Restaurant l'Epicerie

10.02 reviews#1 restarurant in Amboise
#1 restarurant in Amboise


Business starts at 19 o'clock normally. Under normal circumstances, reservation is required. Otherwise, after business starts, there is basically no possibility to get the location. The landlady can speak some English. When I went to stay, there was no problem in communication. There is no English menu, but if it is an English speaking guest, there is an English speaking girl in the shop, she will explain the menu with you. But if it's not explained and ordered at the same time, if there are other guests calling, the little girl will ask how much time we have to study and then go to greet other guests, and generally when you tell her, she won't come on time. However, after you call her, you will come after serving the guests. The menu, such as the normal three-way French meal, has a set meal, maybe before + main + point, or just before + main or main + sweet. I don't know if it's because it's close to Wu Fulai. His dishes are suitable for white wine. Fish, shrimps and shells are all good. Moreover, shrimps and shells are all processed, so they can be eaten directly. On the other hand, just because it's close to wufulai, if you order wine, you must try local wine and dry sparkling wine. On the whole, due to the relatively small number of waiters in the restaurant, the owner's wife takes care of the guests in the room, the English speaking girl runs with another girl in the whole court, and the overall rhythm of French food, we should be very patient in eating. When someone comes to serve, add the bill or pay the bill quickly, or you will not know how long you have to wait. As for parking, I don't know whether it's normal or other. The place where we park is charged until 7 p.m. and free from 7 p.m. to 9 a.m. the next day. When we arrive later than 6 p.m., we pay 1 euro. The parking ticket printed out can directly park until tomorrow morning. However, I believe that many people in this town pass by without stopping, so I won't say much.


After reading the negative comments on TripAdvisor, we found that most of the restaurants recommended by poor travel brocade bag are reserved by Americans. Maybe Americans are used to fast food and are not used to slow European restaurants. We ordered a set meal because there was no English menu. My main dish is wild boar. It's delicious. When you arrive at this house, you must taste cheese. Although some of them look scary and smell stinky, they taste really good.


L'epicerie has been in business for 20 years. Due to its excellent location, it is located at the foot of the wangjiapu in the city of $Ambois. When the weather is good, you can enjoy the beautiful view of the castle by sitting on the outdoor platform. The house is a 15th century building with a unique style. All the traditional French dishes are offered in the store. The starting price of the set dishes is 20.9 euro. The waiter was very friendly and considerate.

Address: 46 place Michel Debré
