Sentier des ocres


8.537 reviews# in Roussillon
# in Roussillon


褚石步道Sentier des ocres (推荐指数:★★★★☆)


When I went to the park, it was closed, so there was no one in the park. The sun is still high in summer, and the sun is shining on the red earth, which is very beautiful. Walking on the sermon, sometimes squatting down to touch the slippery red soil on the ground, sometimes overlooking several red hills. I think the scenery should be more moving when the sun is setting~


The footpath outside the village of laterite City, the orange red dirt footpath with different depths, has a small red soil slope with bright colors not far away from the entrance. There are many green trees in the footpath. The ticket price is 2.5 euro. The ring road is in and out of the same entrance. Follow the yellow sign for 30 minutes and the red sign for 60 minutes. If you have plenty of time, you are recommended to take a walk.



Don't think it's necessary to go without something. Those without time are not recommended to go inside.

Wed Aug 02 2017


【Sentier des ocres褚石步道】

Sat Jul 29 2017


Roussillon is famous for its laterite. The town itself is not big. Tourists usually go by the way to sentier des ocres (some are called the dirt path, others are called the old ocher quarry). It's not hard to find a path by the parking lot. It's a bit of a loss of glasses to collect tickets in this place, ha ha.

Wed Apr 19 2017


There are several footpaths in the special scenic spot of Red Earth City. It's nice to choose a walk according to your time and physical strength.

Wed Oct 05 2016


When you come to Red Earth City, you need to walk the sentier des ocres not far away from the village, and the orange red ochre footpath with different shades. It has gorgeous colors and is very exotic with the surrounding green trees. However, admission is required. The ticket price is 2.5 euro. There are two routes marked inside, one is 30 minutes and the other is 60 minutes. It is recommended to try them all.

Mon Sep 05 2016


In summer, the gradual change of color is the natural art of nature. When walking up the mountain, you will be surprised at the rich color, red land, green vegetation and blue sky.

Thu Apr 28 2016


I think that when I came to the Red Earth City, the Chu stone trail is still worth seeing. Such a large-scale red rock is amazing. The beautiful laterite of laterite city is concentrated here. It's not so much red soil as red sand. I wanted to take a handful of red sand home, but I didn't bring a container with me. A lot of laterite rock walls are like stalactites, as if they have been artificially carved, smooth and even. Nature is amazing!

Mon Jan 04 2016


阿维尼翁城墙,City  Walls , 泉水城,Fontaine-de-Vaucluse , 石头城,Gordes , 塞南克修道院,Abbaye de senanque ,  褚石步道,Sentier des ocres , 教皇新堡,Châteauneuf du Pape , Christian Etienne ,  金玉家,Orjade

Mon Aug 17 2015