Jardins de l'Évêché Blois


9.04 reviews#5 things to do in Blois
#5 things to do in Blois


Jardins de l'É V ê ch é Blois To the east of the main church and town hall of St. Louis, you will see a park, which is the Bishop's garden. On the terrace of the garden, you can have a panoramic view of the bluwa and the Loire River. Related travel notes: "50 days in southern Europe - up" detour south from Paris, France, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Gibraltar, "4 + 1 country" train & self driving for 30 days ", link: http://bbs.qyer.com/thread-2630778-15.html.


The Bishop's garden is located on the east side of the Cathedral of St. Louis. It is a small garden courtyard. Because of the high terrain, you can overlook the buildings below


Bishop's garden is located to the east of St. Louis Cathedral, where you can have a panoramic view of the bluwa and the Loire River.

Address: Rue du bourg Saint Jean, 41000 Boulevard France
Opening hours: All day




Wed Aug 12 2015


Bishops Garden主教花园,建筑和花园都一般:

Thu Dec 25 2014