Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours


8.125 reviews#3 things to do in Tours
#3 things to do in Tours


图尔美术馆位于原总主教宫内,临近图尔主教座堂,建于1910年,是法国的历史古迹,也是参观图尔不可错过的景点之一。图尔美术馆前有精心修剪的庭院,高大的黎巴嫩雪松就居于其中。馆内拥有丰富多样的馆藏,有超过12000件作品,但只有1000件作品向公众展示,设有房间专门展示15和16世纪的图尔艺术。具体的展品有意大利文艺复兴早期画家安德烈亚·曼特尼亚(Andrea Mantegna)的维罗纳圣柴诺圣殿祭坛画(San Zeno Altarpiece)中的两幅画作以及塞巴斯蒂亚诺·孔卡等后世意大利画家的作品,19世纪以前法国绘画,佛兰芒和荷兰绘画如彼得·保罗·鲁本斯、伦勃朗的作品,现代绘画以及由让-安东尼·乌敦、奥古斯特·罗丹、贾克梅蒂创作的雕塑。


Since it is the residence of Archbishop tours, there must be a bishop's palace beside the cathedral. This beautiful 17th century palace is now the tour art gallery. TUL art gallery is one of the largest art galleries in the Loire River Basin, with a collection of more than 100000 works. From the religious altarpieces in the early Renaissance to the modern works of art that can't be understood, some of them are made by Rembrandt, Bucher, Degas and others. In addition to painting, the museum exhibits also include furniture and sculpture. In the courtyard of the museum, there are two non art stars: a thousand year old Lebanese cedar and a specimen of an elephant. The unlucky elephant was originally the bright star of the local circus in tours, but was killed on June 10, 1902 because of public madness.


Located in the courtyard of a 17th century Bishop's palace, the gallery houses many masterpieces of art history, including the works of Delacroix, Monet and Degas. There is a well manicured courtyard outside the door. In the middle of the courtyard is a thousand year old cedar.

Address: 18 Place François Sicard, 37000 Tours, France ‎
Opening hours: 9: 00-12:45, 14:00-18:00 (open every day except Tuesday), closed on January 1, July 14, November 1 and 11, December 25.




Thu Oct 25 2018



Wed Sep 26 2018


Muse é e des Beaux Arts de Tours Leave the visitor service center, walk along rue Bernard paissy, and walk through the garden on the left, which is the gate of the art museum. Located in the courtyard of a 17th century Bishop's palace, the gallery houses many masterpieces of art history, including some of Delacroix, Monet and Degas. There is a well manicured courtyard outside the door. In the middle of the courtyard is a thousand year old cedar. There is an impressive specimen of an elephant outside. It is said that it was the star of the circus in its early years and was very popular. Later, it was made into specimens by the citizens of tours to commemorate it.

Sat Dec 31 2016


When the back garden was beautiful, there were basically no paintings, sculptures or other decorations on display. I liked to stop in front of the exhibits. When staff came to ask me if there was any question, I said that I was curious about the inspiration of the author and the meaning he wanted to express. Then I patiently told me for a long time

Sun Jul 10 2016


Catch up with the first Sunday of the month free opening, some of the paintings inside, decorations are very beautiful, the garden outside can also turn.

Sat Apr 09 2016


There is no master's work, but if you are interested in art, you may as well come to have a look. It is not necessarily the master can bring you moved.

Sat Apr 02 2016


The gallery is located next to the cathedral, as if it were the residence of the bishop. There are not many famous paintings in it, some of which have a profound impact. What's more surprising is the small flower bed in the courtyard. It's said that the introduction has won the horticultural award.

Sat Dec 26 2015


The specific exhibits include two paintings of San Zeno altarpiece by Andrea Mantegna, an early Italian Renaissance painter, and the works of later Italian painters such as Sebastiano Konka

Sat Nov 28 2015