Ensemble conventuel des Jacobins

Church of the Jacobins

8.912 reviews#7 things to do in Toulouse
#7 things to do in Toulouse


吉斯集团在巴黎拥马耶那公爵(英语:Charles, Duke of Mayenne)——夏尔·吉斯为继任的领导人与王国大统帅,并在巴黎议会的支持下,宣布废黜国王亨利三世,拥立波旁家族中信仰天主教的查理为魁儡国王,称“查理十世”。1589年8月,亨利三世只好与纳瓦拉国王亨利联合,一同进攻巴黎,在雅各宾修道院被一名修士雅克·克列孟刺死。


I saw a group of teenagers pouring out of a path, attracted by them. It turned out that the school beside the monastery was after school.


Built in the 13th century, the church consists of a church, an ambulatory, a canteen and a chapel. The brick church was hailed as a Gothic treasure in the 134th century.

Address: 69 rue Pargaminieres, 31000 Toulouse, France
Opening hours: 9:00-19:00。
05 61 22 23 82



The columns of the church are beautiful, and the remaining murals are worth seeing. The interior courtyard and the feeling of buying tickets are ordinary, but the frescoes of the chapel are more exquisite and complete than those of the church outside. There are several interesting things in the souvenir shop.

Wed Dec 20 2017


The main hall of the monastery is free of charge. It's quite empty. The sun shines through the colored windows. The color is very beautiful.

Mon Apr 10 2017



Fri Jan 29 2016


Located near the center of the city, the basilica level church has a mass every day during holidays. The space is comfortable and it can make people meditate. Not all churches can.

Thu Jul 30 2015


It's a little late. It's closed. This year marks the 750th anniversary of its completion. From the outside, the walls are very high and magnificent.

Tue Jul 21 2015


The architectural style of Toulouse church is quite unique, and the columns inside the church are very distinctive.

Thu Nov 20 2014


The courtyard and the church are very distinctive, especially the mirror in the church. The bright color and beauty printed in the church in the morning through the glass are worth visiting

Wed Nov 19 2014


There is a choir in the church not far from the center of the city. You need to buy tickets when you go in. Students are free

Tue Jul 29 2014