Rue Ste-Claire


8.766 reviews#4 things to do in Annecy
#4 things to do in Annecy




我们的住处正好在老城边上,当天下午,我们在酒店安顿好之后,用脚步丈量起了这座湖边的古老小城。从酒店后方沿河的Quai des Clarisses一直走到共和街Rue de la Republique,右边穿过拱门是圣克莱尔街Rue Ste-Claire,那里是安纳西老城的主要交通干线;左边继续沿河,经过Quai de l’Eveche一路可以走到小岛宫。


Rue ste Claire, St. Claire street, is the main traffic artery of the old city of anasi, with arcaded houses on both sides of the road. The 18th Street was built in the 16th century and was the Bishop's office of San Francisco after 1610.



公寓旁边的街心花园,造型奇特的建筑是个剧院。周六上午8点半,街上冷冷清清空无一人。旅游咨询中心说老城区的市集是周五和周日上午在圣克莱尔街,周六上午的市集是在距离我们八九百米的Square du 8 Mai 1945广场附近。我看也不远就说逛完了集市再去租车吧。

Wed Nov 13 2019


The main road and the small town will almost walk on this path many times. Rue ste Claire, St. Claire street, is the main traffic artery of the old city of anasi, with arcaded houses on both sides of the road. The building at 18 street was built in the 16th century and was the Bishop's office of San Francisco after 1610.

Thu Sep 12 2019


下面这张图是老城的圣克莱尔街(Rue Ste-Claire),破总那会儿一手拿着导航,说要带我走走安纳西最著名的老街,说再给我坐下喝个咖啡,然后我跟着她一路走过这条街,她说:“诶?老街呢?”我回头看看说:“你要不再看看地图,是不是我们刚走过的这条?”结果果然是!哈哈哈!来的太早,什么店都没开门。

Sun Aug 11 2019


I should have walked by, but I don't know the name. There are many such ancient houses, streets and arcades in the ancient city.

Tue Jul 09 2019


圣克莱尔街 Rue Ste-Claire (推荐指数:★★★★★)

Tue Sep 25 2018


It's a great old city. There are not many tourists (maybe it's because we didn't go to the weekend). The old city is very small. It's only a street. It's only ten minutes' walk. There are mainly restaurants and souvenir shops on both sides. When the weather is good, I sit down with my friends to have a beer on the side of the road. It's not pleasant to have a dinner. It's quite suitable for leisure.

Fri Jun 08 2018


This is the core area for tourists. Many souvenirs, ice cream and restaurants are very comfortable.

Mon Apr 30 2018



Tue Apr 17 2018