Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims


8.965 reviews#1 things to do in Reims
#1 things to do in Reims




Although the ruins of ancient Rome are remarkable, they are only brothers in Reims. The crown of the city's top scenic spot should not be allowed to be firmly fastened on the head of Reims cathedral. As early as the Roman era, Reims established the church. In 496, Clovis I, the leader of the Frankish barbarians who took over Gaul, was baptized in Reims and officially converted to Roman communion, and was crowned the first king of the Frankish Kingdom. In this sense, it can be called. Hundreds of years later, in 1027 A.D., Henry I, the third king of the Cape Dynasty, came back to Reims Cathedral for coronation, so as to honor Clovis I, thus creating the tradition of successive French kings coming to Reims Cathedral for coronation. As the coronation place of successive French kings, Reims cathedral has a magnificent status commensurate with the royal family, which is worthy of being included in the world cultural heritage list. Complex and elaborate stone carving is stacked on the top of the church brother's door. It has biblical stories, and Lance has been a bishop. It is the essence of European Gothic sculpture. The small figures have reached 2303. In terms of quantity, they have crushed the Amiens cathedral and ranked second in Europe. In addition to sculpture, another highlight of the cathedral is the stained glass windows of all ages. The most beautiful one is the rose window above the main door, while the most famous one is the painted glass made by Chagall in 1974. In view of the recent fire at Notre Dame in Paris, perhaps Reims Cathedral, the king's church, is the greatest Church in France. In the coronation ceremony of Reims Cathedral, where 25 French kings have been consecrated, the most popular one for future generations is, of course, Charles the crown prince was crowned Charles VII in July 1429 during the hundred year war. The ceremony seemed less in line with the procedure. The number of bishops attending the ceremony was less than the quorum. The golden ball suit of the crown scepter of the coronation ceremony was not complete, and even the essential holy oil bottle was absent (at this time, it was in the hands of the British). However, Charlie still sat on the throne of the French king, and since then, he has mastered the righteousness of the hundred year war. Under the witness of the angel like hero Joan of virtue, the representatives of the church granted the orthodox crown to the king of noble blood, which can be called the most classic scene of the hero Tan in the era of French kingship. Of course, the real protagonist in this epic coronation is not the king of France, nor the Archbishop of Reims who coronates the king, but the legendary hero Joan of arc who successfully escorts Charlie to Reims through all kinds of difficulties and bloody battles - that's why the statue of Joan of arc can be found in the church or in the front of the church.


The Cathedral of Notre Dame in Reims, the capital of Champagne region of France, was once crowned by 25 French monarchs. It was the place where Clovis Clovis, the first king of France, was baptized. From 1027 to the French Revolution, it was also the place where almost every king of France held their coronation ceremony. One of the most famous is that in 1429 Joan of arc escorted Charles VII to be crowned here. In 1991, the cathedral was listed as a world cultural heritage site.

Address: 3 rue Guillaume de Machault 51100 REIMS
Opening hours: The cathedral is open Monday to Saturday from 7:30 to 19:30 and Sunday from 7:30 to 19:15.



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Mon Nov 18 2019


Lance cathedral is an hour's drive from the Paris high-speed rail. In 1974, Chagall, a famous painter, was invited to design the flower window pattern of the Notre Dame chapel. The floating figure shape and naive painting style add new charm to the cathedral. There is a museum beside the church, which collects the treasures of the church. There are famous tapestries and statues. It's worth watching. The price is 8 euros

Sat May 11 2019



Sun Sep 23 2018


Lance is a small city, but it is also very delicate, clean and peaceful. Because it takes 4.5 hours to drive from Versailles to Luxemburg, and lance is just in the middle of the two, which is the most suitable transit station. Park the car near Reims Cathedral, pay the parking fee on the machine next to it, you can use cash or swipe your card. Generally, many places are free after 7 p.m. Credit card should be equipped with chip, otherwise many machines can't recognize visa card in China. Lance cathedral is Lance's business card. Every time I see a church, I feel a kind of awe and admiration. It is said that this is the place where many French emperors are crowned, because it looks very noble.

Wed Jun 27 2018


The Cathedral of Notre Dame in Reims is similar to Notre Dame in appearance. It is an important Cathedral in France. In history, twenty-five kings were crowned here. Later Emperor Napoleon was also crowned here. It's strange that he didn't have two spires like Chartres Cathedral, but it seems that he had a design.

Sat Mar 31 2018


It's a very quiet small city. The style of the cathedral is almost the same as that of Notre Dame. The history of this church is longer than that of Notre Dame. That is to say, the style of Notre Dame is built according to the style of this church

Sun Mar 18 2018


It is the church where the French kings were crowned, including Clovis I! Fabulous!

Fri Mar 09 2018


April 3, decided to take a long-distance bus to go, you may be very familiar with, think only it can be called the representative Church of France. But in fact, for France, there is also a significant church called "the city of kings", that is. Not to mention that the word "significant" has always been inextricably linked with national leaders and major historical events, but its style is also very amazing and never lose. It belongs to the same "Gothic" architecture, if only tourists may confuse.

Wed Jan 03 2018