简单说一下我的情况,我的法国申根签证是4个月的多次往返,30天的停留期。因为之前不确定停留期的问题(到底是一共30天还是没次出入申根区都有30天),所以给法国大使馆发了邮件,得到了官方的详细回复,跟大家分享。The Schengen Visa is valid for: 申根签证适用的国家如下Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.The Schengen visa issued by the Embassy or Consulate of one of the above countries allows the holder to travel freely in all these countries within the validity of the visa: your main destination (country in which you intend to spend most time) should however be the country that issued the visa. 申根签证可以自由在申根区使用,你打算停留最长时间的国家是你应该去申请签证的国家。‘Valid from’ gives you the date you are first allowed to enter the Schengen area ‘until’ being the date you must exit the Schengen area.‘Duration of stay’ gives you the maximum amount of days you may spend in the Schengen area within the period stated in the ‘valid from - until’valid from:可以进入申根区的开始时间until: 必须离开申根区的时间duration of stay: 可以在申根区停留的总时间(不管去几次)!! (在申根签证起始时间范围内)例子如下:If you were granted a Schengen visa valid from 02 - 03 - 10 until 06 - 03 - 10, 5 days, you may spend a maximum of 5 days in the Schengen area between the 2nd and the 6th of March 2010.如果你的申根签证有效期是2010年3月2号到3月6号,一共5天。 可以在申根区共停留5天,包括了2号和6号。If you were granted a Schengen visa valid from 02 - 03 - 10 until 01 - 03 - 11, 90 days, you may spend a maximum of 90 days, continuous stay or several visits, in the Schengen area per six-month period starting from the date of first entry.如果你得到了一年多次往返的申根签证(2010年3月2号到2011年3月1号),90天的停留。 自你进入申根区的第一天起,往后的每6个月,你可以在申根区停留最多90天(一次性呆90天,或者分几次去也是90天)。关于这个一年多次的例子,所说的“每6个月”,其实我有些困惑,如果有经验的可以帮忙解释,这样大家就都清楚了,谢谢。