Palais Rohan


7.735 reviews#10 things to do in Strasbourg
#10 things to do in Strasbourg






The residence of the prince's bishop in Strasbourg, built between 1732 and 1742. The basement is the architectural museum, the ground floor is the art decoration Museum, and the upstairs is the art museum.

Address: 2 place du Château
Opening hours: Wednesday to Monday 10:00-18:00.
+33 3 88 52 50 00



Rohan palace is the residence of the former Prince bishops and the cardinal Rohan in Strasbourg. The so-called "Prince bishop" is the governor of the unity of politics and religion, who has great local domination. The palace was built in 1742. Rohan palace is a quadrangle palace, and the whole picture of the palace is very clear on the top of Notre Dame Cathedral. The front door of the palace is decorated in a typical baroque style. There are religious figures on the top of the wall, but the age is long and the stones used in the building are black. After entering, there is a large courtyard. The building is built around the courtyard. In front of the palace is the Cathedral of Notre Dame, and behind it is the Strasbourg river. There are not many outstanding palaces. There are too many such palaces in Europe. The palaces as governors can't compare with many palaces and imperial palaces in Europe. Now Rohan palace has been opened into three museums, namely, the Museum of Art (Mus é e des Beaux Arts), the Museum of Decorative Arts (Mus é e des Arts D é coratifs) and the Museum of Archaeology (Mus é e arch é logique). You can buy a set of tickets, or you can buy tickets to visit separately.

Fri Nov 29 2019


The Alsace area with Strasbourg as the core was Catholic in ancient times, but since the 16th century religious reform (even Calvin himself came to Strasbourg in 1538), it has turned to Protestantism. After the annexation of Strasbourg in the 18th century, France began a vigorous movement of re Catholicization. It was necessary to send a bishop from France to take charge of Strasbourg, the once free city of the Holy Roman Empire. The burden fell on the bishop of Rouen from Brittany. After receiving the king's special taxation order, apart from restoring Strasbourg cathedral to function, bishop Rouen's other major task was to build himself a beautiful palace, which was called Rouen palace Otherwise, how can a man become bad if he has money! In addition to the Bishop's own residence, this magnificent palace also serves as the king's palace. Louis 15, Napoleon I and many other rulers have stayed here. The Rouen Palace also won the name of Alsace's little Versailles. Now the most beautiful part of the palace is restored to its original appearance. You can see the rooms decorated with rococo, such as dance hall, living room and salon. The most beautiful one is the library decorated with giant tapestries and portraits of the king. Here you can also see the various luxurious tableware used by these noble bishops It's no wonder that at the end of the 18th century France's farts were going to rise to the revolution. Of course, the collection of dignitaries is not only porcelain tableware, but also more works of art, which are located in the art museum on the second floor of the Rouen palace. It is also known as the largest art museum in the eastern region of France. The former royal palace of Rouen is now a museum: the first floor of the palace is restored to its original appearance, the second floor is transformed into an art museum, and the underground floor is an archaeological museum. These three parts sell tickets independently.

Sun Nov 10 2019



Thu Aug 01 2019


斯特拉斯堡是个饱经沧桑的历史名城,紧临莱茵河,是法国阿尔萨斯大区和下莱茵省的首府,也是欧洲政治文化中心。伊尔河在城中纵横交错,为丰富的文化遗产、历史古迹增添韵味。斯特拉斯堡老城伊尔河环抱的大岛(Grand île)区域已经被列入联合国教科文组织的世界文化遗产名单,岛上坐落着举世闻名的大教堂、罗汉宫等数家博物馆以及美丽的“小法兰西”。

Wed Jan 09 2019


The former palace of nobility is now a variety of museums and exhibition places. During Christmas, there are biblical stories and paintings on display. In addition, the Palace Square also set up a real picture of biblical stories, and also pulled several ponies as actors, which is very sincere. If you talk about the palace, it is not as grand as France, Austria and other places, but in Strasbourg, a small city, it is quite good.

Thu Jan 03 2019



Sun Nov 25 2018


D8 海德堡-斯特拉斯堡:   海德堡城堡-王座山-老桥,斯特拉斯堡圣母大教堂-罗汉宫-城市历史博物馆-谷登堡广场

Mon Aug 27 2018


I don't know why I'm here. What I can't see is all the artificially repaired scenic spots. The tickets are expensive. The staff can only speak French. They can't communicate. They walk around and feel like a fool

Wed Oct 11 2017