Metz Railway Station

Gare de Metz-Ville

8.815 reviews# in Metz
# in Metz






In accordance with the expectation of emperor Wilhelm II, the railway station was built in the early 20th century, which is a master work of the new urban area. The wide area of the railway station facilitates the transportation of goods and civil use, and promotes the transfer and circulation of military, goods and animals within 24 hours. At that time, all the advanced technologies were applied to the construction of the railway station.

Address: 1, place du Général de Gaulle, Metz



It has been selected as "the most beautiful railway station in France" by French internet name for several times. The railway station was rebuilt by German during the Franco Prussian War, and it has a neo Roman style. The building appearance adopts light gray sandstone, which is obviously different from the golden yellow of the main buildings in the city. The railway station is located in the imperial District, which has different architectural styles. Stroll as you like, and you will find the result of the collision of French and German art. Tour duration: 1 hour

Fri Jun 07 2019


It's a beautiful railway station. Its building is a beautiful scenery. Inside the station, it's very small and clear at a glance. Not far in front of the station is the city center, the main church; behind the station is the Pompidou Center.

Sat Sep 15 2018


It is a typical railway station in a medium-sized city in France. The station has a typical German style, made of big stones, and the bell tower is also very good. You can take a picture when you get to mace by train. Note: the French name should be Gare de Metz Ville. Mace is a small city. Many people may not understand English when asking for directions.

Mon Oct 10 2016


The Gare de Metz Ville railway station (different from the north one: Gare de Metz Nord) is the most magnificent railway station in France and even in the world, because it was rebuilt by the palace of the German Emperor William II. After the Franco Prussian War, mace, as the capital of East Lorraine, was ruled by the German Empire. In 1908, a neoclassical residence was built for William II. After his return to French rule, mace's palace was transformed into a station. Today, there are still gorgeous interior decorations in mace railway station.

Tue Jun 28 2016



Sat Mar 05 2016


Starting from Luxemburg and going south to France, the first stop is mace. We will transfer here and continue to go south to Nanxi and Lyon. There's no place for luggage at mace railway station, so we didn't go to town. The waiter here doesn't speak English.

Tue Dec 22 2015


There are regular trains from Luxembourg to may railway station every day. The price is OK, but there is no tourist information office in May railway station.

Thu Aug 27 2015


Great! The busiest place in May! Because all the traffic departure stations are here! I remember waiting for a car to go to the hot spring for more than an hour! Oh my God

Mon Dec 29 2014