Source Cachat


8.778 reviews#1 things to do in Évian-les-Bains
#1 things to do in Évian-les-Bains






This is one of the sources of mineral water in Yiyun town. In 1789, Marquis de lessert, a French nobleman, first discovered the health benefits of Evian mineral water in the garden of cacat. Since then, Evian mineral water has become famous.

Address: Avenue des sources, Evian, France
Opening hours: July 3 - September 24

You can bring your own water collection equipment and free Evian mineral water.



Evian itself is very small, wandering in the town, following the map to find the water source soon, there are many local people taking water, I also took a bottle, which is the taste of water, ha ha

Mon Dec 30 2019



Sun Jun 16 2019


Take the first boat from Ushi wharf and go up the path. Some shops are still open, so it's very comfortable to go around. Many local people come to fetch water, big buckets and small bottles. Since it's free, secretly wash a fruit and pour a bottle away. There is also a casino near the wharf. There is a market in front of the casino. It's good to have a look. But it's in France, so you can only use Euro Cash. I bought some fruit and sausage at the market, and sat on the lawn and ate them comfortably.

Sat Jun 08 2019


The discovery of Evian water is a legend. In the summer of 1789, France was in the storm of the great revolution. A French aristocrat named Marquis de lessert suffered from kidney stones. It was popular to drink mineral water at that time, so he decided to try it. One day, when he was walking to the nearby town of Evian, he took some spring water from the gentleman's garden of cachat. After drinking for a while, he was surprised to find that his illness was miraculously cured. The anecdote spread quickly, and experts made a special analysis on it and proved the efficacy of Evian water. Since then, a large number of people have come to Yiyun town to experience the magic of Yiyun water, and doctors have included it in their prescriptions. Gentleman cachat decided to fence his spring and start selling Evian water. Napoleon III (i.e. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte) and his Empress were especially fond of the mineral water in Evian Town, which was officially named Evian town in 1864

Thu Jun 06 2019


I came here by boat from Switzerland and found Shuikou and began to drink the authentic Evian mineral water. Their company is the biggest and most fashionable building in the town. I went there many years ago, but I don't know how it is now.

Sat Mar 16 2019


Quiet town, cost-effective, worth a few days.

Sun Feb 10 2019



Fri Jan 04 2019


I picked up two bottles of water here. When I went there, there were not many people. Many people who took water were local residents. They took many bottles to collect water.

Wed Jan 02 2019