Le Vieux Blois


8.437 reviews#1 things to do in Blois
#1 things to do in Blois




From the homestay to the old town of blova, the lane is winding and quiet. There are people living in the houses on both sides, but there seems to be no sound, only the cats on the windowsill cast curious eyes to us. Near the old city, a wide river appeared. At that time, just after the heavy rain, the sky was extremely pure. The yellow and reddish sunset just set off the vicissitudes of the old city, as if to bring people into history. Standing by the river, listening to the sound of the river washing the riverbed, the late wind is cool, but it is very beautiful. The sight reminds me of Edinburgh, Scotland. Although the city of blova is small, it has become the second capital of France several times in history. During the hundred year war, Zhende used Bulova as the base for her troops to rescue the area of Orleans in 1429. In 1440, Charles, the Duke of Orleans, returned to France after his hostage career and settled in Bulova castle. Louis XII, the son of the Duke of Orleans and the future king of France, was born in bulua castle. It is these histories that make the old town of blova full of nostalgia. The well preserved streets and lanes and the rows of old houses are full of Royal marks, but also full of life atmosphere. It has to be said that the sunset was really beautiful that night.


Although the old town of [Blois] (http://place.qyer.com/blois/) was almost destroyed in the Second World War, the restored urban buildings are still worth seeing. In particular, the bell and Drum Tower of the church shines under the light projection at night. Opposite the church is Maison des acrobates (3bis rue Pierre de Blois), decorated with wooden carvings of clowns in medieval comedies, and one of the few 15th century houses that survived the war.

Address: Le Vieux Blois,Blois,France



The old town is very suitable for hiking. It takes about an hour to walk and stop. It's relatively cold at night. The restaurants are all in small boxes, too.

Wed Aug 01 2018



Wed Jun 06 2018



Fri Jun 02 2017


Living in the old town of blova, opposite is the castle of blova. The two French restaurants in the old city are good, and the local cosmetics store has a good discount and bought a lot of things

Sat Apr 22 2017


Le Vieux Blois The old town of blova was almost completely destroyed in the Second World War, but later it was repaired well, and the restored urban buildings are still worth seeing. The small town of blova is very quiet and exquisite. It is a mountain city with many buildings. It is a typical town in the Valle valley area, with a European feeling. Related travel notes: "50 days in southern Europe - up" detour south from Paris, France, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Gibraltar, "4 + 1 country" train & self driving for 30 days ", link: http://bbs.qyer.com/thread-2630778-15.html.

Tue Nov 29 2016


The urban area is not very big, you can turn around at will, look at the castle and church, and stand at a high place overlooking the old city.

Fri Oct 21 2016


Few tourists choose to live here, and many teams seldom come to Bulova castle. Generally speaking, the town is very quiet. It's a typical town in Val valley area, but it's quiet in bitur, which is suitable for TX like quiet environment. There are many places to eat in the old urban area. You can directly ask the staff of the hotel. They will recommend places to eat, and there are more than one. On the way to eat, you can stroll around the town slowly. If you have time in the morning, it is recommended to walk along the river bank of the town. It feels very good.

Thu Sep 29 2016



Tue Aug 09 2016