Chateau de Fontainebleau


8.8627 reviews#1 things to do in Fontainebleau
#1 things to do in Fontainebleau


枫丹白露城堡建于12世纪,比凡尔赛宫还早,“Chateau”是法语“城堡”。城堡被以后的历代国王不断扩建直达现在的规模。它的建筑结构组成比较复杂,不像一次建成的凡尔赛宫那样规整。 我去时,枫丹白露宫没完全开放,中国馆等几个地方都没有开放,在里面转了1个多小时就完了,比自己想象的范围小很多,参观路线在不少地方都死路,走到头还有折返回来。 城堡内的许多房间装饰非常豪华,金碧辉煌,许多装饰性壁画很精美。但是里面光线都很暗,拍照效果不好。总体感觉比凡尔赛宫差,只是游人不多,不需要派长队。 从巴黎北站坐火车到枫丹白露,我用google导航,该死的google让我坐过了站,指示在枫丹白露的下一个小站下车。等了1过多小时再有返回枫丹白露的车。然后还要坐公交车到小镇内,步行不远就是枫丹白露。 此外,提醒周二闭馆!!!我第一次是从卢瓦尔河谷自驾回巴黎顺便去枫丹白露宫,但是遇到周二闭馆,吃了闭门羹。我的枫丹白露之行非常霉。




Fengdanbailu palace is 65 kilometers southeast of [Paris] (, surrounded by forests. It is the favorite hiking destination of Parisians. Fontainebleau palace was originally a royal hunting palace, which was expanded into the most important palace in the French Renaissance in the period of Francois I and Henry II. Napoleon once imprisoned the Pope here, and then was forced to abdicate here dramatically. Until the 19th century, its renovation and expansion did not stop. Many famous architects and artists participated in the construction of the imperial palace of France. The architectural styles of each period left traces here. The existing buildings include the main tower of a castle in the period of St. Louis in the 13th century, the palace built by Six Dynasties' kings, five courtyards, and four gardens representing the characteristics of four times. But the exterior of the building still retains the traditional French Gothic style. At present, there are mainly horseshoe building, Francois Gallery, Chapel, throne hall, ball hall, Diane Gallery, Napoleon's living room, as well as the bedrooms, study rooms, suites, living rooms of the emperors and queens, etc., and a Napoleon I memorial hall is also set up. There are four museums in fengdanbailu Palace: China Pavilion, Napoleon I Pavilion, home furnishing Pavilion and gallery. Among them, China Pavilion collects a large number of Chinese cultural relics of the Old Summer Palace, but they are rarely opened. The most attractive ones are La Galerie Francois IER, Le theatre de Napoleon III, La chapelle de la Trinite); in addition, you can enjoy the bedrooms of various periods of the French royal family, Le Jardin de Diane, etc. The Fontainebleau forest for royal hunting is the most popular weekend resort for Parisians.

Address: Chateau de Fontainebleau, 77300 Fontainebleau
Opening hours: From April to September 9:30-18:00 (closed at 17:15); from October to March 9:30-17:00 (closed at 16:15); Tuesday, January 1, May 1, December 25; ballroom from October to March 16:00, April to September 17:00; Chinese Museum and Pope suite from 11:30-14:30 (except weekends and school holidays)




Sun Dec 29 2019



Mon Dec 23 2019



Mon Dec 16 2019


,穿过火车站铁轨,到后面的停车场,巴士站就在停车场。乘Véolia BUS 1号线往les Lilas方向,在 Chateau de Fontainebleau下车。下车后沿着马路往前走,大概200米的马路对面就是枫丹白露宫。

Sun Dec 15 2019


他的绘画事业始于家乡佛罗伦萨,自己也成为佛罗伦萨画派的代表;1523年移居罗马,接触了米开朗基罗和拉斐尔等人的作品,画风发生一些改变;1527年又前往法国成为法王弗朗索瓦一世(François I,1494-1547)的宫廷画家,此后大部分时间都在枫丹白露宫工作

Sat Dec 14 2019



Thu Dec 12 2019



Tue Dec 10 2019



Sat Dec 07 2019