心里念着阿拉斯加的亲们,一定都读过如下一些话:“若人生只有三个地方旅行,那么这三个地方一定要有阿拉斯加,并且阿拉斯加占了两个,阿拉斯加的冬天和阿拉斯加的夏天。”"Alaska至少要去三次,一次盛夏野性的奔放,一次深秋炫目的斑斓,一次寒冬绽放的夜空。"除了这些读完让人春心荡漾的煽情言语之外,还有另外一些描写极光灵动优雅勾魂摄魄的话,好吧,就算你不看攻略,你总见过一抹抹绿色的极光照片吧。我的建议是:不要再看照片啦!不要看攻略啦(让同游小伙伴去看LOL)!为甚这么说呢,我看过照片,看多了文采极佳的攻略之后的结果就是站在北极圈的苍穹之下并无我想象中的那么兴奋。攻略中的什么“忍不住屏住呼吸”啦,“怕打扰了这一刻的震撼”啦,去tmd,其实极光根本没照片那么绿,好伐?!那我百忙之中写这篇是干嘛呢,一来呢提供给将来的自己和访客一些旅行信息,二来呢有幸读到上段的访客们对于阿拉斯加极光游的希冀若降落了一点点之后,你的行程会更加美好,我真是用心良苦啊,此处请点赞。My List 我自己携带的物品清单,简单明了,一个登机行李箱即可容纳1 uniqlo extra heattech秋裤+加厚黑保暖裤 (我在Anchorage,穿这两条保暖裤)2 滑雪防水裤uniqlo extra heattech秋裤+加厚黑保暖裤+滑雪防水裤 (在零下20摄氏度以下则+一条滑雪裤)3 上身:Under Armour cold gear贴身保暖内衣+ 毛衣+羊绒毛衫+抓绒冲锋衣+长款羽绒服4 小件:三位一体护耳面套、薄面套、黑色护耳绒(基本没戴)+抓绒帽子 + 另一顶红帽子换着戴(拍照有颜色变化)、手套(最好一双五指略薄+厚手套)、围巾(五颜六色拍照好看)+大红围巾(拍照好看)5 鞋: 皮靴or防水hiking boot+ gaitor(雪大会有用,我们在阿拉斯加的几日无雪)6 隐形眼镜 (看极光必备,因为哈气)7 电器:单反:光圈4,快门30秒,ISO1600,焦距17;防水相机可以在chena温泉里拍照 (不必须)手机在极冷气温下自动关机 带单反的必须要带三脚架8 袜子:穿两层 (一层薄袜子+贴暖宝宝+加厚户外专用羊毛袜)9 温泉:拖鞋 毛巾(不必须,Chena温泉度假村的温泉入口处的工作人员有发毛巾) 洗发水 游泳衣(必备,也可以在温泉入口处买)10 驾照 (虽然没用也要带着)11 现金$500 (携带现金基本没花,一路刷卡即可)12 焖烧杯或者热水瓶 (冬日喝一杯热水,很快乐)13 sample:牙膏牙刷 洗面奶等护肤物品14 护肤霜 眼霜、卸妆水、化妆品、防晒霜和护唇膏(这两个基本没用,因为衣物裹得很严实)15 太阳镜(若去Denali国家公园的小飞机tour的话必须带)16 厚睡衣一套 (不仅睡觉时穿,实在太冷还可以套在雪裤里外出)17 暖宝宝 (home depot有卖,daiso的不好使,安检时我单独取出来了,顺利通过;同游小伙伴有被拿出来一片一片检查)基本就是贴在袜子里和手套里,其他地方穿得很暖的话就没有必要帖了,最冷就是手脚。下面是专业的英文物品携带清单,供大家参考:WHAT TO PACK FOR WINTER IN ALASKADeveloping a winter clothing systemAs you will be outdoors every day it is important to have the right clothing andfootwear with you. Choosing the proper gear will make your winter trip moreenjoyable. Your clothing must work as a system that wicks away perspiration,insulates you from the cold and protects you from the wind. The preferred systemis made up of several layers. This allows you to easily adjust your clothing tochanges in the weather and changes in your heat output. The following aresuggestions for your Winter Alaska trip.The First layer or Base layerClothing next to your skin must wick perspiration away from your skin to keep youdry and warm. Capilene is excellent. Polypropylene is good. Wool or cotton areinappropriate as they are poor wicking layers.The Second layer (or layers)This layer provides insulation and retain your body heat without restrictingmovement. Pile, polar fleece, and synchilla are great. Wool is heavier and willhold moisture longer but maintains most of its insulating ability even when wet.The Third layerThis offers extra insulation. A down filled parka or thinsulate are good examples.Some down filled parkas can be used as outer layer if they are water repellent. Adown filled parka with insulated hood will keep you warm & toasty.The Fourth layer or outer layerThis must offer protection from the wind, rain and snow. The more wind proofoften is the less breathable. Goretex is a good choice as it is very windproof.Make sure that the outer layers are large enough to fit over your other layers.We also suggest the following items:(1) Warm windproof hat that covers your ears well, ear warmers or balaclava1 pair light weight fleece gloves, heavy fingered gloves or mittens. Tip: tie smallpieces of ribbon or nylon cord through the eye of each zipper pull on all zipperheads to enable you to operate zippers with mitts on.2 pair of light weight liner socks (capilene, polypropylene, or silk are excellent)2 pair of warm wool or fleece socks sized to fit over the liner socks1 pair of pile or fleece pants (200 or 300 weight fleece or pile)1 warm pile or fleece jacket (200 or 300 weight fleece or pile)Warm boots (with double liners rated to -40¡ãF) In-lodge Footwear - something toget you out of your boots (mukluks with insulation, lightweight insulated boots, even tennis shoes)Sunglasses that block out most ultraviolet rays and sunscreen, spare hats - awool stocking cap makes a good spare; a lightweight hat or headband is oftenuseful, lip balm and comfortable, warm clothes for the evenings.Camera and film (we suggest you have a case or pouch of some kind to carryyour camera in) Bring extra batteries for your camera. Some cameras takespecial batteries that may be difficult to find in Alaska. Tip: keep spare batteriesand camera inside your coat. The extreme temperatures kill batteries quickly.Bring along some packages of hand and foot warmers. To use, simply open apacket--contents are air-activated, providing heat for up to seven hoursSometimes the streets are icy in Alaska and I have found these devices to bevery helpful in getting extra traction on the ice.With much of our recommendations we offer two choices of materials - wool orsynthetics such as polypropylene. Both have their advantages. Synthetics arelightweight, wick moisture away from the skin efficiently and dry out fast. Butwhen wet we feel that synthetics lose much of their insulating ability. Wool isheavier and will hold moisture longer but maintains most of its insulating abilityeven when wet.我的行头要么是穿了十几年的羽绒服,要么是住纽约时代留下的旧物,要么就是借闺蜜的滑雪装配,没有为此行多花钱配置冬物。在阿拉斯加一路上见到的中国人比我加州的家所在城市见到的国人都多,这些国人的标配是加拿大鹅的羽绒服和Sorel的雪地靴,国人有钱众所周知不多说,羽绒服若不常穿没必要买加拿大鹅,Sorel的雪靴可以入,若居住地有冬天的话。机票:旧金山-西雅图-安克雷奇-Fairbanks 往返共计$585出发前消费:Denali国家公园在Talkeetna出发的小飞机团+Fairbanks北极圈团+5晚住房 共计$1013*租车油费和餐厅:$293.00路上零食+礼品等:$69.00= 共计花销 $1960/p*其中小飞机团$355, 北极圈极光团$419.00/person 快$2000了啊啊啊!这么贵可以去很多其他更有趣,更丰富的地方,比如欧洲十国游。预算紧的亲,可以考虑参加华人旅行团以节约成本,土豪请随意。我是打算下次夏天来阿拉斯加,大家租RV,一路上不需要酒店,有人住睡袋帐篷,有人睡车上。吃就自己烧烤。小飞机团全部不参加,开到哪玩到哪儿,停到哪儿走到哪儿,徒步国家公园,感受彻头彻尾的静谧与狂野,看三文鱼洄游和熊抓鱼等等。费用大家一均摊,一定比冬天便宜不少。此行看到了传说中的神秘极光,确实灵动舒展,漫天飞扬,五颜六色,但实话讲没有照片那么美,而且冬日除了看极光别的也没事可做,日照时长很短,建议3月来又有极光又有的玩。