Port des Allemands


8.211 reviews#4 things to do in Metz
#4 things to do in Metz


风水轮流转,到了1944年轮到德军在此面对自诺曼底一路杀来的盟军巴顿将军第3集团军了,虽然德国守军充其量是些二流部队,但依靠梅斯坚固城防居然也和数倍于己的盟军杀了个有来有回——这也是巴顿自登陆法国以来遇到的头号苦战。也正是因为驻防德军死战不降,所以巷战给梅斯城内建筑造成了极大破坏,比如老城东侧的德意志门就一直在进行修复,直到2014年重新开放。 想当年梅斯老城拥有7千米长的城墙与18座城门,但保存至今的唯有德意志门这一座。城门始建于13世纪,之后多次增建改造,塔楼高达28米,城墙最厚的地方超过3米。德意志门横跨塞尔河,在河两岸各有一个城门,分别是哥特式与文艺复兴式风格。老德意志门现在作为免费开放的博物馆,除了介绍城门本身历史外还不定期举办各种现代艺术展。从老德意志门向东可以看到后来陆续增加的棱堡体系,由此向北一直到摩泽尔河则是目前梅斯老城仅存的城墙与20座塔楼,这也是梅斯深受当地人喜爱的散步道——要不是忽然开始下雨,没准俺们还真就沿着城墙一路走过去了。


It's a small gate building... You can climb stairs or take the elevator. The architectural style is primitive, and you don't know it very well. But it's estimated that in some French people's mind, it's probably the footstep of a Japanese blockhouse built in a Chinese Center



Address: Boulevard André Maginot, 57000 Metz
Opening hours: 周二-周日 14:00–19:00



I like the castle very much. It has beautiful autumn scenery. And it's completely free

Fri Nov 02 2018


The place is very small, so it's gone after a walk. Apart from the diachronic feeling, I don't have a deep impression.

Sun Sep 16 2018


We must go through the city gate and go to the back. It's a very quiet forest and stream.

Sat Aug 18 2018



Sun Jun 25 2017


In mace, the German gate is a place of interest. The gate is not big, it's a typical German stone building. Because it's in the center of the city, you can have a look when passing by.

Mon Oct 10 2016


It's very beautiful. It's more beautiful from a distance. It's beautiful to take photos from all angles. It's hard to park around. I didn't go in at last.

Mon Jul 04 2016


The Porte des allemans is the relic of a Holy Roman Empire. It was built in the 13th-16th century and is the only site of the medieval wall of mace. Now the German gate is located on the east side of the historic city of mace, far from the city center and Cathedral, and it takes about 20 minutes to walk. As early as the end of the 19th century, the German gate was the famous landmark of mace, and the color photos at that time also reflected the building. In those days, the German gate stood in the wild. There was a moat beside it. Now, a road has been built.

Tue Jun 28 2016


Historically, the city has been invaded by other countries for many times, and it was incorporated into Germany from 1871 to 1918. The "German gate" across the Seiler river seems to tell the history of the city's attack and defense.

Mon Dec 28 2015