Basilique Notre Dame de Fourvière
坐爬山火车来到这里 很美 刚好碰到唱弥撒 眼睛都湿润了
几乎每座城市都有一个标志性建筑,而在[里昂](,这个号称10%的城市面积都是世界遗产的[法国](城市里,富尔韦圣母院当之无愧地担当起这个重任。这座教堂融合了拜占庭和中古世纪风格,有各式复杂美丽的的雕刻,教堂的突出特点是其建筑上层的两个塔形结构,颇有点像中世纪的古堡塔楼。 富尔韦圣母院原址是高卢—罗马人的一个广场,在普法战争时期,里昂人民为祈求战争胜利决定修建一座圣母院,始建于1870年,历经26年,于1896年竣工并举行落成典礼。虽然普法战争以法兰西第二帝国的垮台和法国资产阶级政府的投降而告终,但这座铭刻了战争年代里法国人民美好心愿的建筑却长存下来,成为了里昂的地标。 建成的富尔韦圣母院耸立于索恩河右岸的山腰上,游人通常选择乘坐圣让广场南侧的登山缆车到达,缆车票价1.4欧元,一小时内可任意换乘,如果想多停留一会,可以选择一日票,价格为3.8欧元。当然还可以沿陡峭斜坡徒步攀登,脚下已有两千多年的历史的富尔维耶尔坡地,海拔281米,是里昂城内地势最高的山头,也是该城最初的诞生地,一定会留给你一份别样的寻史履迹。 远远望去,白色的富尔韦圣母院,拜占廷风格的古堡塔楼和雉堞,与直直的装饰尖顶、金色的圣母玛丽亚塑像交相辉映。走近圣母院,你会发现这里融合了拜占廷和中世纪的建筑风格,白色大理石的外围墙壁,硬朗挺拔;讲述着圣经内容的花纹玻璃,在阳光下五彩斑斓;教堂内马赛克镶嵌壁画和绘画作品精致美妙,让人惊叹;而由虔诚的教徒们点燃的一排排各色蜡烛,更是让人深深陷在神圣威严的气氛之中。 富维耶圣母堂矗立在富维耶山上,圣母堂的钟楼上有一座金色的圣母塑 像,传说1643年圣母玛利亚保佑里昂市民免于鼠疫,为了感谢圣母, 市民们请了一位雕塑家在夏季完成雕像。但是由于洪水的关系,揭幕礼推迟到了12月8号,每年的12月8号市民们都会点上蜡烛纪念感恩圣 母,这就是里昂光明节的来历,而里昂在拉丁语中的意思就是光明,现在我们看到的圣母堂是1872年扩建后的模样。 教堂左侧有一个观景平台,可以让你轻松俯瞰里昂全貌。整个建筑展示了当时欧洲先进的雕刻工艺和高超的艺术水准。 由于地理位置的缘故,处于山顶的富尔韦圣母院,历经100多年的漫长岁月,如今已风化得十分严重,斑驳的墙身看上去多了几分沧桑,风大的时候偶尔会有小石块掉落,因此游客要格外注意安全。
Address: 8 Place de Fourvière, 69005 Lyon, France
Opening hours: 8:00-19:00 for the cathedral, 7:00-19:00 for the chapel, 6:00-22:00 for the gazebo from May 15 to September 30, 6:00-21:30 for October 1 to May 14.
The cable car on the mountain and the subway are connected seamlessly. On the mountain, the wind is very strong. The church style is very unique, there is a Chinese version of the Bible at the door, and there is also a love in traditional Chinese characters. It can only be seen in the back rows of chairs, not forward.
Thu Nov 28 2019
Very special to the church, the original site is very old, the new church was established in the late 19th century, with a strong Holy Roman Empire and Prussian style, so the murals describe the origin of Empire and religion, which is worth seeing. The colored windows are also very well preserved. It is a well preserved Church in general.
Thu Oct 17 2019
富维耶山,富维耶圣母堂 / Fourvière
Fri Sep 20 2019
In fact, I've forgotten a little. I've been here before. I only remember that there is less time left in Lyon. I'm in a hurry in many places. Next time, I need to feel better in this city. Climb along the steep slope. Fulvier slope, which has a history of more than 2000 years, is 281 meters above sea level. It is the highest mountain in Lyon and the original birthplace of the city. It will definitely leave you with a different trace of history seeking. From a distance, the white fuerwei Notre Dame, the ancient fortress tower and battlements in Byzantine style, and the straight decorative spire, the golden statue of the Virgin Mary complement each other.
Wed Sep 11 2019
Day5富维耶圣母堂/富维耶山/里昂旧城/里昂古罗马剧场/la part dieu购物中心
Wed Sep 04 2019
On the high mountain, the climbing Road is very steep. If you don't exercise often, you will have a hard time climbing.
Wed Jul 31 2019
Notre Dame in fuvier, Lyon, was founded in 1872 (at this time Archbishop Bernard died), and the main body was completed in 1896. Before that, it was a chapel dedicated to St. Thomas Beckett and the Virgin Mary. In the 17th century, there were many plague outbreaks in Lyon, so the citizens, under the leadership of the municipal government, prayed to the Virgin Mary for protection. It may have worked, so the citizens agreed to dedicate the city to the Virgin Mary. The chapel dedicated to Thomas was also dedicated to the virgin. But the old church was in disrepair, so Archbishop Bernard began planning for a new church in 1850. The architect is Pierre bossan of Lyon. The shape of the church is also unique and controversial. Some people say it's Norman or Roman. In fact, not all churches have fixed architectural styles. The four corners of the church have four 48 meter tall towers, which are rare. Some people ridicule it as a turned over elephant, others say it's like a minaret in a mosque. Before the design, designer BOSAN has been to Rome and Sicily. It is said that the inspiration of the church may come from Palermo cathedral and chefalu cathedral. I have been to both churches, but I can't see too many similarities. Notre Dame in fuvier also has a special position in France. Because the church was built with public funds, the ownership did not belong to the Catholic Church. In the process of building the church, there are often conflicts between the church's owner, the fuvier Committee (or the foundation) and the church, and there are many twists and turns in the process of building. However, the church was finally built and became a pilgrimage place for many Madonnas. In 1897, Pope Leo XIII granted the church the rank of the second canon (basilica) (there is no class A in class B, only four super classes, all in Rome). In 1998, as part of Lyon's historic sites, the church was listed as a world heritage site.
Thu Jul 25 2019
里昂人壁画 - 里昂旧城 - Le Musee - 富维耶圣母堂 - 里昂古罗马剧场 - 百花广场
Mon Jul 15 2019