哥帮忙停的。Rented Mercedes-BenzGPS 设置好,上路。奔驰车很稳,灵活,很好控制,好车就是不一样,我还是第一次开奔驰。先去Funes山谷。Val di Funes肚子饿了,先找地方吃饭,谁便找了一家饭馆,饭前面包。还有一份意面,照片找不到了。 以后找到再补。找经典网红拍照点,S. Maddalena 的圣约翰教堂,在栅栏里面,不让进。St. Magdalena, peaceful small church安安静静没有喧嚣的小教堂。上面这个照片是儿子照的。咔嚓了无数张照片,折腾半天,又开车沿原路返回,经过一个小平台,发现有几个人在这儿照相,这才是拍照打卡的地方嘛,刚才白忙活。经过这么折腾,光线开始暗淡,太阳慢慢下山。在夕阳中傲视群山的小教堂有一种大教堂没有的美,宁静,孤芳自赏,看着它,有种心灵被净化的感觉。然后我一路开车找另一个教堂。按照GPS,我一路开上了山,一直开到了私人农庄里。又倒回到路边;天色已经晚了,爬上山坡抓紧拍照。Villnöß is a comune in South Tyrol in northern Italy, located about 30 kilometres northeast of the city of Bolzano.从Funes山谷开到Ortisei小镇,天已经黑了,找到在山上的旅馆,安顿下来。从旅馆的阳台上拍的夜景是这样的:不知道第二张是怎么拍出来的。忙碌完美的一天。Night Blur Pictures from Hotel BalconyDay 7 Ortisei--Seceda--Ortisei早晨从睡梦中醒来时阳台外是这样的场景:空气都是甜的。Morning when I woke up, outside of room balcony overlook a green village.早上旅馆的自助餐很丰富。Planty of delicious food are at hotel breakfast buffet, small fresh baked crossion was the best I ever had.要提一下这小小的可松,是我吃的至今为止最好吃的: 温热的,非常松软,入口即化;以前在巴黎很好的烘培店买的都比不上这。可惜我只吃了一个,儿子吃了一个,端上来一会儿就没了;第二天也没有见到,到现在看着照片想起来还能体验当初的味觉。这就是旅游带来的惊喜之一。今天从旅馆出发,徒步到镇上的缆车站,乘缆车上Seceda山。After breakfast, we walked down from hotel to a cable station in town.走下山到缆车站需要12-14分钟,还好,都是下坡路(想想晚上回来的时候!)。有一段可以乘公车,旅馆有免费车票;但是公车末班车17:30左右,肯定是赶不回来的。我们下坡路走了一次,因为第二天早上正赶上公车乘车下去的;上坡路却走了两次。当天回按照谷歌给的线路回旅馆走的抄近路,也不知道谷歌怎么想的,都走到别人私人后院的乱石路,近倒是近一点;第二天断断不想再走,走开车的大路上山的,走的气喘吁吁,中间停了无数次,看样子缺乏锻炼!下山12分钟左右,上山至少花了25分钟。怪不得遇到同旅馆的一家子夫妇和一个成年女儿说,太累了,她们不愿走,老公上山然后把车开下去接母女俩。It takes 12-14 minutes to walk down the hill to the cable car station, it's all downhill (think when you come back at night!). )。 There is a section where you can take the bus and the hotel has free tickets, but the last bus is certainly not coming back at about 17:30. We walk downhill once, but we took the bus went down the next morning.走下山的路,缆车头上过。缆车从Ortisei 到Seceda比较贵的,32欧元来回每个人,小孩半价。山比较高,所以是两段缆车。第一段到Furnes,下来换另一段 Furnes-Seceda,每一段分别有不同的价,可以乘车上去选择徒步下来。Seceda Mountains.这就是传说中的多洛米蒂山区!多么气势磅礴!天气晴朗,阳光正盛,头顶上的大快云朵在山里飘荡。This is the legendary Dolomites! How magnificent! The weather is clear, the sun is shining, and the big fast clouds above are floating in the mountains.在这么美丽的地方徒步,真是心旷神怡。Seceda山被云笼罩着,昂首耸立。走累了饿了,找个山中小屋吃饭。Hiking in such a beautiful place is really refreshing. Seceda Mountain was shrouded in clouds and stood tall.Tired and hungry, we tried to find a hut "Baita Troier Hütte" to dine.来杯啤酒,杯子看着挺大,实际上细细长长的。There are centainly a lots of meat! We can't finish it, brought it to the road. 肉太多了打包一半带走,往山谷里再走了一段就打回转了。回到缆车站,看到一个标志说往另一个方向上坡可以拍到山的最佳位置,儿子懒惰不想走,我只能一个人向前;路石子较多,上坡也蛮累,可是为了拍照也蛮拼的。。。Back to the cable car station, I saw a sign saying that you can take best pictures of the mountain when you go uphill in the other direction. My son said he is tired and doesn't want to go, so I went alone. There are many gravel, and the uphill is quite tiring, but that is what's going to take for good pictures. . .山区的云层变化很快,几分钟就从一处移到另一处。Clouds moving so fast, you can see the shadow moves over green. It's pretty common that you see Jesus on the cross at the mountain top.乘缆车下山。到Ortisei 镇子里面转转,顺便吃晚饭。奥迪塞伊Ortisei是加尔代纳山谷里最大的一个镇子,加尔代纳山谷也是多洛米蒂最国际化和最大大山谷之一,从这里出发去周边其他山谷,山峰和山口都很方便。这里到处都是家庭旅馆, 夏天主要的活动是徒步建行, 可以走上5-6个小时,冬天,这里就是滑雪的圣地。Take the cable car down the mountain. Go around in Ortisei town and have dinner by the way. Ortisei is the largest town in the Val Gardena, and the Val Gardena is also one of the most cosmopolitan and largest valleys in the Dolomites. It is very convenient to go to other surrounding valleys, peaks and passes from here. There are family hotels everywhere. In summer, the main activity is to walk around the mountains. You can sometimes walk for 5-6 hours. In winter, this is a good place for skiing.洋葱头教堂。Ortisei town在镇子里吃了晚饭。Dinner.在超市买了一片西瓜,和水。After dinner, we went to local supermarket and bought watermelon and water. That is what I like, no matter where I go, I alway enjoy to explore the local market and supermarket.带着这些,踏上了回旅馆的上坡之路。The way from downtown to hotel is a long, long way uphill. We stoped a few times justn😢The family hotel we stayed at Ortisei. 有点太长了,分下一部分写。End of part one.