已从kiwi归来http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTgwNjAzOTcy.html?firsttime=1114这是换宿旅行的正片,希望大家喜欢,能够勾引更多朋友去新西兰就再好不过啦~首先介绍一下本人申请背景:第一次知道这种签证的存在是大二独自旅行中认识的澳大利亚女生 Alison 告知的,果然旅行中国际友人的信息还是很有价值的@@!!!推荐WHS最重要的原因是申请WHS门槛很低:1)中华人民共和国大陆地区公民2)高中及以上学历3)18~30周岁,个人前往,不能带子女。4)雅思成绩最低5.5分5)有往返机票或单程机票,或者提供等额的资金证明(约1W人民币,新西兰航空属于星空联盟 STAR ALLIANCE 国内有同属这一联盟的只有国航,可以一定程度上用里程换取升舱或者机票,具体操作请各自致电)。6)存款不低于4200NZ$,银行开具证明7)身体健康,需要三个月内的体检报告,具体见下文。8)无犯罪前科(其实开始想和到现在申请居然过了三四年??!!!这个酝酿期当真有够长。论坛上还有30周岁放弃一切的拿这个签证去从头再来,自认没有这个勇气,现在研一即将结束,研二全年无课~此时不申,更待何时呢?)WHS的目的在于让想移民的年轻人在NZ获得合法工作资格一整年来思考你真的想/适合移民么?很多人通过WHS去NZ 然后一年之后找机会转学士签或者工作签,进而移民也是有的。目前对中国大陆开放的国家暂时只有新西兰。真是恨 持湾湾护照可去:日本、加拿大、德国、澳洲、纽西兰、韩国、英国 持香港护照可去:新西兰、澳洲、日本、韩国(待补充) 新西兰自2008年作为唯一的一个对中国大陆地区公民开放 Working Holiday 签证的国家,每年会不定期开放空位,全年一共一千个申请名额,具体开放时间以网站为准。千万不要以为位置很难抢~这是6月16日下午18:50截的图,距我申请已经半个月了,空位居然还是有的。由此可见中国的年轻人到底是有多宅⋯⋯该附件不存在或已被删除http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/workingholiday/chinawhs.htm5月30号凌晨一点抢位付款120NZ$(1新西兰元=5.0099人民币元 2012/06/16),如果没有雅思成绩,请先考试然后再抢位,很多人在没有雅思的情况下抢位付款,钱就打水漂了⋯⋯付款的钱是不退的,需要使用 Mastercard 或 VISA 支付,不支持支付宝,银联等国内支付方式。现在提交材料的期限是一个月,所以必须考了雅思再上网提交申请表付款。不要再出现提交申请交了钱之后再说雅思还没考该怎么办!网上付款的120NZ$是不退的!!!!NEW ZEALAND CHECKING LIST (ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS INCLUDED)新西兰假日工作签证资料清单1. Valid passport and a copy of passort. 有效护照以及复印件一份 2. Evidence, such as bank statements or passbook, that you have a minimum of NZ$4,200 available in your name. 银行存款证明原件2份,外加复印件2份 我开的是中国农业银行的存款证明,一张20RMB,需要冻结,我冻结两个月的,等存款证明原件退还的时候再拿去银行解冻就可以了,开了两张:一张24000¥(证明存款不低于4200NZ$) 一张10000¥(证明可以负担机票费用)不过也有很多人直接开4w的存款证明一张,也成功下签了。招行不用冻结也可以开具存款证明,工行一张要50RMB,抢钱啊⋯⋯3. A Temporary Entry X-ray Certificate (NZIS 1096) which is not more than 3 months old. X-RAY 密封医院出具一份 到指定医院做健康检查。(只需要一个X-Ray)新西兰WHS体检指定医院列表:http://www.immigration.govt.nz/branch/chinahomepage/paneldoctors/ch.htm 各城市价格不等,我在北京去的和睦家United Family Hospital 地址:地铁建国门下,建国门外大街21号,北京国际俱乐部公寓楼地下一层(路上问问保安,还是比较好找的) 需要提前两天电话预定(电话:010 85321716) 去体检时需要带着填好的1096表格和一张护照标准2寸照片 收费451.5RMB ,合肥的安徽省立医院是140RMB⋯⋯真是伤心4. Bachelor degree and a copy of bachelor degree. 学士学位原件和复印件一份 (如果是高中学历,需要高中学历必须要开具CDGDC证明,高中以上学历只需提供学历原件和翻译件,无需公证。CDGDC认证:http://cqv.chinadegrees.cn/cn/)5. Provide a copy of this email on which you have completed 大使馆确认信一份the fields below stating your name and address in Chinese characters, andthe declaration on the last page to confirm you have read, and understand, the information on the third page.我的确认信过了一天都没有收到,开始只收到了这个封邮件 Congratulations! Your registration for the Department of Labour Online Services is now complete.过了一天实在等不了了,就打电话 010 65326688-309 然后 工作人员 Luffy Ma 给我转发邮件了,看来系统真的会有漏洞啊!!一般确认信几小时之内就会收到了,没有收到的同学可别枯等啊~!————————————分割线,以下打印一共四张纸,需要一同递交给签证中心—————————————DOCUMENTS TO SUBMIT1. Your valid passport.2. Evidence, such as bank statements or passbook, that you have a minimum of NZ$4,200 available in your name.3. Evidence of an airline ticket departing New Zealand or onward travel arrangements.4. A Temporary Entry X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096) which is not more than 3 months old. Please check the list of Panel Doctors for an INZ approved radiologist to complete this form.5. Notarised certificate with a copy of your senior high school qualification (gao zhong xue li), and an English translation showing a minimum three years’ full time study.6. Verification of your senior high school qualification (gao zhong xue li) from the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Centre (CDGDC).7. Provide a copy of this email on which you have completed: the fields below stating your name and address in Chinese characters, and the declaration on the last page to confirm you have read, and understand, the information on the third page.8. A completed Supplementary Application Form for Chinese Visitors, Students and Workers (INZ 1027).9. Evidence that you have a level of English that is assessed as at least functional. To do this, you must provide a certificate from the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test, showing you achieved an average level of 5.5 over the four components of the test.You must also agree that, should your application be approved, you will take out medical and comprehensive hospitalisation insurance that will remain current throughout your stay in New Zealand.Note: You must provide English translations of all documents.ADDRESS TO SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATIONNew Zealand Visa Application Centre Room J, K, L, 8th Floor, Oriental Kenzo Plaza, No. 48 Dongzhimenwai Street, Dongcheng District,Beijing 100027For more information on the process of submitting visa applications at the Visa Application Centre please go to the Visa Application Centre website at: www.newzealandvisachina.com or call +86-10-84476877; 84476776;84477363 between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm Monday to Friday. The Visa Application Centre can also be contacted via:infopek.nzcn@vfshelpline.com.You will be required to pay a facilitation fee when you submit your application to the Visa Application Centre of RMB 220 per applicantIf you do not wish to return to the Visa Application Centre to collect your result you may opt to get your result sent back to you by courier. If you opt for the courier pass back service there will be an additional charge of RMB50 per applicant for courier to return your passport.You may transfer money into the following bank account:Beijing Visa Application Centre:Name of Bank: Bank of China Beijing Dongzhimen Sub-branchBank Account Number: 336357615563Account Holder Name: BEIJING TONGHUISHUNDA EXIT-ENTRY SERVICE CO., LTD.Applicants are requested to collect the invoice for all payments.To Immigration New ZealandFull name: XXX XXX XXXName in Chinese characters: __________________________________Date of birth: XX November 1988Application ref: 11XXXXXXImmigration adviser’s name and registration number (if applicable):—————————————————————————分割线,以上打印————————————————————6. A completed supplementary form (INZ 1027). 1027表格一份 所有信息请记得用英文大写!大写永远不会犯错的!!7. Evidence that you have a level of English that is assessed as at least functional. To do this, you must provide a certificate from the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test, showing you achieved an average level of 5.5 over the four components of the test. 雅思成绩单原件一份和复印件一份 本人北京签证中心直接递签,中午11点30去的时候前面只有一个人,“排队” 30秒就办理了,费用220RMB,由于亲自取回护照,所以没有付EMS费用50RMB,外地的同学汇款时需要将申请递送费220元和快递回邮费50元汇至新西兰签证申请中心的指定账户银行名称:中国银行北京东直门支行账户: 3363 5761 5563收款人:北京桐辉顺达出入境服务有限公司(面递的同学就不需要向这个地址汇款了,直接在签证中心办理WHS时支付220RMB即可)新西兰签证不需要面签,只需要提供所需资料就可以了。现在新西兰使馆已经不负责NZ签证了,所有工作转交给签证中心。新西兰签证申请中心—北京地址:北京市东城区东直门外大街48号东方银座写字楼8层J、K、L室邮编:100027垂询电话: 86-10-8447 6877; 8447 6776; 8447 7363 (呼叫中心工作时间: 上午9:00—下午5:00 周一至周五)、如果不是北京、上海、广州这三个城市(只有这三个城市有新西兰签证中心),不能亲自去签证中心的同学,需要邮寄所有资料,签证中心只接受EMS的邮寄方式,具体申请方式请移步豆瓣、众多论坛,此处不赘述了~ http://www.douban.com/group/WHV/费用总计:雅思一年前考的,就不计算在内了。抢位时付款120NZ$X-ray 体检:451.5RMB签证中心:220RMB 面递自取,无需支付50RMB邮寄费用银行存款证明:2*20RMB学位学历证书英文盖章:12RMB共计:1323.5RMB从抢位付款到签证到手一共15天,6月8日(周五)递交签证中心,6月13日下签,6月14日电话通知我去取回护照(没有邮寄)。我自认不是一个胸有大志的人,崇尚及时行乐,明显不符合马列主义毛邓思想的为人类洒热血的高尚情操,也早已过了高中看《凤凰周刊》为钓鱼岛忧心失眠的年少轻狂。人生苦短,何必委屈自己呢?为了活着还是为了生活,决定权在你自己手中罢了。从2012年6月13日下签开始算一年,到2013年6月13日之间,必须降临在新西兰的土地上,从首次入境开始算起,一年之内不论是多次往返还是只呆在新西兰打工旅行都是OK的,预备明年春节后去,5月初回国研究生答辩,期间在北岛养马,南岛遛弯,有人同行么~?谢谢阅读