

Bruva has left a good influence on me. I like bruva personally. It has the taste of ancient European towns. It is quiet and simple, without the noise and impetuosity of big cities. The pace of life is not fast. There are three or two customers sitting in the coffee shop on the street drinking coffee leisurely. There are few pedestrians on the road, but they are all dressed well. The old lady is very beautiful. The driver drove politely to the pedestrians.


Xiangbo castle is suitable for viewing from a distance. It's cold and moldy when you walk in a circle in rainy days. Even if you burn a stove, you can't feel much better. The double spiral stairs are a little gimmicky, and the collection is poor

Château Royal de Blois

8.179 reviews


Bluwa castle is the first castle of the French king. Half a century later, after numerous renovations, the castle is like an architectural museum. Among all the buildings, flame Gothic architecture is the most famous. In addition, from the end of April to 10 p.m. in September every year, there will be a half-hour "dream sound and shadow" activity. The castle is used as a huge screen to show images. Music and images are loaded on the castle which precipitates the time, and the charm is extraordinary.

Le Vieux Blois

8.437 reviews


Few tourists choose to live here, and many teams seldom come to Bulova castle. Generally speaking, the town is very quiet. It's a typical town in Val valley area, but it's quiet in bitur, which is suitable for TX like quiet environment. There are many places to eat in the old urban area. You can directly ask the staff of the hotel. They will recommend places to eat, and there are more than one. On the way to eat, you can stroll around the town slowly. If you have time in the morning, it is recommended to walk along the river bank of the town. It feels very good.

Cathédrale Saint Louis

7.812 reviews


A church with a long history. It was upgraded to a bishop's Church in 1697. Its remarkable feature is a high bell tower that goes straight into the sky. The bell tower can be heard at every hour. The interior of the church is simple and bright, with high vaults; the halls are also vaulted one by one; the color glass is also good. But it's not easy to climb all the way. It's nice to see the scenery on it!

La Maison de la Magie

7.311 reviews


I'm enjoying the fine sculptures of the royal castle. There's a lot of noise coming from the opposite side. It's the Magic Museum's performance that starts. Only five of the windows were opened, and the heads of five giant dragons popped up inside. White smoke was emitted from their mouths, teeth and claws were opened, and shrill and strange noises were made. A big snake on the top floor is about to rush out. I'm afraid of snakes. I'm really scared of goose bumps. The performance time was not short. I came from the Royal Castle and stopped to watch for a long time. The dragon and the Dragon worked hard to perform, and their claws were very slow. It's good to look outside!

La Gare de Blois

7.122 reviews


In this railway station, I met the information center, the most annoying person in France. As a window of a city, two French women were very proud. I asked her politely in English if there was any luggage nearby, because I wanted to go to shampoo castle. It was very nervous to catch the train back. It was not convenient to go back to the hotel to pick up the luggage. The two women pretended to be stupid when they understood me. On the contrary, the women in the small shop next to me were very enthusiastic. They told me that there was a bicycle rental office nearby where I could deposit my luggage. They also led me out to show me. But I met the best and most enthusiastic staff in the tourism consulting center of the Imperial Palace, and I was very patient to help me solve the transportation problem to shampoo castle. So for this city, because of two different working attitudes, I had to take the highest score and go to the lowest. In the future, the poor who have the same problem must remember that the bus to go to shampoo castle is at the parking lot on the left side of the railway station. The staff of the railway station will not tell you. Their big I is a decoration.

Mairie de Blois

8.36 reviews


The platform next to the town hall is a good place to see the Loire River and take good photos.

Jardins de l'Évêché Blois

9.04 reviews



Son et Lumière

8.9297 reviews


Why give this light show full marks? It's because there's really no nightlife in blova. I arrived in the evening. After checking in the hotel, I could hardly find any restaurants in the street. I hate it a little. Why not a big city? It's too easy. It's not easy to find a Thai fast food restaurant to fill your stomach. Go to the castle. Fortunately, during the European Cup, there were still some people in the bar. When it's dark, the light show begins, with Chinese commentary. You can save 2 euros by wearing your own headphones. It tells the building process of the castle and the story of the court struggle. It's a pity that towards the end of the day, it began to rain heavily and it was still a very pleasant night

Zoo Parc de Beauval
Zoo Parc de Beauval

9.26 reviews


France's largest zoo, with two Chinese giant pandas, is the treasure of the park. In addition, the performance of flying birds is worth seeing. It's suitable for children.