Pont du Gard


9.3359 reviews#1 things to do in Nimes
#1 things to do in Nimes




【穷游的介绍】:尼姆汇集了太多古罗马人令人惊叹 的智慧结晶:建于公元1世纪的高架渠桥加尔桥(le Pont du Gard),堪称一大建筑奇迹;保存完好的古罗马竞技场;古迹庭院泉边公园(le Jardin de la Fontaine),像在暗示尼姆即是一座 以泉为生的暖城;还有丘陵上的古罗马瞭望塔马涅塔(la Tour de Magne),登高远望,可将无限风光尽收眼底。


Gale bridge is located in gale Province in the south of [France] (http://place.qyer.com/france/), which is a three-story stone arch bridge. It was a high-altitude aqueduct built in the ancient Roman Empire. Across the NAR River, the bridge leads the water to NIM, then to public baths, fountains and private houses. It has made important contributions to Roman human civilization and healthy living conditions. The bridge has three floors, about 50 meters high and 275 meters long. The hydraulic engineers and Roman architects who designed the bridge created a masterpiece both technically and artistically. When euro banknotes were designed, bridges were used to connect the whole European Union. The bridges on all banknotes should not be the existing physical bridges. But if you pay close attention to these euro banknotes, you will find that the five euro banknotes are actually the gale bridge in front of you. It is listed in the 2000 year old gale bridge of the world cultural heritage. It is the most intact and spectacular one in the ancient Rome Waterway Bridge Seat.

Address: 400 Route du Pont du Gard 30210 Vers-Pont-du-Gard, France
Opening hours: 9:00-18:00 in January, November and December; 9:00-20:00 in February, March, April and October; 9:00-21:00 in May; 9:00-22:00 in June and September; 9:00-23:00 in July and August.



Day8 6.23 阿维尼翁-加尔桥-阿尔勒

Wed Jan 01 2020



Sun Dec 01 2019



Fri Nov 22 2019


The Romans left a lot of relics all over Europe. The Pantheon, fountain square, Colosseum, public bathroom, diversion canal, almost all the European towns along the Mediterranean have such configurations. The gall bridge is said to be the largest diversion canal that has survived so far, and every tourist standing below will be amazed. Gale bridge, 49 meters high and 269 meters long, is a high-altitude aqueduct built in the ancient Roman Empire. The aqueduct is about 50 kilometers long, most of which are underground. When crossing the river, a bridge is built. The spring water is led to NIM, and then to the public bathhouse, fountain and private residence of NIM city. There are three layers of the bridge body, the upper layer is used for water conveyance, the middle and lower layers are used for reinforcement, and the lower layer is widened by parallel sides, and then the pedestrians on the arch bridge drive the carriage. The whole scenic spot is equipped with small museums, catering points, and toilets. The scenic spot is accessible from both sides of the river, with parking lots and ticket outlets.

Thu Oct 17 2019


Because the scene in Grandpa Hua knows that this beautiful bridge is really beautiful. There is rafting on the back, but the time is too short

Wed Sep 04 2019


古罗马遗址 - 尼姆及加尔桥 NIMES AND PONT DU GARD

Tue Aug 27 2019


众所周知,古罗马人酷爱公共澡堂。当时的罗马城遍布浴场、喷泉和水道。其中,八百五十多个浴池的用水问题由九条大引水道来解决,其中最为著名的就是位于尼姆附近的加尔水桥(Pont du Gard)。加尔桥是古代罗马人的引水渠(当时还没有法国呢),让罗马人洗上了放心澡。而且经年累月,如此高耸单薄的桥梁依然屹立于此,也是叹为观止。

Mon Jul 29 2019



Fri Jun 07 2019