Le Cloître St-Trophime


7.827 reviews#10 things to do in Arles
#10 things to do in Arles






Built in the second half of the 12th century to the first half of the 13th century, it was mainly used by priests to manage the financial affairs of the church. After the reform of Pope Gregory, the priests demanded to live like monks, their dormitories, canteens and monasteries. In 1355, the priests gave up their dormitories and moved into the houses next to the cathedral, which were used as warehouses and granaries. The galleries on the East and North were built in the early 12th-13th century, with Roman tunnel like arch roofs, while the galleries on the South and West were built in the 14th century, belonging to the early Gothic dome with crossing spires.

Opening hours: June to September 9:00-18:30 (Wednesday 14:00-18:30); may 9:00-18:00; October to March 9:00-18:00.



Comments on Arles, Roman and Romanesque documents by the World Heritage Committee in 1981: Arles is an example of ancient cities adapting to European medieval civilization. There are many unforgettable Roman monuments in the city, among which the earliest arena, ancient Roman theater and ancient Roman tunnel (underpass) can be traced back to the 1st century BC. The bath of Constantine and the necropolis of alyscaps witnessed the second golden age of the 4th century. From the 11th to the 12th century, Arles once again became the most attractive city in the Mediterranean. The Saint tropheme in the city is one of the many Romanesque Monuments in Provence.

Tue Jun 05 2018


圣托菲姆回廊 Le Cloître St-Trophime

Fri Sep 22 2017


To enter from a gate next to the church, walk through the courtyard to the end is the ticket office of the ambulatory. The ambulatory itself has its own characteristics. There are four ambulatories with different designs. The two sides are a style, and the sculpture is very delicate. But the cloister itself is not large and the tickets are not cheap

Wed Aug 30 2017


At the back of the church is the place where monks practice. Now it's available for visiting. I don't know much about some Protestant and Catholic stories. Although my little sister translated all the way, she didn't understand the complexity of western religion. The statues on the ambulatory are not exquisite, especially compared with Notre Dame in Paris. Walk through the cloister and climb high. It's really nice to look at the distant scenery

Tue Jul 25 2017


We then visited the clogutre Saint Trophime on the square of the Republic. Built in 1150, the monastery consists of a cloister filled with complex and beautiful carvings and colonnades.

Sun Jun 18 2017


It's very quiet. I'm tired of strolling. If you want to slow down, you can go in for a turn, sit down and have a rest

Mon Sep 05 2016


In order to find the cloister and linger in the church door for a long time, I suddenly realized that the cloister must be in the church! Tickets need five euro. In the middle ages, imagine the monks reading the Bible here.

Sun Jul 24 2016


Around the Republican Street, which stretches from the city hall to the Rhone River, there are the oldest Roman relics in Arles - the underground ambulatory of the ancient Roman market, and the Museum of araten.

Sat Dec 26 2015