

Six months of internship


It's reminiscent of the Allied landing here

Les musées du Mont-Saint-Michel

8.710 reviews


Caen took the lead in the famous Normandy campaign of the Second World War. When Caen was liberated in 1944, it was in ruins, with 75% of the buildings destroyed. When the Second World War ended, the city was in ashes. Since June 1944, the two-month offensive and defensive war has destroyed three quarters of the whole city, and even the minaret of the popular Church of St. Michel has been destroyed, leaving behind a miserable face without a roof.

Musee de Normandie

8.615 reviews


The museum is small, located in the castle of dural in the center of Caen. It is about the tradition and history of Normandy. On June 6, 1988, the Normandy Campaign Memorial officially opened. This huge museum is the reflection of World War II and landing. In the museum, the breathtaking and moving historical scenes of 44 years ago are reproduced, and the history of World War II is introduced to the audience with various materials. The designer of the memorial hall named it "Peace Memorial Hall" with great ingenuity.

Normandy American Cemetery & Memorial

9.624 reviews


Isn't this in Normandy? Is there one in Paris, too? I see. I've only been to the one in Bayor, Normandy, the one at Omaha Beach.

Château de Caen
卡昂城堡,Château de Caen

8.622 reviews


What kind of Castle is it???????????? Wrong cover photo???!!!!!!!!!! Dural castle is Caen castle. The castle stands in the center of Caen and occupies the most prominent position. The castle is very large. In the 11th century, William, the king of England, was expelled because of his consanguinity and marriage. He and his wife, Princess Matilda, came to Caen and built their castle. Therefore, a marriage and love story that is not blessed is written in this castle. During the hundred years' War and the Second World War, the castle of Caen suffered devastating damage. Partial restoration after World War II.

Juno Beach

8.817 reviews


Juno Beach is occupied by the 3rd Infantry Division of Canada's 1st army. Juno Beach German army is a regiment, which is mainly composed of Russians and Persians. Its morale is quite low and its combat effectiveness is poor. However, the Canadian war was not smooth. Bad weather and wrong navigation forced the landing to be delayed for 20 minutes, that is to say, landing at high tide. The strange thing is that the Canadian Army did not lose much when landing, but many of the landing boats were bombed and sank due to thunder when unloading the crew and returning, and the loss rate of one battalion was even as high as 80%. Because of the high tide, many soldiers drowned because of their heavy equipment. After landing, it was suppressed by German fire. Fortunately, the naval fire support was in place in a timely manner, which did not lead to the tragedy of Omaha Beach. The biggest loss at Juno Beach was not the Canadian troops, but the British troops who were in charge of connecting with Sword Beach. Many soldiers had to jump into the sea to escape after the landing craft was damaged, so many drowned. Allied forces lost more than 2000 people at Juno Beach, slightly less than Omaha Beach. The total number of officers and soldiers involved in the landing of Juno Beach was 21400, while the number of casualties was 1200.

Abbaye-aux-Hommes de Caen

8.79 reviews


The Abbey of Saint-Étienne, also known as Abbaye aux Hommes ("Men's Abbey"), is a former Benedictine monastery in the French city of Caen, Normandy, dedicated to Saint Stephen. It was founded in 1063 by William the Conqueror and is one of the most important Romanesque buildings in Normandy.

Utah Beach

8.618 reviews


Utah Beach, on the west side of the bay of Carentan, is a three mile wide beach covered with low sand dunes. Although the actual landing place of the Allied forces was one mile east of the scheduled place, it was fortunately that the German forces did not deploy much at the landing point. After the attack, within three hours, the Allied forces crossed the beach and took control of the coastal roads. Before noon, the landing forces met with the airborne troops who had landed behind the enemy five hours ago. At midnight, the Allied forces not only successfully achieved the target of the landing, but also advanced four miles inland. Among all landing operations, Utah beach landing is the one with the least casualties, with only 197 casualties out of 23000 officers and soldiers.

Musée du Débarquement Utah Beach
Musée du Débarquement Utah Beach

8.05 reviews


Utah Beach museum is located near Utah Beach....................

Eglise St Etienne

7.59 reviews


I always like places like ruins. No matter because of the devastation of years or the destruction of war, ruins always give people a very special feeling.