塞奇宫殿是一座哥特式复兴建筑,位于King Ferdinand Street大街,建在Someşul Mic River河岸边,由匈牙利建筑师Samu Pecz于1893年为大学教师和药剂师Miklós Széki建造的。它被罗马尼亚文化部列为历史古迹。站在街角广场上可以看到塞奇宫殿(Széki Palace, Cluj-Napoca),及其与之垂直的King Ferdinand Street大街,Someşul Mic River河就在附近,在其北边那排建筑的后面。
The Széki Palace in Cluj-Napoca is a Gothic Revival building on the shore of Someşul Mic River. It was built in 1893 for the university teacher and pharmacist Miklós Széki by the Hungarian architect Samu Pecz. It is classified as a historic monument by the Romanian Ministry of Culture.