Les Musées du Mont Saint-Michel


10.04 reviews#5 things to do in Mont Saint Michel
#5 things to do in Mont Saint Michel




Very lovely and unique island castle. There are many lovely gift art shops, restaurants and so on. The hills will be connected and separated from the land due to the rise and fall of tide. Tourists should grasp the time of arrival and departure, or they will be separated on the island due to the high tide.


圣米歇尔山共有四座博物馆:历史博物馆(Musée Historique)展示圣米歇尔山的建造历史,旅行者可参观馆内收藏的绘画、雕塑、钟表、武器等丰富的文物;历史剧场(Archéoscope)则通过多媒体技术的艺术表演,用光影和声音向观众展示这座神圣信仰殿堂的诞生;骑士贝特兰·杜盖斯克兰的历史故居(le Logies Tiphane Demeure de Bertrand Duguesclin)则是一座14世纪的古宅,向世人展示了这位中世纪时期法国陆军统帅的住所以及他的占星师妻子的占星屋;海事博物馆(Musée Maritime)收藏了250艘军舰、渔船、商船、游船的古模型,展示了海湾当地人民从中世纪至今的生活模式,并用丰富的图文与视频形式向游人解释了圣米歇尔山海湾神奇的潮汐现象与其带来的潜在危险,展现了潮汐再造水利工程对当地生态保护的重要意义。

Address: Grande Rue, 50170 Le Mont Saint-Michel
Opening hours: 5-8月,每天09:00-19:00,最后进场18:00;9月-次年4月,每天09:30-18:00,最后进场17:00;元旦、五一、圣诞休息;在潮汐指数较大时,开放时间随潮汐时间而变动,建议出行前关注游客中心的潮汐天气预报。



It's worth visiting and browsing. It's a good scenic spot. You can take time to browse, take some photos and rest.

Mon May 07 2018


This trip is the most impressive one for me. It's worth coming here. Even if I charter a bus for 7 hours, I won't waste the time to experience it.

Tue Jan 16 2018