

My friend and I came to Evian by boat from renssen, Switzerland. The town is very artistic. People are not very enthusiastic. The style is not the same as the town near Paris, but also Swiss.


When I was living in Lausanne, I had nothing to do with the weekend. It's not worth a visit. The city is very small and there's nothing to go around. There's nothing useful to buy when you meet the market.

Source Cachat

8.778 reviews


Yiyun town is the only place in the world to provide free Yiyun mineral water. There are four springs in the town for local residents to receive free mineral water. The Evian mineral spring in the gentleman's garden of cachat is the most famous of four free water points in Evian town. "1789 source cachat" is engraved on the sign above the spring hole, which is the most authentic source of Evian water. It is said that the water here is also the best of the four spring holes in the town. The discovery of Evian water also originated from a legend. It is said that in the summer of 1789, during the French Revolution, a French aristocrat named Marquis de lessert fled to Evian town. At that time, he suffered from kidney stones. At that time, mineral water therapy was popular. He decided to try it. One day, when he came to the gentleman's garden in the small town, he took some spring water from the garden and drank it for a while, but he was surprised to find that his kidney stone was miraculously discharged. The anecdote spread quickly, and experts made a special analysis on it, and proved the efficacy of Evian water. Since then, a large number of people have come to Yiyun town to experience the magic of Yiyun water, and doctors have included it in their prescriptions. The business minded Mr. cartchart decided to fence his spring and start selling Evian water. In 1824, the first bathroom to take a bath with this mineral water opened. Two years later, the king of the area authorized him to sell the spring water in water tanks. Since then, Evian's name has gradually spread throughout France and attracted more people to come here for holidays and mineral water therapy. In 1878, the French health department "certified" the curative effect of Evian mineral water. Since then, this kind of "canned water" has become more popular. In 1898, the annual sales volume has reached 2 million liters. Napoleon III and his Empress had a special love for the mineral water in Evian town. In 1864, he was officially named Evian les Bains, which means "Evian bathroom". The word Evian comes from Celtic, meaning "water.". In order to maintain the purity of Evian water and enable future generations to enjoy the gift, the French government legislated that there should be no man-made pollution within hundreds of miles of Evian water source. According to local official materials, the quality of mineral water we drink today is no inferior to that of more than 100 years ago. Yiyun town is also a good place for birds, flowers, fresh air and leisure.

Évian Source Cachât Portal

7.332 reviews


This is Yiyun Museum. At the beginning, we thought it was just an old building, a station or something. Because it was not opened, we could only look in through an open window. The unique geographical structure of Yiyun town makes Yiyun water. When the glacial water from the alpine snow peak flows down the mountain, it first passes through a closed sand filter layer. The water flows through this layer of sand and stone. It takes 15 years, and after 15 years of infiltration, the ordinary ice water becomes the pearl and jade Yiyun mineral water. The water plant receives the precious Evian water, directly fills it into the bottle without any manual treatment, pastes the Evian label, and sells it at a high price all over the world.

Palais Lumière

6.917 reviews


After disembarking from the dock from Lausanne, it was not long before we could see the palace. It's said that if it's not worth buying a ticket, we won't visit. It used to be a spa, but now it's connected to a casino. It's magnificent. The surrounding buildings look good. Facing the lake, the scenery is very good.


8.510 reviews


The God of man said that it was obviously shabby compared with Switzerland on the other side, but obviously it was almost the same. Facing Lake Geneva, there are not many people, and it's very quiet.

Villa Lumière Town Hall

9.02 reviews


The appearance at night is very bright and charming


2.01 reviews


The information is wrong! I am on Friday morning now, no!!!

Funiculaire Evian - Neuvecelle

8.01 reviews



Gare de Évian-les-Bains
Gare de Évian-les-Bains

9.04 reviews



L'Office de Tourisme d'Evian
L'Office de Tourisme d'Evian

0.00 reviews