目的地 >澳大利亚>达尔文>



1192人去过这里, 2359条目的地点评


  • 用户热推

    北领地博物馆和艺术馆    Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory

    8.2 13人点评 景点观光综合排名 第4位

    北领地博物馆和艺术馆(The Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory)坐落在达尔文海湾的一个岬角,是一座热带花园城市中的沉稳内敛的建筑作品。馆内介绍了原住民文化与艺术史、东南亚海洋文化与艺术史、海洋考古学、北领地历史等多种文化、历史与研究成果。

  • 阿德莱德河上坐船钓鳄鱼    Jumping crocodile cruise

    10.0 3人点评 休闲娱乐综合排名 第1位

    从达尔文一路开过来,还很远就看到两家游船公司的广告,一家在路北早些下主路,另一家就是楼上的这个,在路南,不知哪家好,我去的是路南的这家。去年5月份去的时候游人不多,一家人包船的感觉 除了喂鳄鱼,还可以看河上的鹰从导游手里抢肉吃

  • 用户热推

    造浪泳池    Wave Lagoon

    8.7 12人点评 运动户外综合排名 第1位


  • Aquascene喂鱼场    Aquascene

    8.7 3人点评 休闲娱乐综合排名 第3位


  • Java Spice Cafe Emporium   

    10.0 1人点评 美食综合排名 第4位

    I used to love this place, but it's fallen off the rails just recently. All the asian waitresses have had a mass exodus and the service is simply not the same. It's a piece of Singapore in the heart of darwin.

  • 达尔文杯狂欢节    Darwin Cup Carnival

    10.0 1人点评 休闲娱乐综合排名 第4位

    Darwin Turf Club is famous for the running of the annual Darwin Cup, which is held at the track on the first Monday in August.

  • 国家土著文化与托雷斯海峡岛民艺术奖   

    10.0 1人点评 活动综合排名 第1位

    Torres Strait Islanders are the indigenous people of the Torres Strait Islands, part of Queensland, Australia. They are culturally and genetically Melanesian people, as are the people of Papua New Guinea.[clarification needed] They are distinct from the Aboriginal people of the rest of Australia, and are generally referred to separately. There are also two Torres Strait Islander communities on the nearby coast of the mainland at Bamaga and Seisia.

  • 达尔文租车行    Darwin Scooter Hire

    8.0 1人点评 运动户外综合排名 第2位

    These guys rock. Always friendly and obliging.

  • Beer Can Regatta   

    8.0 1人点评 休闲娱乐综合排名 第5位

    The Darwin Beer Can Regatta is an event which has been held annually since 1974 in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia at Mindil Beach. Participants create boats using empty beer cans, soft drink (soda) cans, soft drink bottle and milk cartons. The vessels are not tested for seaworthiness, prior to water events, and those that fall apart are part of the day's entertainment. A great many sundry events go along with the regatta, including concerts, a thong-throwing contest and the "Henley-on-Mindil" competition (named after the Henley-on-Todd Regatta), where participants run their "boats" around like Flintstones cars.

  • 达尔文节    Darwin Festival

    8.0 2人点评 活动综合排名 第2位

    每年北领地都会有丰富的节庆活动,在2018年8月9–26日,达尔文市将举办盛大的达尔文节(Darwin Festival),为期18天的这个节日创始于1978年,节日期间将呈现各种音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、喜剧、歌舞表演、电影和视觉艺术表演。

  • 达尔文草地音乐节    Bassinthegrass Music Festival

    8.0 1人点评 休闲娱乐综合排名 第6位

    BASSINTHEGRASS Music Festival is an annual all age’s event featuring some of Australia's best talent conducted in a safe and friendly environment at the picturesque Darwin Amphitheatre.

  • 达尔文码头钓鱼   

    8.0 1人点评 运动户外综合排名 第3位

    Family and I went for a cruise up to Darwin and decided on Darwin Reef N Wrecks as our boat charter company. The kids had a ball and we even managed to catch a few beautiful barramundi. The skipper and support crew were friendly and informative, so overall definitely recommended!

  • 用户热推

    夜间露天沙滩影院    Deckchair cinema Darwin

    7.0 2人点评 休闲娱乐综合排名 第7位

    So much fun! Had the best time! Amazing! Lovely this cinema!



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