Normandy American Cemetery & Memorial


9.624 reviews#1 things to do in Caen
#1 things to do in Caen


去参观诺曼底登陆牺牲最惨烈的奥马哈海滩之前,特意看了《拯救大兵瑞恩》。等到真正来到电影中的海边美军墓地时,庄重而肃穆的氛围,让人泪落。这些都是9000多个有姓名和1000多个没有姓名的年轻的生命啊,基督教和天主教的十字架,以及犹太教的大卫六芒星(图1、2、3) 图4、5:1944年6月6日,人类近代历史上规模最大的一次海上登陆作战。300万盟军陆续横渡英吉利海峡后从诺曼底登陆,几个月后解放巴黎。 图6、7:残留的德军的炮台和阻碍盟军坦克登陆的“捷克刺猬“。 图8、9:多前血染的海滩边,如今建起了一栋栋小房子,已经不见了当年的枪林弹雨。要知道,在那些垂直的海滩高地上,当年都是德军的炮台和枪支布防,让登陆的盟军血流成河。 图10:参观博物馆的一个发现是,在冷酷无情的军事行动中,也是需要用宗教给士兵洗脑的。否则,哪有那么多不怕死往前冲的战士啊?面对死亡,谁不害怕呢?这是真实的人性啊。 图11: 欧洲真是遍布着美军的墓地,这就是要当世界警察的美国。 图12:这个故事就是《拯救大兵瑞恩》的原型。 图13: 为了纪念当年帮助解放法国的英、美、加盟军。在诺曼底这个区域,也随处可见飘扬的美国国旗。????的存在感稍弱。




Normandy US military cemetery is a Memorial Cemetery of World War II in France, commemorating the American troops killed during the Second World War in Europe

Address: Cimeti è re am é ricain, 14710 Colleville sur mer, France
Opening hours: Open except for December 25 and January 1.
+33 (0)2 31 51 62 00




Wed Oct 16 2019


This is the tomb of American soldiers killed in the battle of Normandy during World War II. Almost all of them came to visit the American people who died on the European continent in the Second World War. Here you can find the tombstone of Niland, the original form of the movie "Saving Private Ryan". A shocking and sad experience. It's suggested to drive here. The scenery along the way is very beautiful. The cemetery is big enough to stay for half a day and enjoy the scenery along the side of the cemetery.

Wed Jan 16 2019


I know that this is because the scene in Snoopy animation is also very similar to that in the picture, but it is much bigger. Neat lawns and crosses / hexagons, especially quiet feeling, peace time is too hard to imagine war.

Sun Oct 28 2018


As a Chinese student who grew up under the nine-year compulsory education and experienced the history of college entrance examination, the most impressive impression of Normandy is undoubtedly the "Normandy landing" in the history book, which reversed the war situation of World War II. Therefore, before stepping on the Normandy land, plus the rendering of various war documentaries, my impression of this place is a battlefield after the smoke of gunpowder Ruins, similar to the feeling of figure I. As an important part of modern history, what happened in Normandy in 1944 should still be remembered, which is also the significance of the existence of those soldiers' cemeteries. A few years ago, I came to the U.S. military cemetery. At that time, I liked the quiet and solemn atmosphere here. This time, I went to a German cemetery. It was more wonderful when there was a comparison. The U.S. military cemetery is located on the beach of Omaha. The entrance needs security check. After entering, there is a circulating documentary. 9387 dead U.S. soldiers are buried in the cemetery.

Thu Aug 02 2018


Orange is especially recommended! Of course, the premise is that you know something about World War II and Normandy landing (not just Saving Private Ryan). Every time I went to the US military cemetery (and Luxembourg and other places), I was particularly shocked. Particularly vulnerable to inspiration. The inscriptions in the memorial hall of the cemetery show respect to all those who give their lives in exchange for peace.

Tue Jul 31 2018


Graveyards are American territory! War and peace, there is the most real feeling and interpretation. Live life!

Mon May 28 2018


One of the most shocking beach attractions in Normandy is the endless tombstone. These young lives stay in 1944. It's really hard to imagine the bloodbath in the era of peace. For these soldiers, we should still remember the sacrifices they made on this beach

Mon Apr 16 2018


The first scene of Saving Private Ryan. To be sure, it's closer from Bayor. There are buses directly to the downtown of Bayor.

Sat Oct 21 2017