Château de Chenonceau


9.5392 reviews#1 things to do in Chenonceaux
#1 things to do in Chenonceaux






Chenonceau castle is the only castle built on the water in the [Loire Valley] ( It also has another name - women's castle or "Ladies' Castle". This is not only because of her exquisite appearance, but also because she has been more charming and perfect in history because of her successive hostesses since she was built by Lady katerine britsonne in 1513. Henry II's lover, Mrs. Diana de Poitiers, Queen Catlin de medissis, and the salon hostess during the revolution, Mrs. DuPont, wisely saved the castle and avoided being destroyed. Chenonceau castle is known as the most exquisite castle in the Loire Valley. Through the Boulevard and the magnificent garden, you can see a castle coming out of the fairy tale sitting at the end of the road, while the back is built according to the water. The water wave reflects the island in the middle of the lake, which is graceful and graceful. Here you will also enjoy the paintings of various famous masters in the living room and bedroom of the female owners, such as mulillo, Tintoretto, Nicholas Poussin, coregio, Rubens, parmatis, van loo, etc., and the exquisite and elegant decoration style and luxurious furniture in their bedrooms will also open your eyes.

Address: 37150 Chenonceaux, France
Opening hours: 2017年开放时间为1月1日至2月3日9:30-17:00;2月4日至3月31日9:30-17:30;4月19:00-19:00;5月29日至6月30日9:00-19:30;7月1日至8月31日9:00-20:00;9月9:00-19:30;10月1日至11月5日9:00-18:30;11月6日至11月12日9:00-18:00;11月13日至12月31日9:30-17:00;复活节(4月15至17日)9:00-19:30;劳动节(4月29.30-5月1日)9:00-19:30;二战胜利日(5月6日至8日)/耶稣升天日(5月25日至5月28日)9:00-19:30;售票处提前半小时关闭。

Chenonceau is the French language of Chenonceau castle, and Chenonceau is the French language of Chenonceau town where the castle is located. There is only one X difference between the two. Don't be confused. There is also an allusion. During the French Revolution, Madame DuPont, the hostess of the salon, in order to conform to the trend of de aristocracy and protect the Chateau of Chenonceau from being affected by the revolution, wisely deleted the "X" symbolizing the nobility from the name of the chateau. From then on, Ch â teau de chenonceaux was renamed ch â teau de Chenonceau.




Sun Jun 07 2020


Today's second castle is Chenonceau castle, which is known as the most romantic and elegant castle in the Loire Valley and even in France. This water castle is located on the Schell River, a tributary of the Loire River. The main castle with a sharp corner is connected with the corridor on the five hole bridge. The reflection is like a white swan in the water. In fact, the senonso castle is not developed from the bridgehead castle. The long bridge was built after the completion of the castle. Legally speaking, sanonso castle is still a private industry, and the interior furnishings remain excellent, so that you can go back to the era of the Valois Dynasty in an instant But because there are so many tourists, you are always pulled back to reality after halfway through. Since you can get detailed free Chinese materials at the ticket office, you don't have to pay for a voice guide anymore. The reason why Chenonceau castle is so well received by the romantic French is that, in addition to the graceful temperament of the castle building itself, it is more because the previous owners of the castle are mostly women, so the castle is also known as "Lady Castle". When shenonsuo castle was built in 1515, the nominal builder was tomma Boyer, Charles VIII's finance minister, but in fact, the real designer was his wife and his wife katerin blizonne. Henry II, the son of Fran ç OIS I, used the castle to support his mistress, Diana devajev. After the death of Henry II at the knightly duel, Diana, the third child, lost her support and was immediately driven out of the castle by Catherine de Medici, the widow of Henry II and the queen mother of France, who was now in charge of the imperial court. It was a common house fighting against the second wife that appeared in this year. The structure of the Chenonceaux castle was basically completed in the Catherine era. This is also the base for planning various kinds of court conspiracies. Her office study is simply too small to turn around. The court doctors beside them also work part-time to empress the queen mother with various poisons to kill the political enemies. Henry III, Catherine's son, was assassinated shortly after the murder of Prince ghis at bluwa castle. Louise, the widow queen, lived in seclusion. Not only was her room turned black, but even the whole castle was almost transformed into a monastery by her. After several twists and turns, Chenonceau Castle fell into the hands of Lady Dupin. The past haze swept away and became the most popular fashion salon in the age of French Enlightenment. Voltaire, Rousseau and other leaders of French Enlightenment were all guests here. It is precisely because Mrs. Dupin is very good at dancing in the French public sphere, so the great revolution did not do any damage to this place. In the first World War, the hostess of the castle changed the corridor on the bridge from a ballroom to a hospital for wounded soldiers. In the Second World War, the castle on the boundary between the German occupied area and West France became a secret transportation station to cover the resistance organization She may never be the protagonist of history, but on every page of history, she will leave her own shadow gently, tenaciously and obstinately.

Thu Dec 26 2019



Mon Nov 11 2019



Mon Nov 04 2019


行程途经北京-巴黎-香波堡-维朗德里城堡和花园-舍农索城堡-里昂-阿维尼翁-阿尔勒-莱博得石头城-摩纳哥-尼斯-埃兹-圣保罗德旺斯画家村-巴塞罗那-卡萨布兰卡-马拉喀什-瓦尔扎扎特-梅尔祖卡-菲斯-舍夫沙万-丹吉尔-西班牙阿尔赫西拉斯Algeciras-英属直布罗陀 -西班牙龙达Ronda-格纳拉达-科尔多瓦-塞维利亚-里斯本-辛特拉-科英布拉-波尔图-马德里-塞戈维亚-萨格勒布Zagreb-卢布尔雅那Ljubljana -斯普利特Split-杜布罗夫尼克Dubrovnik-科托尔-萨拉热窝-贝尔格莱德-北京,兜了一个大圈,欧洲非洲两大洲十一个国家大约37个城市

Thu Sep 19 2019


Klaxon Rouge,洛克图迪 出发——南特市(布列塔尼公爵城堡)——昂热市(昂热城堡)——图尔市 圣克斯马修道院—— 图尔 舍农索城堡——昂布瓦兹 皇家城堡——回到洛克图迪Loctudy,2天的行程,来回一千公里。

Sun Sep 15 2019


In contrast to Shambaugh, the king of the castle, it is called shenonsuo after the castle, not only because it is partly built on the water and exquisite, but also because its successive hostesses have been preserved to this day. There are five queens living in it successively: in 1513, it was built by Lady katerine britsonne, and then it was moved to Lady Diana de Poitiers, the lover of Henry II, and queen katerine De ·Madame Medici, and Madame DuPont, the mistress of the salon during the great revolution.

Sat Sep 14 2019


9/23到巴黎 罗浮宫、市政厅、柑橘园博物馆、协和广场、杜乐丽花园、凯旋门 9/24奥赛等等 晚上租车去凡尔赛旁边住,9/25凡尔赛宫、吉维尼 , 9/26 埃特勒塔,诺曼底登陆黄金海岸、巴约圣母大教堂、巴约战争公墓、圣马洛,9/27 圣马洛游晚上到圣米歇尔山 ,9/28 圣米歇尔山、舍农索城堡、香波堡、巴黎

Wed Sep 11 2019