

The sunrise is very good. There are not so many people in nice and Cannes. I prefer the quiet here


A small town by the sea

Antibes Centre Ville

9.027 reviews


Antibe, about 30 kilometers from nice. The old town is not very sincere. It will be finished in a short time. However, the old cities and towns in Europe are well protected. Walking on those old streets, looking at the surrounding shops, or sitting in a coffee shop and tasting a cup of coffee, there are indeed different artistic conceptions. There are not many tourists in the town, so there won't be the noise of the metropolis.

Musée Picasso d'Antibes

8.114 reviews


This is the most attractive place for tourists in antibe, especially those who like Picasso's paintings. At noon, there are many tourists waiting in line at the gate. A ticket of 6 euros is not expensive. It's nice to go in and have a look. There are also several small galleries outside the art gallery. You can go to see the contemporary French paintings that love art very much.

Le Fort Carre

8.626 reviews


On the way to this place, this painting can be used as the background of the current landscape square fort. At that time, when it was almost sunset, the pink sky was very beautiful.

Cap d’Antibes

8.715 reviews


There is another pearl on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea. There is also a place called point bacon not far away. It is closer to the Mediterranean Sea. Standing there, there is a boundless horizon and a refreshing feeling of being blown by the sea breeze. Unlike other places where there are yacht Docks (although there is nothing bad), it can better feel the natural landscape of hillside, beach and sea.

Nomade de Jaume Plensa

10.02 reviews




9.05 reviews


It's a good place for parents and children to visit. You can buy joint tickets with the water park nearby, and two can play all day. Ocean Park in the morning and water park in the afternoon. Ocean Park is very big and has many projects. It's a unique show in the park, especially the killer whale show. Secondly, the underwater tunnel looks at sharks, penguins and turtles. There are also dolphins and sea lions.

L'Office de Tourisme d'Antibes

8.54 reviews


It's not far from Picasso's former residence. Ladies and sisters are very good. They will provide free maps and tell you where to take photos

Musée Peynet

10.02 reviews


往城区里面走,穿过一个热闹的集市广场,四周有咖啡馆、各种店铺等,佩内博物馆(Musée Peynet)就坐落在正对着广场的石板路一侧

Marché provençal
Marché provençal市场

8.01 reviews


The market is of steel frame structure, and there are characteristic woodcut board paintings all around. This is the most popular market in the locality, selling local characteristics such as vegetables, fruits, flowers, honey, perfume, handicrafts and so on. A stone oil painting beside the market shows tourists the prosperity of the medieval market.