习惯了右舵驾驶之后,我们的注意力便转移到了澳洲内陆旷野的景致上。虽说这里地广人稀,但绝不荒凉,道路网建设完善,两旁不乏房屋建筑。但在大片大片的草场树林间,时常可见一座座土丘,这就是澳洲北部一景——白蚁丘(Termite Mount)了。在达尔文市区以南120km的李治菲特国家公园(Litchfield National Park)里,更能看到高达2m的磁性白蚁丘和4m的教堂式白蚁丘,可惜我们此次时间有限,只得饮恨,过李治菲特国家公园而不入。
北领地博物馆和艺术馆(The Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory)坐落在达尔文海湾的一个岬角,是一座热带花园城市中的沉稳内敛的建筑作品。馆内介绍了原住民文化与艺术史、东南亚海洋文化与艺术史、海洋考古学、北领地历史等多种文化、历史与研究成果。
I paid just the 32 AUS dollars entry fee and had a great time. The crocs are amazing to look at and make sure you watch them at feeding time (big crocs and baby ones). Lots of other interesting creatures to look at...fish, snakes, turtles and other lizards.
The talks are informative, especially snake feeding time and a chance to hold a non-venomous snake. The staff there were friendly and informative.
Food at the café/restaurant was fine.
Great 3-4 hours there !
Fannie Bay Gaol is a historic gaol in Darwin, Australia. The gaol operated as Her Majesty's Gaol and Labour Prison, from 20 September 1883 until 1 September 1979.