Rue Nationale & Rue de Bordeaux


7.216 reviews#1 shopping place in Tours
#1 shopping place in Tours


There are not many big brands in the pedestrian street. You can go shopping and go straight to the Loire River


It's a wide pedestrian street with tram passing by. There are many shops on both sides, but they have no special features.


Galeries Lafayette, Le Printemps and other famous department stores are gathered in the two pedestrian streets of tours, selling various kinds of clothing, bags and cosmetics, but the price is not superior to that of Paris. There is also Maison Du Vin de la Loire on rue National.

Address: Rue Nationale & Rue de Bordeaux
Opening hours: Business hours: 10:00-19:00



la boulevard pour shopping a Tours

Sat Jul 09 2016


Lafayette has many other shops in this street. If you want to go shopping, you should choose this street.

Sat Apr 09 2016


It's cold and clean. There are few people and few stores open. If you want to add some food, the supermarkets are closed. Maybe it's too cold.

Sat Mar 26 2016


This is the main business street in tours. There are trams on the street. There are many options for shopping on the street, and the cosmetics we see here are cheaper than nice.

Sat Dec 26 2015


The straight street is paved with yellow marble. On both sides are typical French buildings. One is the city hall, the other is the cathedral. There are modern light rail cars in the middle of the street. The old and the modern are integrated. It's a little crossing when walking on it.

Wed Dec 16 2015


It's spacious. The tram runs through the whole street.

Tue Oct 13 2015


In the old city area of tours, the buildings are all preserved in the middle ages. Although they are a little shabby, they are very charming. Tourists usually gather here around the evening. It's very lively. It's said that it's a food concentration camp.

Thu Jul 09 2015


There is a famous Buddha, Lafayette. If you don't want to go to Paris for fun, you can come here. There is an electric drive in the middle of the road

Tue Mar 17 2015